6- Pole-Toppling

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"It looks like E-class is going on the defense! I'm not sure what they're doing, but if they have any hope of winning, its gone right now!"

The announcer called that out while E-class was surrounding the pole that their class leader was on.

"Oh? It looks like A-class' Main Six member is joining in on the fun."

He noticed that I was on the playing field while the boys looked at me. "Are you sure you want to do this? You may get hurt." I nodded to Ren, "I already decided. I'm not going back." I said with a straight face while Asano and Isogai got onto the poles.

Karma's POV

"Um, Karma... why is your sister participating in this?" I shrugged in confusion and glared at Asano across the field. He seemed to be glaring back at me while the rest of the class was nervous. "Just don't cause a massacre, okay?" Isogai got onto the pole and the game started.

Reader POV

"Offensive line, Plan F." Asano called while Seo and three foreign exchange students began to run towards E-class. It was obvious they had something up their sleeve, but two kids who were clearly weak ran to the foreign student and after about five seconds. Got knocked out.

"Asano, they have something up their sleeve there. Knowing, Isogai, correct? Knowing hhim he wouldn't allow two if his teammates to get knocked to the bleachers." I warned him and he simply nodded while sending another group to beat E-class. "Guerilla team, Plan K! Both flanks move in!" Asano called after Seo and those other three were pinned down.

Koyama and Ren ran to the E-class group but left a gap. Of course, I knew what Asano's plan is and kept silent until E-class became surrounded and they ran for the bleachers. "Dammit, quit screwing around you guys!" Ren yelled but I could hardly make out the words, especially with E-class causing a ruckus.

"(Y/N), I need you to either take down Isogai or Karma. Tell Sakakibara and Koyama that they need to pay attention to Kimura (or Himura, I couldn't hear it well and I'm too lazy to search it up). I nodded and ran to the bleachers. "Pay attention and try to pin down Isogai and Kimura, I got Karma." The two boys nodded and told the foreign exchange students what to do while I targeted Karma. After getting him on the ground with my hand around his neck, I spoke, "Dear brother, do you know why I'm doing this? Despite how much I care for you?"

He held onto my arms and tried to get my grip away from his neck but my anger was making me stronger (Anime cliche, because I can). "Its because of all those times you sat and watched me be in pain. For not doing your best to stop father, he even listens to anything you say, but you couldn't stop him." Blind anger was getting a hold of me but before Karma could use a last resort to make sure I don't make him pass out, I was tackled.

"You aren't going to hurt him!" I stared up in shock as a boy who looked like Isogai but with shirter hair spoke. "He isn't passing out on my watch!" I heard Nagisa and began to laugh, "How sweet. How sweet of you to take care of Karma like that." I winced in pain as I felt someone accidentally step on my arm while Karma was running his neck to make sure he's okay.

"You didn't know the pain I lived with. Some if it is his fault too, so you have no right to speak." I heard Isogai, "Guys, it's about that time! Go Sonic!" The two boys got off of me and I felt someone step on my arm and hand. Probably broken or sprained, oh well.

I looked at Asano as E-class was trying to drag him down. "(Y/N)!, go take down E-class' pole, Guerilla team, help her!" It became obvious that Asano wasn't heard from there, so I'd simply have to take matters into my own hands. Quickly, I ran to their pole and kicked away the kid who was insulting Asano.

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