32- Potion Failures

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Decided to add a song! You don't need to listen to it if you don't want to!

I arrived at Gakushuu's house and the family looked at me when I walked in. "I'm sorry for being late. My brother was being a child." I said and the two adults nodded as Gakushuu went into his room. "Is something wrong?" I asked and he yelled that there isn't. "Since you texted him he's just been off. He hasn't been in anyone else's room and just been worrying about you." Mrs Asano said and Alisa spoke, "Can you check on Gaku? Please?" She begged and I smiled and nodded while heading to Gakushuu's room.

I knocked on the door and he opened it before having me walk in. He closed the door and I sat down on his bed. How the hell is this so comfortable? Why does he sleep in my bed sometimes to cuddle with this bed? I asked myself quickly then turned my focus to Gakushuu, who's just been sitting on his desk chair. "Gakushuu... what's wrong?" I asked and he got up and headed my way. "Why was your phone silenced if you were just visiting Karma?" He asked and stood right in front of me. His violet eyes bored into my own and I realized he was holding back tears. Who is seen as an emotionless broad is holding back tears, for a small detail I forgot to lie about. "Terasaka took my phone and silenced it then ran off with it. I'm sorry for making you worried." I said and got up, hugging him. He stiffened and spoke, stuttering, "Wh-who said I w-was w-worried? Th-there's n-nothing you can say to prove I-I was w-worried." He said and I smiled while kissing him. He kissed back and snaked his hands to my back a bit until we needed air. He backed up from me and looked away.

"G-go shower and sleep. You need it." Bitch called me smelly? I thought and hit his head lightly. "Hey! I want all my brain cells, thank you!" He said and I just walked away. "At least it was a light hit. Next time, phrase the first part better." I said and walked to the room I'm in. I yawned and headed to the bathroom there and began to strip off my clothes and step in the shower. I sighed while feeling the water run down my back. At least he's honest... but like I said, he could've phrased it better... I thought and finished soon, turning off the water, getting dressed and headed to bed.

Next day, in science class

"Alright, now, if you pour in a fourth of chemical C, a drop of Chemical G, and the vial of Chemical A, you should get the resulted-" The teacher was cut off by a blast and no student had on a mask, only goggles because an explosion wasn't meant to happen. We all coughed and I saw Gakushuu next to me, holding his hand over his mouth. I was coughing a lot and wondered what student had messed up to do this and how they messed up. Surprisingly, this is the only class I have with all five of the boys. For some reason, all six of us were in the back of the class instead of in the front and the smoke soon cleared.

"My back feels uncomfortable..." I complained and saw Gakushuu. "U-Um... y-you're..." I stuttered and the five looked at each other, confused and shocked. "I'm what?" The new 'she' asked and I just pulled out my phone, taking a photo. "H-Hey!" She said and I showed her the picture. She just stared at it in shock as I took a picture of the other 'girls'. After, I showed them what they looked like then deleted the photos from my phone, not wanting Karma to see them somehow.

"Wh-Whats wrong with me? I'm not a guy, right?" I asked and they shook their heads as they regained their composure. "Look at the other actual girls in this room." Seo said and looked at 'her' new, long hair. Natsuhiko's hair was basically going to touch the floor. Ren's was actually at 'her' shoulder. Araki's hair was past 'her' rib cage. Gakushuu's hair was a little past 'her' shoulders and mine was, of course, the same length it was. "..Animals..? What am I?" I asked, seeing as all the girls were different animals. "W-Well... you can certainly fly around now... just need to practice." Ren said and I figured out how to make whatever was on my back work.

There was hawk wings... "I-I... I have no words..." I stuttered and the teacher yelled. "What student did that? And what did you do?" He yelled and two girls raised their hands. "I-I don't know which one I did but I'm very sorry." An average height, purple haired girl said. The other, taller girl with black hair nodded as her tiger ears twitched. The teacher sighed and spoke, "Main Six, would it be too much to ask of you to go ask the principal to see if the class can get excused? I need to scold these two." He said and we nodded, hesitantly.

We walked out of the classroom and into the hall. "You going to practice flying..?" Araki asked and I looked at her, questioningly. "Why? It should wear off, right?" "But the time that you currently have would be an easy way to get up the mountain without possibly collapsing." Gakushuu said and I sighed. "Probably. Might as well scare E-class later with this..." I said and they nodded. "We all know they're going to tease us so we aren't going." "Understandable." I said and slightly flapped the wings. "I can already tell how annoying it's going to be to attempt to fly..." I said and they nodded. "Why didn't the girls get gender-bent or the guys have animal parts?" Gakushuu asked and I shrugged. "It's... certainly odd..." We all said and got a couple odd stares from the other classes but the teacher closed the door each time and resumed his or her lesson.

By the time we finally made it to the principal's office, I figured out how to control my wings and the other five were getting more and more used to being a girl. "Don't get too used to it. Don't want to be uncomfortable as a boy again." I said and they nodded. Gakushuu knocked on the door of the office and his father, obviously very confused, said for us to come in. He was...more than shocked when he saw us then I saw a smile cracked on his face. "Sir, please don't make us feel even more uncomfortable." Araki said and we each nodded as I moved the wings. "My apologies. You all seem very used to being what you are now. Anyways, what happened?" He asked and Seo explained it. "I see... and you came to ask for the entirety of 3-A to have the rest of the day off?" He asked and we nodded. "We don't need to be stared at like we're crazy all day. Besides, being like this is uncomfortable." Gakushuu said and I spoke next, "Every girl in the class is more than uncomfortable enough to be there." I said and he nodded while thinking. "You are aware that if I do allow the day off, the next day will be twice as hard. I am not concerned for you to six but it's the rest of the class." "Should I go tell them?" I asked and he nodded. "Please be back as quick as you can." He said and I nodded while heading to the class.

"Well?" The teacher asked. "If the principal does allow it, he's having tomorrow be twice as hard for the other classes, is that okay?" I asked and the teacher looked at every student. Everyone nodded, especially the actually girls. I nodded and was about to walk away but heard a question. "Akabane, how did you Six all walk out normally?" A boy asked. "I can't explain the other five but I just ignored everything else. I need to go tell the principal now." I said and walked out, closing the door with my wings somehow. I quickly ran back to the principals office and they looked at me. "Sorry for not knocking, the class is okay with it." I said and Gakuho nodded. He went to the speaker button and asked us to stay silent.

"Attention students. Class 3-A will be dismissed from school for today. Mr Hinshima, if you would. Please send the students who caused the accident up to my office." He said and took his hand off the button, stopping the announcement. A knock was soon heard on the door and we walked out when the principal said to walk in. The purple haired girl had crow wings but she couldn't control them just yet. The tiger-eared girl closed the door and we saw the rest of the class heading out in a line. We walked in after a minute and packed out stuff up. By the time we walked out, it was lunch time and the other classes were heading to the cafeteria.

"Is that the Main Six?"

"I think so.."

"Is that why they're being excused for the day?"

"Most likely."

We heard the students say but just walked out of the school. "I'm going to practice flying when we get to your house." I said to Gakushuu and she nodded. "We're having the limo sent to E-class so when you're done catching up or surprising the, you don't get weird looks. We will just be seen as tomboy-like girls so it shouldn't be odd." Seo said and I nodded while going to the mountain.

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