9- Past

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Xier growled and kissed me. I jumped at this sudden change from him but Asano pulled me off him and Karma punched him. "Didn't I warn you not to touch her? I don't care what damned reason you have for doing that, I warned you not to do that." I stared down as Xier was being beaten, when his face was blue, I stopped him, "Karma, that's enough. No matter what you do, he isn't going to stop trying to hit on me." Karma sighed and got off him, still glaring at him. He got up and began to glare at Karma before he gave him one of his famous demonic smirks. "Wow Bloodleaf, you aren't even blushing at it. I thought I was attractive to you." I scoffed, "In your dreams and in acting. I seriously can't believe Quto had you as Saijou." I said freely in front of Asano and I heard someone scoff. "Wait, let me get this right, Isogai nearly gets penalized for holding a job and hiding it but when female Akabane here admits to having a job about five times in front of you doesn't even make you flinch? Favoritism much?" It was the kid Karma punched yesterday. "Huh? Hey (Y/n), was something talking? I think an idiot was talking." I shrugged, "Don't know, it sounded like a bug or mouse was talking if you ask me." I heard a growl and turned, a sadistic smiled on my face, "Is something wrong? Last time I checked, I could easily block your blows and Asano can knock you out." Xier twitched behind us and I turned when Karma said something. "Get out, no one wants you here." He coughed and stood up, "Yeah right! Your damned sister does I'm sure! She simply doesn't want to admit it. Like the Tsundere she is." "Your referring to that scene aren't you? Well then, let's recreated it but I kill you in it. Let's see, in acting, you were... five punches away from death. If Asano was in your place though, I'd definitely be crying real tears there." Every student was confused and I smiled, "Oh never mind. Anyways Asano, you should get going, can you get Xier out of here too?" He nodded and got Xier up, "I'll say he touched you without permission and your bother was protecting you against him so there's no need to expel him." I nodded to him and Asano left with Xier. After he left, Koro-Sensei came back.

"So I really can't tell Asano about you? Fine then, but know that once your dead, I am telling Asano and the other four about you." "Just sit down so we can start our lesson!" I sat in the back at my seat and Koro-Sensei began to teach the lesson. "Why do you hang out with Asano? He's only nice to you but to E-class, he or the other four don't have mercy to us. Why?" I shrugged, "Those five are really nice when you meet them but trust me, they won't listen to any of you right now. Now that I remember, on my first day here, I helped Asano with some annoying girl who kept bothering Asano and I guess the others kept being bothered by her."

"Hey! No talking you two! It's hard for the other to focus when you're talking!" "Your the one who's screaming there Calamari." "Calamari?!" Tears seemed to come out of his eyes and I smirked, "Hey, is he always this weak? I mean, he can blow up the world in half a second like the moon, but he cries when I call him what he is?" "I'll have you know I wasn't always like this! I used to be handsome!" I stared at him blankly, "Tell us then, history lesson about your life before you turned into Calamari." "Last class then!" I smirked, "Good, now don't forget it." I shut up after that and let the class hear the lesson Koro-Sensei was teaching.

Every lesson I kept quiet and even took notes, which is a light phrase for drawing in my notebook since I already leaned this twice in A-class. "Hey teach! Your behind A-class, why don't you catch up? I want to learn something new." He broke the chalk and I smirked, "What, something wrong? Or are you disappointed at the truth? Oh wait, am I destroying your teacher reputation slowly? Good, that's nice for an Akabane to hear." He didn't say or do anything for a second but then picked up a new chalk and spoke, "Miss Akabane, if you would, please refrain from speaking, I am going at the pace these kids need." I looked confused, "Who here needs it? Oh wait, that's right, male blonde haired bimbo, what's his name Karma? He's next to you. "Moron who falls for anything as long as he gets money in the end?" "Thanks, so he needs it?" Koro-Sensei nodded and pointed to his friends, "They need it so I will wait and teach them for as long as they need." I sighed and twirled my pencil around. I coated it with the specific knife and when I twirl it, I'm meaning to accidentally throw it in front of teach and ask him to pick it up for me. When I do 'accidentally' throw my pencil, it hurts Koro-Sensei in his head and melts some of it. "Well then, that's a sight I see every day. I saw Nagisa get up and pick up the pencil then throw it to me. "Thanks, really didn't feel like getting up there." In class, after teach healed himself, I was taking notes about him such as regeneration and what affect it has on him in the very back of my notebook and planned to keep it somewhere secret to which Asano couldn't find.

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