11- Gakushuu's Deal

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The end of the day came and I walked out after giving Karma the notes. "Lets go. We can speak inside the student council room." I nodded and followed the boys to the student council room. "Are we waiting for someone?" Gakushuu nodded and we heard a knock on the door. Koyama opened the door and two businessmen walked in after greeting and being allowed. "Please, take a seat." The five of us were standing behind Gakushuu silent as he was making a deal with them.

"Such a skilled businessman! Well then Mr Asano, it appears we have a deal." One if the two men said as the two shook hands. What kind of high schooler get businessmen to agree with him? I could tell on the other fours faces that they were thinking the same thing. The men left Asano with ayou few papers as we sat down. "Well then, my plan to destroy E-class now is simple." Asano began as the rest of us were silent. "I see them. I have no desire to tell E-class of your plan Gakushuu, but I will tell you their plan if I know it." He nodded, "Don't forget, we still have finals." We five got up after Asano dismissed us and allowed the other four to call him by his first name. "Were going to study. See you later Gakushuu." He nodded as we talked about the deal a bit.

"No, I can't play an instrument." (I am sorry for anyone who is talented and cam play instruments but I'm having the reader able to sing well but shy about it bc why not?) "Sorry. I am good with setting up lights, props and singing... I think." I said as the boys asked what I could do. "We can all play an instrument but its mainly guitar." Ren said and I nodded, "Why don't I set up a light show and you guys play your instruments?" "Like the idea but we will need to talk to Asano... um... Gakushuu about it." Araki said and I nodded.

We got to the library to see some E-class kids sitting there. "Hey, (Y/N)! Come join us." Isogai said and I shook my head, pointing to the boys. He nodded and looked back down while I stared at the books. Seo walked up to them and told them to get lost. "We reserved these seats in advance. We have full right to them!" Isogai said as a purple haired girl walked up to Natsuhiko. "Everyone has rights to good grades if they try enough!" She said as Natsuhiko stared at her. "Hey, would you look at this, it seems these aren't your average idiots." He said, hitting the girl on the head a couple times.

"Where's Ren?" I asked after realizing he wasn't next to us. Araki pointed to Ren holding another girl's hair and flirting with her. "Look at this. She is a pearl among these swines. Just like you said Seo." He said and flirt with her. "Ren, that's enough. She's still E-class." I said but he continued. Seo suddenly was talking to Isogai and I felt a change in the atmosphere. Rio, the purple haired girl, the girl Ren's flirting with and Nagisa seemed ready to do something that I realized soon. I pulled Seo away and reversed the tables on Nagisa.

"They aren't supposed to know your bloodlust dimwits." I hissed while holding the pen Nagisa had to his neck. I placed it down a few seconds later and went to the shelves, picked out a book and read. "This will get annoying." I said and felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw the girl Ren was flirting with, "Hello, I just realized I never introduced myself. My name is Yukiko Kanzaki. Nice to meet you." I nodded, "You to. Sorry Ren was like that. It's normal for him as far as I'm concerned." I said as I continued reading. The boys ran out and probably to Gakushuu as I read. "The other four left. Bit funny right?" Rio said walking up to me. I shrugged and Nagisa walked up to me. "Sorry. But he said that they'd put their lives on the line. We just couldn't dent that opportunity." I sighed to him and placed my book down, "Because of your silly move, Asano is going to think even more that something is happening in E-class." He looked down and Sugino walked up to me. "No problem. Everyone expects us to be violent in the school so he won't think anything of it."

I was tired if this and got up, "Let's see, everyone's grades magically get better now in E-class. You're all more violent then normal. You all take challenges from A-class now and win. You all also-" I was cut off from giving them reasons why Asano would suspect something was up with E-class with a call from Gakushuu. I picked it up and heard him tell me to come to the student council room. I put the book away and left.

Once I arrived at the room, Gakushuu was sitting there with the other four there. "E-class didn't do anything to you while you were there? Right?" I shook my head, "I was just reading and they minded their own business." He nodded, "I was informed that a bet has been made?" I looked to Seo, "That's what you were saying?" He nodded as Ren was talking about how Kanzaki threatened him. "Yes, it appears they did. All I know is that a change in the atmosphere happened and I turned the tables on the girl... um... boy. Still confused by that." I said as he pulled out a computer and began typing. It seemed to be at an inhuman pace while I sweat. What the hell can he do exactly? He turned the computer towards us and we read it. "50 requests in one message?" I asked, "What bet did you make?" I asks and he tells me what the bet was. I nodded and Asano added one more. We all read it and I spoke, "Gakushuu, I don't think that the Principal will listen to that." He shrugged and got rid of it. "Karma would've held you back anyways. I just realized the time. You should get going (y/n)." I nodded and headed our for my job.

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