12- Finishing the Movie

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I walked into the studio and saw Quto. "Is something wrong Quto?" I asked as he shook his head. "I had figured you were tired of Xier greeting you. Now get on to reading your script. We're almost finished with the movie than you can take a month off. That's the most." I nodded and pulled out the script. I scanned the script with a smile on my face and Xier walked in. "That's a surprise, you're here before me." I rolled my eyes at his remark and continued reading.

"I know you liked that kiss. You are a player who wouldn't care to cheat on your boyfriend." I finished the script and picked up the katana prop. "Should I hit you with this?" I ask and he backs up. "Whatever. Quto, can we start?" He nodded and we set up the props and started from yesterday. Xier got on his "bloody" outfit and Konini put the blood on his face. Piniaki prepared blood on my face as well after I got on my black hood and black pants. We got on the stage and I pretended to cry over his body.

"Samami... Saijou, don't die. I-I'm sorry." I cried over his body and he spoke, "Bloodleaf... I won't die... I can't... your love is keeping me alive." I felt like puking at that line and an ambulance came. "Protect yourself Bloodleaf. Go hide... let them take care of me." He said to me and I nodded, getting out of the shot as "doctors" came and took him away on a stretcher.

We ended the movie soon and there was a happy ever after. We went to Quto as he praised us, the prop designers, make-up designers, the other actors and anyone else who had even a tiny role here was praised. The editors were behind their desks and Quto spoke to them, "Once you finished editing, take some time off. Okay?" They nodded and finished editing their own separate clips and got up after. "We sent them to the publisher after putting it all together. He should show it to you before fully publishing it." Quto nodded and his phone got a notification, specifically, the movie. He texted something and let us go home after cleaning up. "Those looked like real tears if you ask me, Bloodleaf." I rolled my eyes to Xier and would've responded if Quto let me leave.

I got home and Gakushuu looked at me curiously, "You're here earlier than usual." He said as the other four turned to me. "Is that blood?" Teppei asks and I wiped my face. "I forgot to get the makeup off. Sorry, I'll be back in a minute." I said as I walked away. "That last scene was a happy scene without blood? How did makeup get on me? Maybe I just missed some of it." I thought out loud and heard the boys, "Did Xier do anything to you?" Gakushuu asks me and I shook my head while getting the makeup off.

"Let's start then. It's all off your face now." Ren said and I nodded, "Thanks for doing this." They each nodded to me and we started with science. "You got this (y/n)?" Natsuhiko asks me and I nod. He showed me formulas for different potions and I nodded.

Next was Ren with English and Japanese. "Do you know how to translate these sentences to English?" He asks while facing me. "Yes, I do. (Italics will be English). The flowers blooming in Summer's garden were beautiful red roses, dyed the colors of blood, the color of darkness and the colors of the rising sun." I said in English and Ren nodded, "Good job. Now time to finish the lesson." Ren said and he teaching me what everyone learned and I copied down notes.

After Teppei and Seo finished teaching me their own special subjects, they left with the other two and Gakushuu went up to me. "Ready for math?" He asks and I nod. He leaned into me quickly and I blushed after our lips connected. He backed up with a smirk on his face, "W-Why?" I ask him as he sits on my bed across from me. "Oh don't worry, I'll give you more after this." He teased as I blushed. He taught me what he learned in math and I copied down notes he gave me. After we finished the notes, Gakushuu pinned me to the bed and slowly leaned into me. I felt my face redden when we were centimeters apart and I saw a smirk on his face. He picked up one of his hands and held my face to him when I looked away from him. "Don't even try. I know you want this." He teased me and I felt embarrassed. His head moved down to my neck and began to kiss it. "G-Gakushuu... Stop..." I seemed to whimper out and he stopped. "What, do you what the lips?" He asks with the same smirk on his face.

I felt myself nod and Gakushuu kissed my lips, pushing me on the bed. He soon backed and smirked, "I knew you wanted it." He pet my face and left after just standing over me for a minute. I blushed and went to shower. After showering and eating, I went to bed but Alisa walked in before I fell asleep.

"(Y/n)? Are you awake?" She asks and I sit up, "Is something wrong Alisa?" She walked up to me, holding a blanket. "I had a nightmare. But I don't want to disturb mother and father or Gaku..." she sad and I smiled to her, "Come on up. You can be with me until you feel safe." She shook her head, "No... it's not that... it was a nightmare about you killing some yellow octopus thing." She said and walked up to me shyly and scared. "Don't worry Alisa. What did this octopus look like?" She described Koro-Sensei and I hugged her, "Don't worry. I can't even dream about killing someone. She smiled at me and hugged me before leaving my room. I laid back down and fell asleep.

Next day

When I woke up, Gakushuu was waiting for me. "I'm walking with you to E-class." I nodded as we walked to school. "This is new for you Gakushuu. What changed your mind?" He spoke, "Just trying to see what's happening in E-class. But is there a problem with also walking my girlfriend to class?" He asks as we walk past the school where some girls seemed to be waiting for Gakushuu. "Senpai! Can you walk me to class? I'm far better than that girl!" One of them cried out as we walked by and he said that. "Disgusting... let's go Gakushuu." I said as we walked by, shoving it in their face that I can use his first name. They glared at me as we walked past. One of them almost came by us until Gakushuu waved them off. "Don't even try. I am with (Y/n) and I have no plans to cheat on her. You may as well stop trying to hit on me." They sat there dejected and walked into school.

We walked into E-class and saw Karma. "Wow, the brainless idiot seems to be here early." He said and Karma stood up to fight him. I sighed and got ready to drag one of them out. "Look here Karma, I don't think your sister would like us fighting right now. Isn't that right, dear?" He asks as he hugs me from behind. Karma popped his fists and a couple kids had to hold him back. "Karma no! Don't fight again!" Isogai said and Itona seemed ready to take off the headband-like-thing on his head. "Gakushuu... you should leave. I don't want another fight between you two." I said while pushing him out. He agreed after giving me a private kiss. I walked back in and Koro-Sensei was lecturing Karma. I walke dup to him and slashed the knife but he moved in time. "What the hell have you done to Alisa?" I asked while everyone sweat. "If I can ask, who's Alisa?" Ritsu asked and it showed many pictures of people who have the name Alisa. I didn't even look at the screen, "One Ritsu, don't show her but it's Gakushuu's sister. Two, she had a dream about this damned octopus and needed to be comforted!" I said while slashing the knife repeatedly.

"I didn't nothing to her! I don't think I've ever seen his sister!" He said and his face became white. Nagisa sweat, "He's lying." Nagisa said and I nearly pulled out a second knife. "Look here calamari. I don't exactly appreciate you seeing Alisa for even half a second. She is now having nightmares because of you. And don't even try to apologize." Kurasuma walked in and saw this and sighed, "Miss Akabane, Stop now. The target will just dodge you." He said and I got a tentacle. I picked it up as it was squirming. "Are you sure? I just got this. Now Koro-Sensei. Just know that I will be killing everyone's view as you being a good teacher. You are just a pervert and the fact that you even let Alisa see you while your a government secret." I said to him as he sweat. Professor Bitch walked in and saw me holding the tentacle then walked out.

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