17- Welcome Akari Yukimura

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I helped Alisa with her math and taught her the steps to do so and she hugged me before I had to go back to the class. I smiled and she got off me soon after I told her I had to go. "Okay..." I pat her head, "Don't worry, I will still be with you after school." I said and she smiled and nodded her head. "Right! Okay, bye (Y/n)!" She said and I waved to her as we walked away. Kayano walked up to me as I was at the end of the line. "You know, that wasn't acting. You must really like Alisa, don't you?" She asked and I nodded, "Yeah, she's the reason I'm gonna try more to kill Calamari. I can't think of seeing her sad now." I said while Kayano nodded and whispered, "That's nice. Can you finish with your end of the deal?" She asked and I whispered now, "There's 50 parts to hit. Amazing how Gakushuu can think of adding 50 parts to one deal but most of them aren't harmful to E-class, just insulting." I said and Kayano seemed shocked. "W-What..?" I nodded and stopped whispering acting now. "Could you leave me alone? You're disgusting." I said and pushed Kayano forward. She could tell I was acting now and fell to the floor despite the push being nothing.

"(Y/n), why are you doing this to Kaede?" Nagisa asked and picked her up. "What, she was bothering me. You would've done the same." I said and suddenly a cold wind was around me and my hair was in pig-tails. "This is what you get for disrespecting my student." I heard Calamari and threw out the pig-tails in embarrassment. "Go to hell octopus!" I yelled and the yellow octopus in front of me and felt tempted to pull out my double knives. "I can sense your anger. This will not happen anymore. Continue and it will be worse." He said and I glared, pulling out the knife and cutting at the air. "You are getting predictable Ms Akabane. Try a new strategy for once." He says and I go off path of my normal blows and cut a piece of his head while he sweats and regenerates.

"Don't speak to an actress like you know them." I did a slight curtesy and did a closed eye smile. "I do not believe Aguri would've liked it. And where's her sister? She was in the acting department but disappeared. I think she's dead. Maybe she commit suicide because of you." I said innocently. Koro-Sensei seemed worried and we soon got to the class. "Why because of me?" He asked and I went to my desk and sat down. "Because, Akari used to always talk about how amazing her sister was. She would always brag about her backstage after shooting a scene or if we were just catching up." I said and stared at the class while they got sad. "Mrs Yukimura was going to die one day. Hers was just early..." Rio said and Kaede flinched and began to smile. "Kaede, why are you smiling?" Nagisa asked as her hair fell and tentacles appeared from her neck. She slashed right at Koro-Sensei and got a couple of his tentacles. He seemed terrified and I extended my hand. "Welcome back Akari." I said and shook her hand.

"Y-You said... Akari, the famous actress is Kaede?" Nagisa asked while she went back to attacking Koro-Sensei. "Thank you (Y/n), you've reminded me why I'm in this class." She said and I did a curtesy, "My pleasure. It will be relieving with this octopus gone."

Time skip to after Kaede gets the tentacles removed

"Well that was disappointing..." I said but looked at my phone. "Karma what is this?" I asked and saw Nagisa kissing Kaede. "Just something I wanted you to see this and be reminded of it." He said and I walked away. "Whatever, if your trying to tease me, stop." I said and Koro-Sensei walked in. "As for the fact that I must keep my word to the principal, only those students who caused the man to be hurt will not be allowed to study. The rest of you may." Koro-Sensei said and most of the students pulled out textbooks, including myself. Soon, it was the end of the day and I read through the notes I was given and wrote some problems for myself with it.

When the day ended, I walked out and saw Natsuhiko and Seo waiting for me at the bottom of the mountain. "Hello you two. Where are the other three?" I asked and Seo spoke. "Getting killed by fan girls. We barely made it out ourselves. Mind helping us?" Seo asked and I nodded while the beckoned me to follow them. When I followed them, I saw many girls saying 'senpai' and the other three were sighing in defeat. "Alright ladies, get off these three gentlemen. They clearly have no interest in you so you might as well stop." I said and the girls turned and I saw anger in their eyes. One of them swung at me but I grabbed their wrist. "Alright, you want to fight? I'll make you a deal, have the strongest girl out of you all to attack me. Gakushuu, Ren, Teppei, Seo and Natsuhiko, if you can, don't have the girl expelled or kicked down. Now, while this girl can attack me, I can only dodge and block you. If you cannot hit me after 5 minutes, I ask that you stop trying to hit on the boys, all of you." I said while each girl nodded. A girl about half the size of Terasaka went up to me. "Well then, I will be against you." She said and I nodded. "Every girl is okay with her against me?" They all nodded and one girl spoke, "We know that she'll be able to hit you. Give up now." I smiled to her, "Never." I said and had the girl follow me to the schoolyard. She spoke, "If I win against you, I say that you leave the boys alone." She said and I thought before looking at the boys for a minute. "I can't stay away from Gakushuu for a while but sure." I said and Ren placed a hand on my shoulder. "Don't do this (Y/n)." I waved it off, "Don't worry. It'll be fine." I said and he backed up. "Gakushuu, if you would, please start a timer to five minutes and tell us when to start." I said and he sighed before soon saying start.

The girl immediately threw a punch at me and I moved my head.

Gakushuu's POV

I sighed and realized that (Y/n) would be okay. I think at least. Ren looks at me, "Jeez, she's... pretty good at dodging." He said and I nodded, "Forgot about that day." I said and I looked at the timer. Four minutes left... hope you can dodge for that time. I looked back at the fight and saw (Y/n) stop one of the girl's first before it hit her. She became shocked for a minute and nearly got hit again before moving to the side. "I'm surprised she hasn't been hit yet. Does she take martial arts too?" Natsuhiko asked and I shrugged. "She's confusing. But right now, if she becomes shocked again, it may end badly for her and us." I warned and the four next to me nodded. Suddenly, I looked at my phone, "How the hell were we talking for nearly four minutes." I ask and the four look at my phone. They counted down and when they said 0, I said stop. (Y/n) was hit and thrown back. She smirked and rubbed her mouth, "I won. Now go with your side of the deal and leave these five alone." I said and the girl bowed to her. "Very nice fight, if like to train against you again sometime soon."

Reader POV

The girl asked to train against me again and she helped me get up. "I am simply here waiting for my friend but that fight was quite enjoyable. If you don't mind, we should spar again." She said and I thought for a minute. "Sure, just not in these circumstances again, hows that sound?" I asked and she nodded, "That sounds very nice." She said and I turned to the boys who were staring at me as if I was crazy. "Nope, not going to question you anymore, let's just get going." Natsuhiko said and I nodded, following them. Gakushuu flicked my head and I looked at him, "Hey! What's that for?" I pouted and he looked back to walking. "That was a stupid deal. And why did you agree to fight her again? She punched you after I said stop." I spoke now, "She didn't know the time was almost up so that punch was going to happen anyways. I just happened to stop going against her and she hit me right after you said to stop." I said, "Plus it was nice. She almost gave me a real challenge so that's why I agreed." I said and he sighed in defeat. "Just don't challenge someone twice your size again. You almost got seriously hurt." I poked his face, "Aww, Gakushuu cares about me!" I said and he grabbed my wrists and glared at me, "You are just begging to be teased, aren't you?" He says and I blush. "S-Sorry! Please don't do that again!" I said and he stopped holding onto me again. "Good, now let's go." He said and I got in the limo after the boys. Ren stared at us, "What's the progress with this relationship?" He asks and I blush while Gakushuu spoke, "Very well, right (Y/n)?" He asks and I look out the window and saw Karma talking to Nagisa. "I saw Karma pull out the knife and Nagisa sweat while slashing at the air, I saw Koro-Sensei in his poorly made disguise. Gakushuu looked out the window to see what I was looking at. I stop him and push him on the seat, "No, nope, not happening." I saw and he stares at me confused. The other four are confused but can't see out my window and I look back out while still holding Gakushuu on the car seat. I didn't see them anymore and looked ahead to see Karma put away the knife and was now laughing. I sighed in relief and let go of Gakushuu as he sits up. "What was that about (Y/n)?" Araki asks and I sighed and look back out the window. "It's nothing I wanted any of you to see." "What, your brother and his boyfriend?" Gakushuu asks and I sigh, "It's not just that. You should know what I'm talking about by now." I say and he grabs my wrist. "Tell them what'll happen to them. They deserve to know just as much as I did." Gakushuu says and I stare at the boys. "You four... if you know the E-class secret... you will be brainwashed, and I will too. We will be brainwashed of the secret and of each other." I said and go back to staring out the window. I felt the shock from them by the silence and kept my bag from them. Gakushuu realized this and sighed, "I'm guessing part of the secret is in your bag?" He asks and I don't respond. "Whatever, just remember your promise." Gakushuu said and I nodded.

When we got to Gakushuu's home, I went to my room and threw my stuff aside and cried. Dammit... why did I have to tell them that? I should've just kept acting... at lease that gave me some comfort that no one would suspect me. I sighed and cried even more than I normally would. Why do I have to care for people? Why did they become my friends? I was questioning myself and my door soon opened.

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