22- Reaper

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The whole day, the boys were helping me walk again and when I was able to walk by myself, I was limping and walked around my room to be comfortable. Alisa knocked on my door and I told her to enter my room. When she did, I smiled at her. "Hi Alisa, how have you been?" I ask her and she smiled at me. "I'm fine! How are you?" "Just fine now. My leg just hurts to walk on." I said and Alisa hugged me. "Our Principal came back! He was really surprised by mine and Sakura's results on homework and tests and by the building your class built!" She said and I smiled to her.

"So you understand how to do your math?" I ask her and she nods and pulls out her homework. "Look! 100%!" She said and I pat her head and messed her hair up a little, on her level. "That's great! I told you that you could do it!" I said and hugged her back. "Yay!" She cheered and I held her there. "I'm so sorry for being gone Alisa. Have you been okay here?" She nodded, "Gaku and my parents kept me happy!" She said and I sighed, "Good. How about after my school day ends, I visit your school?" She smiled even more and hugged me tighter, "That'd be nice but... are you allowed?" "I'll just tell your brother and father where I'm going to be after school and it should be alright." She nodded and yawned. "Why don't you sleep? I'm sure today was still tiring for you?" I say and she nods and walks out. "Goodnight Alisa, sweet dreams." I said and turned to my window while getting my knife out, "Leave her alone Calamari." I said and he laughed a bit before leaving.

The next day

I walked out and was hardly limping now and the three were waiting at the door. "Mr Asano, Gakushuu, a little before school ends, can I head to Alisa's school?" I asked after I got into the car. I was hiding the hickey and they nodded, "Yes, thank you for telling us." Gakuho said and I nodded, "You're welcome sir." He nodded and we got out at the front of Kunigigowa Jr High and Gakushuu smirked at me, "You like that hickey on your neck?" I blushed and slightly shook my head and the girl I fought walked up to us. "Hello Asano and Akabane." "Hey." I said and Gakushuu nodded to her. "Asano, I'm sorry about my 'friends' and the other girls. And Akabane, I'm sorry for fighting you." I nodded to her and she walked beside us, "I am not their friend anymore and would like to be your friend Akabane." She said and spoke, "My name is Kakuto Yusha." She said and I nodded. "Your parents named you Martial Hero?" Gakushuu asks and she nods.

"My family runs a dojo and I just train there. Our last name is Hero in English and my parents want me to take over our family dojo in the future so they named me Martial in English." We nodded and got to the E-class hill. "Alright, see you at Alisa's school." Gakushuu said and I nodded, "Bye Gakushuu, bye Yusha." I said and they nodded and walked away, not really talking to each other. When I made it back to E-class, I was the first one there and I went to my desk. Calamari isn't even here... I know today is finals but we all have to be gathered at class for attendance first... I thought as heard the door open. When I looked, I saw chocolate on my desk but nobody was here. When I opened it, a gas bomb activated and I jumped away.

"(Y/n), I trained you better than that." I heard the Reaper and sighed as the smoke cleared. "Come on sir, I just returned from the hospital and this is how you say welcome back?" I ask him and he puts a rose on my desk. "I know. Now, your class and even teachers are still asleep so we can catch up." It's normally normal for me to be up early and get to school but I was surprised when nobody was awake, even Ritzu wasn't active. "So, why don't you tell me about the target and your boyfriend." He said. It wasn't a question, he wanted to know about both.

"Don't kill my boyfriend sir. I'm just fine with him and both of our parents actually agreed that we'd marry in the future. As for the target, here's an agent you can use to trap him. He still remembers the way he treats you and treats us much better, afraid of what would happen if he treated us like he treated you. Now, he'll die for his students and I can hack this computer program here but can you wait till after finals?" He nodded and smirked, "I'll get that Japanese teacher of yours on my side. Don't worry, I can do it. Now, for dying for his students, are you saying if I put this on the bars in a cage or something, he'd try to save one of them and die in the process?" I nodded, "Yep. Now, he should arrive soon so I'd leave and have no trace of you." He nodded and left as I put some anti-Sensei solution into them and disposed of the smoke scent.

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