25- Finals

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Time skip to finals.

We walked to the Main Campus where we were going to take the first term Finals.

"Look, female Akabane is walking with E-class."
"Doesn't she hate them?"
"Yeah, but they are her class."

"(Y/n)." A voice said and I turned to see Gakushuu and Ren. "Are your scores counting in E-class?" "Not at all but apparently it's 'unfair' if my grades count with A." Gakushuu nodded and Ren placed a hand on my shoulder. "Still try your best." Ren said and Karma was waiting for me. I nodded and thanked the boys as I wished them good luck.

"You saw that, right?"
"What? They are dating so it's no surprise they'd talk to each other."
"I mean, male Akabane and Asano were glaring the whole time she was talking to Sakakibara."
"They're enemies idiot."

"Miss Akabane! I'm really glad for your help in the study sessions at school. Thank you for helping me." A girl said to me and I nodded then spoke. "Now, I wasn't the only one who helped you. Thank the other five after the test too." She bowed, "I will. I shouldn't bother you anymore. Oh, and I was thanking you on the half of every student who was there." I nodded and headed away as Karma stared forward, bored.

"She's with her brother."
"Shit, be careful man."
"I know!"
"Alright, just making sure."

We got to the classroom after I was thanked a couple more times and saw a few students there. "There you rascals are. Sit down and study. You'll need it." The teacher said and we sat down in our assigned seats. I pulled out a Japanese book and began to read through it. Once it was time to start, I had finished reading the textbook backwards and forwards.

Next, English. After that, Social Studies. We had a lunch break where I sat with the five boys. "Our class is determined." Gakushuu said and I ate a piece of bento. "So is E-class but most are exhausted. I have a feeling math will only have one competitor. And trust me, Karma hasn't studied much so you're good Gakushuu." I said and he nodded as I ate another piece of bento. I stared forward, bored when I finished and the boys stared at me confused. "I honestly expected finals to be harder. Of course, I don't expect top spots but still, the test is far to easy." I said and only Ren, Teppei and Gakushu nodded.

The bell rang and I nodded to them and headed off. Our first returning subject was Home-Economics which was a breeze as all subjects were. We were at science and most of the class couldn't continue while others were wiped out when we returned. I smirked and imagined this test as a battlefield when we got to math. Karma and Gakushuu were at the same pace and I was waiting for them as the final problem wouldn't appear without anyone who could do it to be in the arena at the same time.

I yawned and leaned against the pile of monsters I had brought while holding a scythe. For this, I needed a gun so I held a rifle. The gladiator chamber opened soon and revealed Karma and Gakushuu who came up to me. We nodded and the final problem appeared. There were three and we each stepped into the problem.

Result time!

"Alright students. The Main Campus is releasing scores so I don't see why we can't." Koro-Sensei said and pulled out an envelope. Two girls went up and held a whiteboard up with the letters A and E in a t-chart. Koro-Sensei finished opening the envelope and took out the first paper. English- First in E-class, oh wait, first in the entire grade, Rio Nakamura!" Koro-Sensei called and I stared forward as the kid made a mark on the E side. "Next, Japanese. First in E-class, Yukiko Kanzaki!" Koro-Sensei called and I blankly stared forward as she gasped. "Although, it seems Gakushuu Asano took first in the grade from you. Still, you gave him a run for his money." I scoffed as the kid at the A side made a mark and teach gave her the paper like Nakamura. "Guys a know-it-all. Total asshole." Maehara said. "No kidding, right? Ah, Nakamura only beat him in English by the skin of her teeth." "Classic type-A personality." Isogai said after whoever said the second statement and I flung a pencil past their heads.

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