Late 4th of July Special! ~Blinding Love~

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I'm sorry this is late! I was finishing the other book's special and didn't notice the time! I also had a lot to do today and got home late after seeing the fireworks!

I was sitting in Gakushuu's room with the other four and we were silent. Not knowing what to say to one another. "So..." Ren started and Gakushuu looked up from his book curiously. "Why don't we see the fireworks?" "You know fangirls are there Natsuhiko. Besides, even if there wasn't, the lights are blinding most the time." "Buzzkill..." I muttered and he heard it. "I'm sorry, what?" He asks, irritated and I spoke up. "I said buzzkill! Seriously, put the book down. Just ignore the fangirls there! And close your eyes but the other five of us want to see it with all six of us! Including you Gakushuu!" I said and a vein seemed to pop. He put in his bookmark and closed the book, putting it down neatly on his bed. He glared into my eyes and I glared back.

"Oh, yippee... another massacre from someone we didn't think would be a problem..." Ren muttered and Gakushuu spoke up. "Fine, I'll go! Don't expect me to look at the lights though!" He said and the other five of us seemed surprised. "Good!" I cheered, suddenly happy and grabbed his arm and dragged him before he could get out of my grip or grab anything. "What the fuck? Let me go!" He yelled as I continued to drag him. The others followed as we got to a grass field. We sat at a table and I smirked at Gakushuu. He was irritated but we soon heard the familiar bang throughout the sky. Ren and I had to turn to see the fireworks and stared at the lights. "Jeez, it's easy lights. You won't get blind." I said and he scoffed. "Whatever, I'm getting a drink." He said before getting up. I saw Nagisa at the machine and grabbed Gakushuu's wrist.

"What now?" "Look at the machine. It's not like a flash grenade is going to suddenly activate if you do." I said and he opened his eyes, seeing Nagisa. "I'm going to ignore him. Just let go of my arm." I sighed. "And if Karma comes up?" "...I make no promises." He said and got out of my grip. "Gakushuu, let us do it." Seo said and he turned to us. The firework's light reflected against his face and he sighed. "I will. What do you want Gakushuu?" I ask him and he replies immediately, "Strawberry lemonade." I nodded and looked to the other boys who shook their heads.

"Hey Nagisa, how are you?" I ask and he freezes before realizing it's me. "Oh, you scared me. I'm fine, what about you? A-class being nice to you?" "Yeah, most girls are faking it but two can play that game. Anyways, apparently Gakushuu can't look at the fireworks because it'll 'blind him' so he's not opening his eyes the entire time or something." I said and Nagisa nodded. "You gonna finish getting your drink?" I ask and he turns. "Right, sorry. What are you getting?" "Oh, (f/d) for myself and a strawberry lemonade for Gakushuu. If he said milk, I'd be saying that he's Karma now."I said and Nagisa got his drink. "Yeah, I got some for him and a soda for myself." He said and I nodded while getting Gakushuu's drink first. Halfway through putting in the code for the drink I want, an arm swung at me and I blocked it then continued to get my drink.

"Two drinks? Don't you think that's enough for a fatty like yourself?" A girl asked and I got my drink. "Says the one wearing 10 pounds of makeup on her face. You're just making yourself seem fatter by that. News flash, I can see through your goodie-goodie lie with me. You just want to be closer to Gakushuu. But he doesn't want to be closer to you, friend or girlfriend." I said and noticed the boys staring at me blankly. "I'll get going now..." I said and began walking away but the girl tripped me. Karma noticed and held me but I dropped my drink. As I stared blankly at it, realization kicked in and I got angry. "What the hell was that for asshole?" I asked and held the girl by her collar. She was in the air and seemed shocked. "B-because someone a-as fat as y-you doesn't deserve A-Asano-Senpai!" She said and I dropped her to the ground. "I am not fat. Guess what, your very own 'Asano-Senpai' is over there with his friends and saw the entire thing go down. This drink here is for him too. So do you want to take what you said back?" She seemed terrified once she saw them and got up but before she could head away, Karma grabbed the shaken up drink and sprayed it in her face.

She ran away angered but also scared. "I'm getting you a new (f/d)." He said and got one quickly. He gave it to me then walked away, waving. I went back to the boys who just stared at me blankly and I gave Gakushuu his drink. "It's not that shaken, right?" I shook my head, "Shouldn't be, just open it away from you just in case." I said and Ren faced me. "So why and how did you pick up that girl?" "She made me drop my drink, as for picking her up, the same way I magically dragged Gakushuu here." I said and he nodded. "Okay then... hey, you know Gakushuu was staring at you the entire time you were getting the drinks, right?" "We're dating and supposed to be married in the future, remember? I don't think it's that much." I said and took a sip while staring the the firework that became multiple, smaller ones.

"Why were you talking with that girl earlier?" "She was calling me fat for having two drinks and saying, and I quote, 'B-because someone a-as fat as you doesn't deserve A-Asano-Senpai' stutter and everything..." I said and Teppei shook his head. "I mean before you got angry." "Hm? Oh, yeah, she was calling me fat still but I was saying that I at least don't wear 10 pounds of makeup on my face." I said and he nodded as I realizing Gakushuu was staring at the sky. His lemonade was in his hand and I poked his face, realizing the daze he was in. "This is new..." Natsuhiko said as he didn't even budge from the multiple pokes I was giving him but drank the lemonade again. "Oh, he's looking at the fireworks. I'm sorry, weren't they going to blind a certain perfectionist?" I asked and still got no answer. "Damn... Hey Gakushuu, Karma's coming over to fight you over whether strawberry milk is better then lemonade." I said and saw Gakushuu's eyes flicker to Karma then back at the sky.

"Any other ways?" I asked and they shook their heads. Gakushuu was like this until the end if the fireworks where he got out of his 'daze' and to his normal self. He got up and threw away his drink. I threw mine away too and we got to his house where the other four decided that they'd be staying the night. "Is a certain perfectionist blinded from looking at the fireworks?" I asked on the way there and he sighed, "I've just never seen fireworks but I've heard they're blinding. That's why I said that..." He said and the other four nodded and I walked into my room since it was before Gakushuu's room. I walked in and Gakushuu fell on me because Ren pushed him. His hands landed on either side of my head and one of his legs was in between my own. I heard my door close and a lock sound.

"I hate Ren right now..." I said and heard Gakushuu's door close and he got off me as I turned around. He got onto me again in the same position and stared down at me as he did so. My face was red and his cheeks were only tinted pink and he had moved his hands to be holding mine above my head as I was shocked. "G-Gakushuu... get off me..." I said but he shook his head and lowered his head until his nose was brushing against mine. He smirked at me and kissed me while moving one of his hands to be holding me, even if it was odd. He sat up and carried me with him, still holding and kissing me. He bit my lower lip and I opened my mouth in shock. He slipped his tongue in and slipped his hand up the back of my shirt until we needed air. His hand was still where it was but a trail of saliva was connecting our mouths. He smirked and got up and sat on my bed.

"W-What are you d-doing?" I stuttered out and he smirked before taking off his shirt. I blushed and looked away from him but I felt him hug me and his hand traveled to the buttons on my jacket. "I know you're hot so, I'll let you change. Don't worry, I'll stay turned around." He whispered in my ear while slowly undoing the buttons on the jacket. "I'm not putting on a shirt though so looks like we're sleeping like this." He said as he was nearly finished taking the buttons off and slipped the jacket slightly off my shoulders and finished with the last button and took off the jacket. He kissed my neck and I shivered. "L-Let me go change a-at least." I said and he released me as I went to the bathroom and locked the door. I changed and when I walked out, Gakushuu grabbed me and put me on my bed, following slowly after.

I blushed and he held me where I was. Wait a minute... my door locks from the inside but I know the door shut before they locked it... oh they're dead later... I thought and fell asleep in Gakushuu's arms soon.

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