27- Sickness

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Karma came into the room soon and a couple others followed such as Terasaka, Nagisa and Kaede.

"(Y/n)!" Karma yelled once he saw me and came to me. "Hey Karma... do me a favor, if you see a guy who works with gases and has a mask, kick his ass." He nodded, "Kurasuma already did but he's weak. Why?" "He's why we're sick..." I said and Karma glared but got up. "We're so dead..." I heard someone say and noticed that Terasaka was yelling. "Screw that guy! I'm not gonna follow his orders!" He yelled and Karma punched him. "So you'd rather your friends die?" He asked and my phone buzzed. I still have it? Why was I going to go to the sauna with it? I asked myself and picked up.

Smog: So you're sick too?
(Y/n): Yes and you're dead when I'm better.
Smog: You'll need to catch me. Besides, it's not like your going to die.
(Y/n): How so?
Smog: Yes it's lab created but with our contractor's plan, Gun, Grip and I decided to just make a worse variant of a food poisoning.
(Y/n): What was their plan?
Smog: To destroy the remedy in front of your eyes but I have the real remedy on me. His was going to be the real one but we're not going to kill a couple kids. Besides Grip possibly.
(Y/n): Well then, thanks for telling me now.

"Hey... Karma... how many people have you taken down?" I asked and he faced me, "Just that gas guy, why?" "You have two other targets. Come here and I'll show you how I know." I said and he came over, confused and I showed him my phone. He read the message and I got a new message from Grip.

Grip: Why are you sick?
(Y/n): I won the unlucky lottery for getting one of Smog's food poisoned drinks!
Grip: That's right, apparently the target's class teacher took him down.
(Y/n): I'm aware. My brother told me, speaking of which. Have fun when you're around him.
Grip: Why so?
(Y/N): I'm alright, bye.

I turned off my phone and assumed Grip was blowing it up. "Karma, you got you wasabi, right?" He nodded and pointed to his backpack, "Have fun with the next obstacle. Be careful for him not to grab you. I'm sure he'll explain why when you encounter him." I said and he nodded while walking out. Okuda replaced the cold rag on my head and looked to my phone. "W-What did you sh-show Karma?" She asked and I waved my hand. "Nothing you need to worry about right now." I said and she slowly nodded while replacing the others towels.

After defeating Takaoka

The others returned with the real antidote and gave it to us. "Now, just sleep and you all should be better later." Kaede said after we each got some of the antidote but I heard Koro-Sensei. "Miss Akabane, did you know about the three challenges?" He asked and I nodded then fell asleep.

Karma's POV

"Dammit! Why couldn't she warn us about them then?" Terasaka yelled and I rolled my eyes. "She warned me. I decided not to tell any of you though." I said and he turned to me, angry. "Doesn't she hate you?" Isogai asked, confused and I shrugged. "We're siblings. We're supposed to have a love-hate sibling relationship." I said and he nodded as we waiting for the rest to wake up.

Reader POV, after waking up

I woke up the last and realized that I felt better than normal. Odd... what did Smog do..? I thought then realized that E-class was there. "What do you all want?" "Miss Akabane, mind explaining who those men were? You knew who I was talking about too so who were they?" "Karma, who were the last two you faced?" "One really strong and other crazy one with a gun." "I see. Your first challenge, Smog. He's good with creating any gas and at least he and the other two were kind to us... damn, their contractor wanted you dead." I said while the others nodded. "We know, he blew up the fake antidote in front of us." "Oh no, that was the real antidote if they went with the actual plan. Now, the next one. Grip, many times suspected for murder and many times, it has been him but there have been no evidence such as fingerprints on a gun because he can crush a grown man without a problem." I said and they nodded.

"Wait, Karma could've actually died?!" The class asked and I nod while getting up. When I did, I leaned against the wall, and spoke again. "Yeah, that's Grip. Nice to see all of you alive except for Calamari. Now, the final one. Gun... he's the leader of the three and even though I don't know much about him, I know he lives on the edge a lot, taking risks and used to serve in the military. In fact, it's why he's so well with echo location, especially with guns. I'm sure the snipers here noticed that." I said and they nodded. "Yeah... I was almost shot..." the one with hair covering his eyes said and I nodded. "Sounds like him alright. Welp, I'm going back to A-class now. Thanks for caring for me." I said and walked out with my phone in my hands to see messages from all three of them.

(Y/n): I said have fun with him.
Smog: I suddenly feel like I got the easiest one.
Gun: Whatever, why'd two kids there have pistols?
(Y/n): Nice to know you're still as carefree as always Gun. I don't know, I wasn't there now was I?
Gun: Why not?
Smog: The drink meant for the orange haired kid was given to (Y/n) for some reason.
(Y/n): Now I want to kill you even more than I used to for getting me sick.
Smog: Why did you take his drink?
(Y/n): Well for one, know the island when you come. Apparently everything is complementary here. For taking it, he knew the island well enough and didn't fall for it but I stole his because I wanted to and I was thirsty. Anyways, I need to stop talking with you three. Bye.

I put away my phone and entered the room to see the six there and waiting for me. When I entered, I smiled to them and they hugged me. "Why were you gone for so long?" Gakushuu asks and I sit down on a pillow. "Sorry, after the class got the antidote, I fell asleep." He sighed and I nodded to them as we talked some more. After, we headed to go eat but realized that the food was at the door. "I don't trust this..." Natsuhiko muttered and I nodded. A staff member walked past and noticed us. "Is something wrong with the food?" "It's just that something has happened recently when we came to the island and aren't sure if the food is like that." Gakushuu said and the staff memeber walked up to us. "I assure you, this food has been brought straight from the kitchen. It shouldn't have anything wrong with it and if there is, we'll bring whoever had something happen to them to immediate care." She said and we nodded before taking the tray.

Yusha's stomach growled a bit and she blushed from embarrassment. "I'm sorry." She said and the boys shook their heads as I placed a hand on her shoulder. "No problem, why don't you chose what you want first?" The other five slowly nodded and she shook her head. "I should let you choose your food first. It's impolite of me to choose before those higher than me." She said and Gakushuu spoke now, "We don't mind, right?" We shook our heads and he signaled to the food. "Besides, you're hungrier than we are so you may choose what you want first." He said and Yusha hesitantly reached for a small place with a rice ball, soba and sushi. "Are you sure?" We nodded and she ate after we grabbed our food. Gakushuu chose miso soup, udon and a couple spicy sushi rolls. Ren was next with three rice balls, udon and a couple pieces of gyoza. Natsuhiko grabbed gyoza, soba and tempura. Teppei grabbed tempura, soba and yakitori. Seo grabbed spicy sushi, udon and yakitori. I grabbed gyoza and udon.

After about an hour after eating and waiting for some effect to take place, nothing happened and we went to sleep after placing the empty tray outside.

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