20- Released

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Asano was the last to leave my side as the other students left. "Go on Gakushuu. Tell Alisa the good news please. I want her to be as happy as you." I said and pet his cheek. He nodded and held me hand before leaving. "I'll be seeing you tomorrow." He said and I nodded as he left. The nurse came in with a tray of food and placed it down. "How are you feeling?" She asked and I smiled, "A lot better. Thank you Nurse." I said and she smiled, "I-It's nothing! I've never been th-thanked for my w-work!" She said and I smiled to her, "Well, you are doing a great job. How can I not thank you?" I said and she seemed happier. "Th-thank you patient!" She said and I nodded. "It's time to sleep but you need to eat." "I'm not hungry. You can take it Miss." I said and she slowly nodded, getting the tray.

"Goodnight Nurse." I said and she smiled, "You too. I-I'll make sure you can leave t-tomorrow as soon as possible." "No need. Please, don't rush yourself." I said and she nodded and left. I sighed and went back to sleep. I really hope those boys aren't looking through my bag... I thought and soon fell asleep.

Next morning, Gakushuu POV

I woke up and Alisa was next to me, holding her teddy bear. I stopped my alarm clock and sat up, careful of Alisa and slowly shook her awake. "Hmm? Gaku..? Is something wrong?" She asked and I shook my head. "Hey Alisa, (Y/n) will be released today. Be happy for her, okay? It's a request she made herself. She doesn't like to think of you sad." I said and she nodded, very cheerful and energized. I placed her on the ground and gave her the teddy bear as she left my room. She probably wanted comfort... why didn't I wake up earlier when she came in? I thought to myself, mentally facepalming that I couldn't do something that easy for her. I quickly got changed and went downstairs after passing (Y/n)'s room.

Respect her privacy, don't even try to see a hint of the secret... or be a pervert... I thought and hit myself again and again in my head. Damn! Why can't I keep my mind calm when she isn't here? I thought to myself and went downstairs to the kitchen. As normal, my mom was in the kitchen and made breakfast for Alisa and me. "Here you go Shuuie. Remember that, okay?" She said and I blushed at that nickname but nodded, seeing how I had food in my mouth. After I swallowed the food I spoke, "Mom, you know I hate that nickname!" I said and hit my red face while she cooed at me and spoke about me always being her little baby. "Come on Diane, calm down with teasing him." My father walked through the door with Alisa holding his hand. She laughed a little as my father sat down Alisa next to me and my mom gave her the same breakfast as me cut into bite-size pieces for her. She took her fork and ate the pancakes very happily.

"Alisa knows?" I nodded my head to my mom and my father asked how she was. "The nurse said she'd get out around 5:30 pm. I think it'll still be hard for her to walk though." I said and Alisa seemed a little heartbroken. She set down her fork before eating the piece on it and faced me. "So she won't be able to come to my school today?" She asked and I shook my head. "Alisa, don't forget, she still wants you to be happy for her." I said and she slowly nodded. Our mom spoke now, "Alisa, imagine the attention she'll give you when she's back." "Imagine the hug too. She's very sorry for not being here but wants to make you happy again when she returns." I said to her after my mom and fed her the pancake piece. She took it and nodded again, getting happier. I smiled and sighed and finished eating soon. Alisa coughed and I looked at her. Our parents seemed worried too and we saw her having a coughing fit, nearly falling off her chair in the process.

I held her up before she could fall and mom checked her forehead. Alisa stopped coughing soon and pointed to her cup of milk. We sighed in relief and I balanced her on the chair. "Wrong pipe... thank god..." Our mom said and she sighed in relief. I got up and finished getting ready. When Alisa finished, she came very happy and we got out to the limo as we drove to school. "Father, can we go by Alisa's school first? I want to see her off today." I said and she hugged me, "Thank you Gaku!" She said and he nodded, telling the driver to do what I asked. He nodded and headed away while I smiled at Alisa. With her seatbelt on, she had limited access to me and struggled to hug me. I hugged her back and let her go soon. "Thank you Gaku! I'll be happy for (Y/n) too!" She smiled and I smiled back. I nodded to her and we soon arrived at the school. "Gakushuu, why don't you drop Alisa off at school today?" I nodded and got her out of the car and we walked to her school. She grabbed my hand and I didn't flinch back but just lightly held her hand back.

We walked in and the teacher saw us. "Oh, hello there, are you Alisa's brother?" I nodded, "Yes, my name is Gakushuu Asano." I said and Alisa let go of my hand and got away from my grip. She went to the books and read while the teacher spoke, "If I can ask you, is the girl Alisa is always with better?" I nodded, "Yes, I'm sorry though. She won't be back until tomorrow, possibly." I said and bowed. "Apologies, I must leave now." I said and left.

After school

I put my items away in my bag and headed outside. There I met up with the four other boys and they walked with me. Soon we saw our limo and we got in. "Hospital you five?" The driver asked and we nodded. "Yes please." I said and the driver nodded and headed away. After arriving soon, we got out, leaving our bags and went inside. "We'd like to see (Y/n) Akabane please." Ren said to the receptionist and she nodded. "Do you know where it is?" I nodded and the Nurse allowed me to lead the other four to her room. We arrived and saw (Y/n) sitting up and she turned to us and smiled. "Hello you five. Is school already over?" She asked and we nodded. The nurse walked in. "E-Excuse me, I need to do a quick check on Miss Akabane here and then she should be good to leave. "Thank you Nurse." (Y/n) said and the nurse nodded and we got out for a short while. When we were allowed back in, the nurse was helping (Y/n) off the floor and onto a wheelchair. "You're too weak to move. We'll wheel you out and then someone can pick you up." She nodded and I called the driver, asking him to come to the hospital. We followed as the nurse wheeled (Y/n) to the front. The limo was already there and the four got in before I picked her up and put her in the seat.

Her face was burning and I felt her forehead but s(e shook her head, "That was just embarrassing Gakushuu. Damn... these cuts are going to be there for a while." She faced us, "What happened to the girl?" "Her parents bailed her out of jail then she got expelled. I hope she went back to jail." I said and she nodded. "Just give me a minute with my mother." She said but fell asleep against my shoulder before even reaching for where her phone would be. Ren took a picture and I glared at him. "Come on, it's cute and I'm sending it to you both." He said and my phone rang after a minute. I sighed and just got rid of the notification while keeping (Y/n) still.

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