28- Returning

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We got on the boat back to the island and this time, Professor Bitch wasn't late and we headed to the school again.

After getting off

"Well that would've been better if I hadn't gotten sick for me..." I said and the other six nodded. The principal approached us and nodded, "I'll speak to you later about what happened on the island, for now, I need to see E-class." He said then walked away. "So he's still alive?" We heard the principal ask and I saw their surprised faces. "Away we need to go!" I said and somehow pushed them all. We walked soon and Yusha headed to her home. We went inside Asano's house and sighed.

"Secret?" "Yep." I said After Ren's question and they nodded. "Someone needs to die?" Natsuhiko asked and I just looked away. "Let's not ask any further..." Gakushuu said and I nodded, taking a breath. "I'm sorry. I'll tell you when I can." I said then muttered, "If I can in time..." I muttered and none of them heard it but noticed my lips moving. "It was nothing. Just thinking to myself about if Karma tried octopus yet since he still talked about it with me." I said and they nodded. "Let's agree not to talk about that ever again until we can." "Deal." We all said at the same time after Gakushuu's suggestion. "Good." He said before we talked normally.

"Hey, can I hear you all play guitar? Just want to know if there's a certain-" "Quit blabbering. I've got my guitar over in the corner. Can you four play on it too?" Gakushuu asked, signaling to the guitar and they nod as he picks it up. He walked over, the strap around his neck and began to play. "SHUUIE! TONE IT DOWN!" His mom screamed from downstairs and I giggled a bit. "Right... I never unplugged it from that..." He said and unplugged the guitar and played it again, getting no complaint this time. After a short while, he handed it to Seo, who played for a bit as well. This continued for the other three and after Teppei finished, he gave the guitar back to Gakushuu, who set it back in the corner. "So no certain style. Okay then..." I said and thought before digging into my backpack, careful of the weapons.

"What are you doing?" "Going to try to draw a possible design for the lights but I can't find those damned papers." I said then pulled out a folder. "Here they are, Jeez." I quickly drew on multiple papers with different shades of the pencil, meaning a different light was there. "How's this?" I asked and gave them the paper. They reviewed it and soon seemed impressed. "You can even get it by us without shining it in our eyes." "I'll do my best but it might happen once or twice." I said and they nodded. "Well, I think you have your design choice already." "Good." I smiled then my phone buzzed.

I pushed the speaker button and heard Karma.

Demon: HEY! Finally picked up,
Death: That means what exactly?
Demon: Look at your calls. I've called at least 100 times. Anyways, wanna hang out with E-class? You can even bring those asshats if you want.
Death: What did you do exactly? Too kind right now. Also, the others just heard what you said.
Gakushuu: Fuck you too Karma.
Demon: Hi Assano. Hi Assholes! I did nothing (Y/n), how could you think I've done something.

My phone buzzed again and I got a text from Nagisa. "Please help. Karma seems too happy while being on the phone with you. Even Rio is freaked out and you know her."

Death: I'll ask again, what have you done?
Demon: Just accidentally get a karaoke room that holds 15 people, again!

I sighed and held my head in irritation. The boys were pissed too but Gakushuu got up and grabbed my phone.

Gakushuu: I'll be there soon, not sure about the others.
Demon: Aww, your minions aren't following you?
Gakushuu: They aren't minions, they're friends. Don't think they've forgotten the way we've met as well.

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