26- Vacation, Day 1

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The four boys were walking home today and the limo came here. We got in and Gakushuu was holding me near him, despite how I was next to him. He grabbed my chin and forced me to face him. His face was centimeters away from mine and both our faces became red. He kissed me and I kissed him back. By the time we got to his house, we were both blushing but he just smirked at me.

The next day

We were at school and waiting for E-class to come and I wondered how Koro-Sensei would disguise himself. "Oh yeah, another teacher was hired so there's now three teachers." I said and they nodded, knowing it was a lie but the other students didn't. Two boats were on the water and we got onto the first one once we saw E-class. "I get that the walk is long but why were they late?" Gakushuu asks and I shrug. "Akabane! Just get on the boat!" We heard someone yell and turned to see Kurasuma holding back some anger. "I'm just waiting for Miss Bitch. Wouldn't want to leave without her, right?" Karma asked and I rubbed my temples in anger. "Karma, just get on the boat. She can be late if she wants but she just won't be at the island." I said and he pouted but got on when he saw Irina in some outfit that makes it look like the paparazzi should care about her. Kurasuma glared at her and she changed soon and got on the boat.

"We're ignoring that." Teppei said and I nodded. "Good idea." I said and walked away from the dock. "Where are you going?" "Inside so I don't see them." I said and the others followed me. We went inside the rooms and I got on my phone.

(Y/n): Sir, it looks like you're gonna have to wait another couple of days.
Reaper: Fine by me. I still need a week to prepare. Have fun on your time off.

I put away my phone and laid down. Soon after being bored, I pulled out a book and began reading. We arrived to the island soon and the boys entered my room to tell me. "Oh? The boat stopped? Alright," I said and the five stared. "Now I see what you mean." Gakushuu said as I placed my bookmark in the book. "I have no idea what you Five mean. Let's go." I said and we walked out. A couple kids saw us leave the boat together, talking and my face and Gakushuu's soon redden from Ren ask what I would do if I was alone with Gakushuu. "Moron! Now people think we actually did something in there!" "You're equally as red as I am!" I hissed at him and he sighed and we calmed down. "Anyways... I'd probably just read and talk to him." I answered and Ren pouted, as if he wanted to hear something different.

"That's not something we should ask about now! Especially since she's with them!" A student said and we all noticed it but ignored it. That is, until a girl approached us. "U-Um... Can I borrow Miss Akabane for a minute? I need to know s-something." She stuttered out but I shrugged. "I'm coming with." Gakushuu said and the girl slowly nodded. She took us inside where many other students were waiting and had us sit down. "S-So... we heard that y-you're cheating on A-Asano..." She said and I stared shocked with Gakushuu next to me but I regained myself. "Proof that I possibly am please." I said and a paper was slid to us. It read, 'Hey cutie, still down for tonight? I have no problem cheating on Asano with someone like you. We looked at it, 'This is my hand writing but I never wrote this." I said and the other people there seemed confused. "Th-then h-how-" "Simple." I said and skid my hand across the paper. I soon carefully ripped of the glued pieces piece by piece until it revealed a plain white paper with glue marks.

"There. Someone somehow found my writing and cut out pieces to look like that." I smiled casually while I noticed someone pop a vein. Gakushuu saw too and glared at the girl. "I'm telling them." Gakushuu said and stood up, earning everyone's attention. "Everyone, would you please stop hitting on me or (Y/n)? We aren't going to date you and have no intention to cheat on the other. So would everyone stop trying to separate us?" He said and someone spoke up, "You're going to break up at some point so I don't know why you're making such a big fuss about it Asano." They said and he shook his head. "Actually, our parents have agreed that (Y/n) and I will marry in the future. There." He said and grabbed my hand. We went outside and noticed that E-class has walked in and heard that entire thing.

"So... What was it about?" "Another girl trying to separate us by showing 'proof' that (Y/n) was cheating on me." Gakushuu said and I nodded while leaning against the wall. "Why don't you six come on in? There's complimentary drinks here." A man said and we turned. We each nodded soon but I recognized the man, Smog..? He must be here for an assassination attempt... great, more to avoid. I thought as we sat down at an unoccupied table. There were a couple extra seats and a few late students came in. They were mainly girls and they came to the table. The girls sat next to the other boys who seemed uncomfortable. Except Ren who just flirted. "Now, now ladies. Your beauty can distract us some other time, right now, we'd simply like to spend time together as the Main Six. Can you beauties do that for us?" They nodded soon and left.

"Jeez Ren..." Natsuhiko said and we continued to have the drinks. I already drank all of mine, realizing how much I needed to be hydrated. "Slow down (Y/n)." Gakushuu said and I faced him, "But hard to say that when I've already finished my drink." I said and he sighed. "Whatever, I'm going to find out the room arrangements." Gakushuu said and went to a wall where a giant paper was hanging. He soon returned, "Odd... I know we're the Main Six now but we also have Yusha in our room." Gakushuu said and the other four seemed confused. "Yusha is who..?" Araki asked, "The one who saved me from Nikita. The one who I fought." I said and they nodded. "Our room is the same as always though." He said and Yusha came up to us.

"Hi Yusha." I said and she nodded. "Hello Akabane. Hello you five." She nodded to them and they nodded back. "I'm sorry for having to share a room with you six." She apologized and I waved my hand. "It's probably to make sure they don't try anything while there's just one girl in the room." I said and they acted offended. "Us?" Ren asked and I nodded. "Should I leave you on your own now?" She asked and the boys shook their head. "Take a seat. Might as well get to know the other person we're sharing a room with." Gakushuu said and I turned to her, "Just don't fall for Ren's flirting." "Hey!" Ren said and Yusha nodded, a smile forming on her lips. "I have no intention to." She said and we talked for a while.

After the E-class assassination attempt, the reader did join with it and was one of the hydraulic cage people

We sighed as Karma picked up Koro-Sensei and began to ask if there was anyone he could shove Koro-Sensei down their pants. After we headed inside and dried off, I went to my room and got dressed in a robe before headed to the sauna. Before I could reach the door, I felt light headed and fainted.

Nobody's POV

Yusha and the other five soon came back from the sauna, assuming E-class was done with whatever the hell they were doing to see (Y/n) on the floor. Her phone soon rang and Gakushuu picked it up. The screen read demon and Gakushuu picked it up.

Demon: Shit! Are you alright (Y/n)?
You (Gakushuu): She's on the floor Akabane. She was collapsed on the floor when we came back.
Demon: Dammit! Apparently some of those drinks had some sort of formula to make a person sick.
You (Shuu): What the hell? Why?
Demon: I don't know! Kurasuma, are we ready to go?
Demon (Kurasuma): Yes But you're going to need to hang up. We can't risk you making too much noise there. You know what that man wants.

Karma soon hung up and Gakushuu placed down your phone while getting you on the bed. Okuda came over and knocked on the door to which Gakushuu answered it. "U-Um... c-can we have (Y/n)? Our class is trying to get the medicine for this illness b-but we're keeping all the sick people with us. A-and we don't w-want others getting sick..." She said while the boys glared at her. (Y/n) let out a quiet groan as she began to wake up. "Why am I on the floor..?" She asked and Yusha as well as Asano kept her up. "Hey Okuda... why are you here?" "Y-You has a l-lab made s-sickness and I-it's very deadly b-but E-E-class is getting the c-cure..." The shy girl said and (Y/n) stumbled even while being held up. Dammit Smog... The (h/c) haired girl thought. "Alright... but I asked why you were here." She said and Okuda nodded. "W-well, we don't want a-any others getting this d-disease s-so we were going to b-bring you to the others..." Okuda said and (Y/n) nodded to the boys and Yusha.

"Fine, but I'm walking her there. It's obvious that she's still weak." "O-Okay. That's fine." Okuda said and Asano followed her while supporting (Y/n). No one saw them surprisingly and they got to where the sick E-class was. "H-Here." Okuda said while pointing to a laid out blanket and Asano set her down. He left soon after because Okuda didn't want him getting sick and she out on a nurse mask.

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