14- Threat

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I knew Karma wasn't going to follow the script so when it came to the scene where they'd fight. I had out punch the villain in play. For Terasaka, I hadn't put anything about fighting Karma but said allow the hero to 'punch' you then engage in sword combat, careful not to let yourself get hit.

Now I'm just waiting for Isogai to bring everyone to take their scripts. "Karma is the hero, Kaede is the princess, Terasaka is the villain and Okuda is the mage." Isogai said and I nodded, handing them each their own separate scripts. "Careful not to cuss in front of the kids." I warned Terasaka and went up to Karma, "Follow the script, got it?" I asked staring in his eyes. He could tell what I meant and nodded sadly. Alisa walked back inside and saw Karma and hid. Isogai seemed confused and I remembered, "Right, forgot about that... Isogai, Karma nearly kicked Alisa when he and Gakushuu were fighting one day." He nodded and I walked up to Alisa. "Come on, its time to help you again." She nodded to me and avoided looking at Karma. We sat down at a table and she brought out her math. "Division... its confusing." She said embarrassed and I pat her head to comfort her. "Don't worry, we all struggled somewhere at some point. I'm sure your brother has too." She smiled to me and the teacher walked up to us, "I'm so glad you're helping her. Thank you so much." I nodded to her, "She has asked me for help and it was always nice helping her." We heard a door open and saw Nagisa and the pink haired girl following him. "Odd... Nagisa normally helps with support so I expect him to be playing with the other kids or helping build the new school." She shrugged and Alisa poked my shoulder. "Can you help me now?" "Yes, I'm sorry."

After returning to class

"Didn't know you were good with kids Kaede." She smiled and I stared at her, Right, they don't know. It will be revealed one day Kayano... "Hey, why did you write in my script to punch Terasaka?" "I knew it was going to happen anyways so why not?" He smirked and I smirked back. "Didn't know that Assano's sister was struggling with schoolwork." I nodded and read the notes that I've done from the boy's tutoring sessions. "Yeah, I've done my best to help her and she's getting better." Karma nodded and the door opened but when I looked, it wasn't Asano but instead, Konini and Piniaki.

"(Y/N)! Quto's father is in the hospital right now!" Piniaki said and I stared, That guy is Quto's father? Not its got to be a coincidence. I got out if my seat and followed them. "Does this man work?" I asked as we headed out, "Yes, he's the principal of a small daycare for kids. Its become a kindergarten by now though." I swallowed down fear, "He's there because of my classmates. They were being reckless." Konini nodded slowly and we got to the hospital. When we entered, the attendee was at the counter and we asked to go to his room. When we got there, Quto was by the man's bedside and staring down. I've never seen this side of him and he told us all to sit down. The man was awake and Quto looked at me, "I heard some of your classmates did this. Why?" He asked after I nodded. "They were being reckless. They were testing something from a couple weeks ago. I'm very sorry sir. Our class is helping your school as much as we can." The man smiled, "I do recall your apology. Just dont have my building destroyed by the time I get back please." I nodded to him and Quto asked what we were doing. "Plays, helping with homework, building a new building if we can, and playing with the kids." He nodded while his father stared in shock, "Wait what are you doing to my building?"

"Our class has many determined kids. But we have no intention of demolishing your first school building. We are using resources from the mountain around our school to build it as well after we saw the floorboards collapse under a kid." Quto turned to his father, "This is why I offered to give you some funds for your building." He shook his head and a nurse came in. "I'm very sorry, but visiting hours are over. You can come tomorrow." We nodded and headed out.

"(Y/N), when the new building is finished, can you send me photos if it?" I nodded and went my way to Asano's house. When I got there, Asano was staring at me questioningly. "I was told that someone came and picked you up from school. Where were you?" I told him what happened and was silent the rest of the time. When I was sitting with them, Mrs Asano asked Alisa how her day was. "Really good! (Y/n) came to my school with her class and they all are helping us with our homework or keeping us entertained! But our principal got hurt before they came." She said and the other three stared at me confused. "I'd... rather not talk about it while Alisa is around." I said and Alisa got up, "I can leave really quick if you want me to." The principal nodded and Alisa walked out. "A couple kids were being reckless. Do you remember pole-toppling Gakushuu?" I asked and he nodded. "They wanted to test if they still had their skills if it was necessary and was apparently jumping from roof to roof. They landed on the principal of Alisa's school apparently and my boss's father. The only thing I disagree with is how our teacher gave everyone the same punishment, including the select few who caused the incident." I said and Alisa peeped her head out from a corner, "Can I come back?" "Yes, come back Alisa." Mrs Asano said and she came back to the table.

"I'll talk with your teacher tomorrow. For now, thank you for taking care of Alisa and helping her." I nodded and everyone finished eating soon. When I got up and headed to my room, Gakushuu grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the wall.

"What else is happening in E-class?" He asked and I stuttered. "J-just Karma being himself. I-I told you already!" I blushed when his face came within close contact with my own. "Come on, what do you need to hide from me?" He asks me as one of his hands goes to my waist to hold me closer to him.

I stared away from him, "I'm sorry. I can't tell you or else we'll both be brainwashed..." I said sadly and he got shocked. "Don't tell the other four what'll happen, please." He fully released me from his grip and sat on my bed, "Brainwashed if I know..?" "Not just you, if anyone else knows they will be brainwashed as well." He got up from my bed and held my waist once again. "G-Gakushuu?" I stuttered out the question and he just held me, "Can you tell me what it is when the school year is over?" He asked me, "Maybe... if I can, I will tell you and the other four as quick as I can." He nodded and began to kiss me. I sighed in relief and kissed him back.

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