7- Acting Rival or Love?

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I took a breath of air and knocked on the door to the room the principal was in. I heard him to tell me to come in and looked at me surprised. "My apologies that you had to see that in the office. Slightly." He said, staring down at his work again. "Apology accepted sir, but I came to tell you something that I've been holding in for a while." He stopped his work and looked at me confused, "What is it?" I swallowed down my fear and told him, "Sir... I'm a... professional actress." I looked away from him which I knew was disrespectful but I couldn't look the principal in his eyes and he spoke. "Proof Akabane. I can tell you aren't much of a prankster but I'd like proof of this." I nodded and got the script quickly.

"Here, this is the script for the recent movie that we're making, I've nearly remembered the first half of it but can I stay here? I will understand if you don't want me associating with your son or daughter. But I still have nowhere else to stay." He handed me back the script, "You may still associate with them and stay here. And while I say this, it's reluctant, but you may keep your job since you were honest, but still, I will be kicking you to E-class." I bowed to him, "Understandable sir." I said before nearly walking out. "Akabane, you will still be marrying my son if you were trying to avoid that." I shook my head, "Of course not sir. It didn't even cross my mind that having a job right now could stop that sir." He dismissed me and I was heading to my room before seeing the four other boys walking into Asano's room. I shrugged it off and pulled out my phone.

(Y/n): Sir, do you want me at the studio so we can record?
Quto: Yes, I hope you memorized more of the script with your time off.
(Y/n): I'm coming then, and I did sir.
Quto: Didn't I say to just call me Quto? Enough of the sir stuff.
(Y/n): Okay Quto.

"Oh, Akabane, who are you texting?" Araki asked and I looked at Asano. "Asano... can you tell them? I need to go." Asano walked up to me, "Akabane, you are so dumb." He said and I shrugged, "I am getting kicked down classes so I guess your telling the truth for once." I said and quickly walked out and I assumed the others were confused.

Asano POV

God dammit Akabane. Why did you tell him? "Hey, Asano, What was Akabane talking about?" I turned to Toyama. "Akabane is an actress. She just told my father and is apparently going down classes and either disobeying him and going to work or is allowed to go to work." I stared out the door where she left and the others were shocked. "Wait, what?" Was all they could say. "I'm not repeating it. And at she's at least acted around us a few times, for what I know."

Reader POV

I arrived at the theatre and saw the props getting set up. I went backstage and read my lines once again. "Oh, your finally here Bloodleaf." I looked at him for a second then didn't looked back, "Saijou Samami, pleasure to see you too." He looked at me as if I was Jesus when I finally looked at him again. "Come on, what's got you in a bad mood now?" He may still be around my age, but he's still dirty minded and a womanizer. "You being around me. I swear, there's someone I'm going to marry in the future, you might as well stop." He sighed and leaned against the bookcase near him. "Plus, no one likes womanizers. And if your trying to look sexy, stop." He stared up at me, "I just can't faze through you, can I?" "Nope." He smirked, "I am going to your school soon you know. I did well on the entrance exams there and the principal doesn't know about my job. Maybe I can tell him that I heard a rumor that you work here while the new 'Main Six' deal with you if you don't date me."

I smirked at him back, "Right now, I live with the principal and he knows. But I can tell him of your secret if you try to do this kind of stuff again. And I'm the reason why the name changed to Main Six. So don't try this stuff again, Xier." He grit his teeth while I smiled and walked to Quto after he called us. "I get the two of you don't get along, but seriously, stop flirting with her here Xier and stop messing with him (Y/n)." "I'm not Quto, he was trying to shame me into dating him like the womanizer her is so I just told him the truth." I smiled at Quto and he just sighed while getting us to the stage.

After recording

I was heading to Asano's home, constantly thinking about what Xier said. When I arrived there, the boys were still there and going to question me if I didn't hit my head in the wall. "Stab me where it hurts and I can die please." I said after the boys walked in my room. "Why..?" Sakakibara asked. "My annoying coworker is coming to Kunukigowa and he tried to find a way to make me date him." I said and they looked at each other confused, "He's a womanizer. Surprisingly above Sakakibara's level and I'm going to die when he's around. Even in the movie I'm in, he can be my love interest but I'm going to die when he's even five feet near me." They just nodded, "So... why did you lie to us?" Araki asked and I stared down at my feet.

"You... you five were nice to me and when I saw how you reacted with that E-class kid holding a job... I was scared and didn't want you to hate me. It's so dumb I know... but still. With Karma as my brother, people were afraid of me since he threatened to kill them if I was hurt." Toyoma nodded and spoke, "Alright, but what's this kids name?" I looked up at them, "Xier Fhire." "His first name and last name sound awfully close." "I didn't name him and if I did I think his name would be offensive." They agreed to that and I asked why they were here. "We were just planning to come and talk away from normal school conversation. But we came to you before you left. Are you getting kicked down classes?" Koyama asked and I nodded. "Yeah... right to E-class." I sighed, "Act the same you do to them and I'll be fine with it." Asano did something unexpected for me though, he grabbed my hands and kissed me. While this wasn't the first time, my face still became red and I couldn't do anything. When he backed up from me, Ren was just staring at us with a troll on his face and I stared at the ground. "A-Asano! Why?" Araki asked and I couldn't speak from embarrassment.

"So you two are okay with the marriage then?" We stayed silent and I almost walked out of the room before Asano told me to stop. I stopped and wasn't able to look at him even as he went in front of me.

"Do you prefer him over me?"

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