10- Food Festival (part 1)

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Like every morning, I got up and got dressed. After eating, we'd have the normal silent car ride where it made me uncomfortable. I stared down at the ground and played with my thumbs. Gakushuu placed a hand on my shoulder and stared at me curiously. I just shook my head and smiled at him. He could tell it was a forced smile and looked worried but I just stared back down.

We got to the school and I got out and bowed like normal. The principal nodded back and I swear I saw Gakushuu wink at me. I blushed and looked away and headed towards E-class. Another day of assassination notes. Oh, maybe I can ask Karma to hold onto the notes so Asano or the others don't see them. I walked inside the classroom to see the octopus, Karma, Ritsu, Nagisa, and the other two teachers. "Hey (Y/N), has Assano done anything wrong to you?" I shook my head to Karma while Koro-Sensei took out a notepad and wrote in it.

Nagisa was sweating a little and took out his own notepad. "Karma, does everyone in this class have a notebook?" He shook his head, "Nope, your the third. Teach has a notebook for ships. Nagisa has one to keep assassination notes on Koro-Sensei." I nodded, "Oh yeah, can you hold onto these after class every day? I don't want to risk Gakushuu seeing them." He nodded to me and sat down, twirling the knife in his hands. "Hey, can you tell me why you were kicked down classes now?"

I nodded, "I told the principal the truth. He allowed me to keep my job though so that's nice." Isogai walked in the class and was talking with his friend until they saw Karma and me talking. "Hey you two. How are you?" I shrugged while Karma said he was good. "Hey Karma, do me a favor with these notes when you take them. Don't mess them up and bring them to school the next day please." He nodded to me and his friend placed a hand on my shoulder. "Mind telling us what you were mad at me for?" I looked to him and closed me eyes, "You can't speak about Gakushuu's life. That's all, there is nothing else you need to know." He looked disappointed but nodded and Isogai spoke, "Hey, how far are you in A-class?" "The other five caught me up and agreed to keep me caught up every day but as for the lessons, I want to say... two weeks ahead." Karma went through my backpack and pulled out my notes. "Lets see what happens in A-class then." I was surprised as he went to the most recently written page and read the notes. "Jeez, this is confusing, mind teaching us?" I stared at him confused and took back my notebook. "For forcefully taking my notes, no." I took out wasabi and tossed it to him. "Here's what I promised though."

He took it and stuffed it in his bag while Isogai and his friend were sweating. "Where's he going to use that?" "Against anyone who declares themselves to be a warrior." Karma replied to him and thanked me. "Maehara, I just realized you haven't properly introduced yourself either." Isogai said and pushed him a little forward. He stumbled a bit but I just stared at him, "Sorry, my name is Hiroto Maehara. I'm sorry for trying to talk on Asano's half." I smiled, "Apology accepted but just know I won't be telling the truth about what happened before I saw you all." He nodded to me and a couple girls approached us. "Hey, are you dating Asano?" "You can't just ask that Rio!" The blonde looked confused, "Why not? I'm asking her so I won't be confused Kaede."

She extended her hand, "Anyways, I'm Rio Nakamura. Nice to meet you." I shook her hand lightly, "You too Nakamura. And yes, I am." I blushed and looked away while I felt tension from Karma. "Karma, no." He pouted, "But why?" "Just no. I don't need you expelled for no reason." He sighed, "Fine..." The green haired girl spoke, "I'm Kaede Kayano." I stared at her and took her hand, "I need to ask you something in private." We walked out with me dragging her in the beginning before she walked back.

"Your Akari Yukimura, right?" She nodded and I was amazed, "Your acting as a character you played? That's certainly new but why?" "I thought Koro-Sensei killed my sister but apparently she died the way Koro-Sensei told us. I've been hiding behind a mask, this mask but it seems actors can't hide from each other." "Nope. Now why don't you come to the studio? We could seriously use your help there." She shook her head, "No, I left it for school. And I'd like to stay in this class." She looked behind herself, "I can ask Asano not to expel you. He kept my secret from his father and the other four boys so I don't see a problem with your secret." She shook her head and waved frantically, "I don't want to bother him more than E-class already does." I nodded to her and we walked back in with a couple other kids following us soon after.

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