4- Agreement

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"Koyama?" We both looked in surprise as the other Big Five came in. "Hello you two. It seems that we've gathered information about an E-class kid having a job." Alisa got up and left, not wanting to hear more about this.

Nagisa POV

We got some nice intel about an enemy using this very diner as a secret hideout. Or at least, that was our excuse. Truth was, Isogai had a job at the Kunugi Kraze restaurant and we were here to see his job. The door opened and two women walked in, "Hello Miss Harada, Miss Ito, the usual?" The two woman nodded to him and asked for two of their specialties today after Isogai recommended it. "Coming right up." He smiled at them and the door opened again. Rio, Okajima, Maehara, Sugino and I were drinking the tea that Isogai gave us that we hardly noticed the door open again until we heard a couple familiar voices.

"Heh, your such a naughty boy Isogai!" Koyama said. "We thought that you'd learn your lesson after your first punishment." Next was Sakakibara and finally, Asano. "You know, having a job is against the rules Isogai, shall I have you penalized again?" Isogai looked nervous, "Please Asano, I need the money. It's just this once." Suddenly, (y/n) walked into the door after the boys and stood next to Asano. "This guy is holding the job Araki?" The green haired boy nods and we all look nervous for Isogai.

Reader POV

Everyone walked outside and the boy, Isogai(?), had asked Asano to keep his job secret. Asano began to think, in a pose just like his father and spoke, "Pole-toppling." Isogai looked confused and Asano explained, "Our school has a proud tradition of those who can hold their own, in school and life. Beat us in pole-toppling and we'll keep your dirty little secret." I was nervous on the inside but refused to let it show, I was scared of how these five would react when I tell them that I'm a professional Actress and what they'd do. Back in the real world though, Isogai accepted the challenge and both groups headed off to their class. By the time I walked in beside Asano, girls were glaring at me and guys looked jealous of Asano. Once I sat down though, Asano went to the front of the class and told everyone of E-class "challenging" A-class. The boys got together to form a plan but the Principal called the new Big Six up to the office. After waiting for the boys to be ready, we headed out and everyone was confused at what "Big Six" meant and why I was walking with the boys.

Principal's Office

"Yes?" Toyoma asked the principal and he asked us our opinion of having the foreign exchange students participate, then before any of us could react, he said he's bringing them in anyways to, teach E-class a lesson. "Well then, what did you truly call us here for sir?" I calmly ask and he smirks at me, "So you've noticed that. Well done Akabane." He faced the chair to the campus and spoke, "It occurs to me that you've changed the name of your group, correct?" Asano said yes and the chairman continued, "That will cause lots of confusion, not to add, favoritism. Think wisely of your choice."

I clenched by fists into a ball then relaxed them, "Sir, I can tell in your voice that isn't all, what do you really want to say to us?" The chairman turned to face us again, "Sakakibara, Araki, Toyama, and Koyama, you are dismissed right now." They stared in shock but left, "Akabane, I've spoken with your mother. We were old friends in middle school but she of course, transferred schools when we reached Jr High. When we talked, we came up with an agreement." Gakushuu was getting annoyed, "Question, why am I still here?"

The chairman looked up at him, "Gakushuu, you and Miss Akabane will marry when you are both old enough. You may leave now." He dismissed us and we headed to class.

We opened the door and the teacher looked at us confused. Araki spoke up, "Sir, Asano and Akabane were speaking to Principal Asano like we were. I'm sorry for speaking out of turn." The teacher nodded to us and thanked Araki for telling him what happened.

After class

The other four boys walked up to Asano's and I joined them. "We're both dead later, aren't we Asano?" I asked him and he nodded, clearly pissed. "Hey, what were you staying in there for anyways?" I looked away and blushed while Asano groaned and hit his head on the desk. I guess he must not like me... I thought but Sakakibara just started to question me now. "Can I tell them Asano?" He simply nodded and I looked at Sakakibara, "Apparently, Principal Asano and my mother talked and agreed that Asano and I would get married when were old enough."

"Hah! You marry someone good as Asano? Don't make me laugh! You just threatened to kill Asano if the Principal didn't agree, didn't you?" Mai... your making this real hard not to punch you. I heard Asano's chair move as he walked up to Mai. I looked in confusion and he pushed her back. "Don't mix up who your talking about. Akabane is just fine, you must be thinking that your in her place. Also, if she threatened me, don't you think she'd be in another class? Say, E-class. Speaking of which, shall I have you kicked down to E-class for stalking Akabane and I?"

Mai swallowed down her fear and walked out of the classroom. When I looked back up at Sakakibara, he was staring at Asano with a look on his face that I don't trust. Asano noticed this too and glared at him, "No Sakakibara." He pouted and the teacher told everyone to get back to their seats. When everyone was back, the teacher started to teach the lesson but everyone was thinking about what Asano said to Mai.

After the lesson was done, I packed up my stuff quicker than normal and headed to E-class where Asano followed me. "Akabane, why are you coming up here? Its E-class." I looked at him while I was walking then stared forward again to make sure I wouldn't trip. "I want to see my brother again. I'll meet you at your house. Can you tell Principal Asano that I-" He cut me off, "He's staying late, I'll come with you though. Might as well see what E-class is up to."

I nodded to him and we walked in silence until we were halfway up the hill. "Why is the walk this freaking long?" Asano was slightly tired while my legs were dying. "Don't know." I let out a low groan and jumped up to a tree. "Akabane! What are you doing?" He was staring at me and I shrugged, "My legs hurt from walking so I'm gonna jump tree to tree." I stared at Asano then my eyes widened, "Do you think Karma knows about our parent's agreement?" Asano was still amazed by the fact that I jumped up to a tree but answered, "If he does were having another fight in guessing."

I nodded, "Great... then I'll have to hold him back..." Asano cracked his fists, "No need. I just make no promises that their classroom will be the same after the fight." We continued to go up the hill and when we reached the top. I wasn't as tired as I would be walking but Asano was still the same. "(Y/N)? Why are you up here?" I turned and saw the blue haired boy, "I came to see my brother. Where is he?" All the kids outside were sweating and pointed inside, "He's... killing the classroom for some reason. He was just pissed when he walked in the class."

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