37- Finale

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"Alright, I've got to get going." She smiled and put her knife away in the bag. "Hey (Y/n), mind telling me more about the studio?" "There's really not much. If you want to know, ask Akari." "I thought she was-" "She's Kaede." I nodded and faced her but Kaede shook her head. "I don't do acting anymore since I don't want to be expelled." I nodded to her and (Y/n) rolled her eyes. "You're just afraid to go back." She slightly nodded and (Y/n) walked out. "Sure then, I'll tell you when were at the studio."

She said and I walked out after. "Hey, my mom wants to know who I'm working with. Ask your boyfriend if you can meet her." I said and she looked confused. "That's rather strange..." She said and I shrugged. "All parents are strange. Oh, and is Karma your brother?" She nodded and I sweat a bit. "How? He's demonic." "So is she, she just doesn't show it much." Karma said and we jumped and bit.

Reader POV

"Karma... why did you come up behind us." "I didn't know our new classmate is an actor." "Yes, your point?" "So he must be Kenji then? I know you're Selene." "Clearly Karma. Now leave us alone, I need to drop my stuff off and I don't need you and Gakushuu fighting." I said and he just smirked. I ended up punching him in his gut and he just kept a peeved smile as I waved to Anaki. "See you at the studio." He nodded as I went home. There, I saw the boys sitting on the couch. "Forgot you demons existed." I teased and dropped off my stuff but wasn't allowed to leave. Gakushuu grabbed my wrist and pinned me against the wall. "You're always at that studio, why?" "We're recording a movie. We all know it and I'll be back once its done. Calm yourself." I said to him and spoke again. "And if one of you dare to go through my bag, I will remove your organs one by one. Bye~!" I said and left while they just stared, even Gakushuu was surprised.

"There you are. You're early, good, read the lines." Quto said and I nodded. "Oh good, I thought he was going to hold me back." "He?" "My boyfriend." "You're much happier than normal... it's weird..." Anaki said and I smiled while getting into Citra's clothes. "Just happy to do another movie but I suppose it is weird..." I said and shrugged as we recorded the part.

By the time I got home, the boys weren't on the couch and I got to my room soon enough as I put the script away in the closet. I hummed and sat down.

(I'm getting writers block so I'm skipping to Koro-Sensei's death)

"(Y/n)..." Mr Asano said and I looked up, confused and so were Gakushuu and the other boys. "Go to E-class and get on your stuff." "Why..?" I asked, confused but soon, I heard Alisa crying. "Daddy! Why do I keep having nightmares of (Y/n) killing some creature? This isn't the normal yellow creature either! It's a stronger version of it!" I placed a hand on her head. She sniffed and wiped her tears while looking at up at me. "I'm sorry Alisa. Most of your nightmares have been true. I've got to get going now. I'll keep my promise with you boys when I can, or if I can." I said and they just froze while Diane came in. "Does she know?" "I do, I'll get going." I said and went into the bathroom to change with the knife in my hand and the gun in a pocket. When I walked out in the gear, the five boys were shocked and I smiled to them.

"I don't really know if I'll return or not, just watch the news. And Alisa, don't cry or be scared, okay?" She cried more and I gave her one final hug. Instead of walking out the door like expected, I jumped out the window and onto the trees.

Gakushuu's POV

Mom picked up Alisa and brought her to her room as dad beckoned for us to come downstairs. We followed and saw the TV on. (Y/n) had earlier admitted that she's Selene to the news but refused to give her name, just showing her face as well as Arai. (Y/n) soon arrived on the TV and the cameraman pointed the camera to her.

"Selene? What's she doing here?" She put her hand up and spoke. "We need to get through here, please let us through." "No can do kid! The octopus holding these kids there is now trapped! We don't know what he did the scar them but they want to help him for some reason." "We don't want to help him in any way and he did nothing to us." She said and seemed ready to snap until she took a long breath. After several failed attempts to get through, she sighed and signaled her hand to the forest. The class nodded as they either ran through the forest or jumped through the trees like her.

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