3- Help Me, Please

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Warning, abuse mentioned in this chapter. If it's sensitive, skip to next bolted part.

Reader POV

"Okay... I just made that." I stared in shock as Karma was at the opposite side, holding his arm seeing how I nearly twisted it. The E-class kids walked up to him as the Big Five walked up to me. I was still amazed as they checked to see if I was hurt. Asano nodded to them and they nodded back. Soon enough, Karma grabbed my wrists in anger when his pain was over. "The hell (y/n)? You never acted this way! Why now? Why when you entered Kunugigowa?" His mercury eyes were flaming with hatred and soon looked towards Asano. "I don't know what you did to my sister, but just know that your dead."

Asano glared back into her eyes, "I did nothing to her. I'm not even that type, and if I was, why would I go for your sister?" Asano grabbed my other wrist while both boys made me a living rag doll. They both stopped when they saw one thing, blood was coming out of my blazer sleeves. Tears came out of my eyes as Karma let me go and Asano pulled up my sleeve to see why I was bleeding. "Karma... why..? You know father hit me. So why did you make it worse?" He stepped back, "(Y/n), I'm sorry, I forgot while I was mad." Asano glared at Karma. "You forgot? How dense are you? If my father hurt my sister he'd be dead before he could continue!"

Asano glared continuously at Karma and soon grabbed my arm, careful not to make me hurt. "Your staying in my house for now." I looked away from Asano, "I can't... it'll just make my pain worse when he finds me again. I'm sorry..." Karma sighed, "This is a one time thing but... (Y/n), father wants to get rid of you. He's trying to make you run away or kill your self." Asano's hold on me became loose and he had me look to him, "Come to my house whenever you need to, okay? I just need to tell my family and they should be okay with it. Pack your stuff as well. He's expecting you to move out so just come live with me." Tears streamed down my face, "Thank you Asano."

Asano stared at Karma, "Since you let me know about what your father wanted, come over to check on (Y/n) any time you want." He nodded, "You better not kick her down to E-class for something or take advantage of her." Both were glaring at each other again while the other E-class kids and other big five kids were confused at what just happened in the last 20 minutes.

Here if you skipped

"Asano, I think its time to discuss what you wanted to talk about?" Natsuhiko spoke up and said that. Asano nodded and told us to follow him, excluding the E-class. We all followed and he had us go to his home. Quickly after arriving at his home, Asano took me upstairs and got out a bandage wrap.

No ones POV

Placed a section of the wrap where (y/n)'s cuts were and she flinched and stepped away from Asano. Even with the attempts to calm her down, (Y/N) would refuse and get further from him. He got tired of this and held her down.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Gakuho and his wife were discussing why Asano had rushed upstairs with (Y/N). They both went upstairs and opened the door. Natsuhiko and Ren waved to them then pointed to a wall. They looked towards the wall and saw Asano pinning (Y/n) to the wall and applying the bandages.

Reader POV

"I wouldn't be embarrassing you if you simply cooperated with this." Asano sighed and got surprised when his mother let out a slight cry. "What's wrong? What happened to Miss Akabane?" Asano nearly dropped the bandages is shock of this as Gakuho was basically demanding an answer as well. He may be a heartless person to some people, but students were still a priority for him to keep safe.

"Oh... um..." I had stuttered out and Asano had to tell his parents that my father abuses me and asked if I could stay in this home until my father stops or dies. They both agreed that its okay and I thanked them. Once again though, Asano had started to apply the wrap and I flinched, getting my wrists away from him. "I swear, in trying to help you. Stop flinching and this will be over quickly."

His mother took the wrap from Asano and tried placing it on while calming me. I had still flinched at first when she applied some sort of solution so the cut places are numb but when she applied the wrap, I didn't flinch. Asano had clearly given up with me.

Still, he had told me to get a bag ready and his mother had started preparing one of their extra rooms for me. "Thank you so much. Is there anything I can do around here to help?" I asked after coming back with a bag of what I needed, including my script, hidden in the luggage. "No, it's okay. We're simply happy to help you. There, all finished." The room was clean everywhere and every drawer, closet hanger, or anything around, was empty. "I'll leave you alone so you can pack your things here." I bowed to her, "I don't know how I'll ever thank the Asano's now. This is amazing Ma'am."

She closed her eyes and smiled, "It's nothing dearie, now, I wish Shuuie's attitude was like yours. Maybe you can train him to be nicer." I let out a slight laugh and began unpacking, "I don't think that's possible Mrs Asano. Also, Shuuie?" "It's the nickname he used to respond to but it's so cute that I just need to keep it with him." She said before walking away from the room and closing my door. I picked up the script, how will they react when they find out I have a job as an actress? I'm scared to tell them but... if they find out, it'll probably be worse.

I had put the script away in the closet, behind some longer clothes that needed to be higher for it to not touch the ground. By the time I finished unpacking, I heard a knock on my door, "Come in!" Gakushuu walked in with- who I'm guessing is his little sister. "This is Alisa. Alisa, this is (y/n), she'll be staying with us for a bit, but she isn't scary." Alisa still hid behind Gakushuu, "Sh-She seems nice b-but... sh-she looks l-like the b-boy who almost h-hit m-me." I went down to her level, "That's my brother Alisa. I must say, you have a good eye. But if you see him and your brother angry at each other, go away from it, okay?" She stepped out from behind Asano but still looked worried, "Don't worry, I don't bite." I tried calming her and it kind of worked. "O-okay." She brought herself to my lap and sat on it, despite not being a dog or something.

"Y-you s-seem u-unlike the other g-girls Gakushuu h-has over to st-study." I giggled a bit, "I believe I am. But sometimes I'll need to stay in my room so the girl can try to make you date her, right?" He shook his head, "I'm done having people over to "study." It's always like you said and it's tiring having to kick them out everyday. Especially how they try to convince me that we'll be "perfect together"." He told me, annoyance in his voice. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Gakushuu turned to the door opening and hearing Koyama.

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