38- Hatred, Fear, and Explanations

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Reader POV

After that day, Karma told me that dad had been killed and I packed up each of my things from inside their house. "Thank you Mrs and Mr Asano for letting me stay here." I said and bowed after the boys had left. They'd stayed away from me after that day and I figured they didn't want me to use a first name basis anymore and I respected that. When I got to school the next day, students were afraid of me and so was the teacher. When I looked over the class, I saw the boys look away from me as I bowed. "Would you like me to go to E-class sir? I won't bother this class if that's what you want." I said and he nodded as I nodded, heading away to tell Mr Asano.

"Come in." He said after I knocked on his door. "Yes Ms Akabane?" "I asked the teacher if he wants me tot go to E-class, I felt like I should tell you in advance before going so you know." He nodded. "They're scared of you?" "Yes but that's expected, after all, we had weapons." He nodded. "When you get to E-class, get in a group with four other students, don't include Karma. I don't need him fighting my son." I nodded but was confused until he continued. "It's to explain. I think you can cover two classes with that group and explain it. I'll tell the classes over announcements, text me when you do and you have permission to bring either weapon into the class so long as you don't threaten anyone." I nodded and headed away. "I understand sir." I said and left before getting shoved.

"Sorry murderer." I heard a voice and recognized it. "It's quite alright Asano. I need to get going." "You aren't going to explain why you had weapons?" "We will soon Araki." I said and he growled while I dusted off my clothes as walked away again. I soon got to the mountain and felt tears in my eyes. Knew I'd be hated sooner or later by them... I thought and entered. Mr Kurasuma looked at me with the class. "A-class is a bunch of wusses." They nodded and I explained what happened in the principal's office. "Choose your group then every other kid can get in their groups. "Itona, Nagisa, Rinka, and Isogai." I said and they nodded. I texted Mr Asano after and he said that he just made the announcement after a minute or so.

When we got up to the campus, it was lunch time but we ate while walking down. Many students froze when they saw us, many walked away and others teased us.

"Looks at how emotionless they are."
"I wouldn't speak badly about them, they can kill, who knows who's next?"
"Y-Yeah, listen to her."
"Still can't believe the five boys and Yusha put up with her especially."

I rolled my eyes and we each sat in the principal's office until he said every student was in class. We nodded and got up, separated by group as we each head to the class assigned to us.

By the time we arrived at 3-A, I knocked on the door and heard the teacher ask who's there. "The group explaining sir." I said and the worry and fear was obvious from out here. "...Come in..." He finally said and I opened the door. "We aren't going to kill anyone unless it's necessary." I said and stood at the front of the class. "What does that mean?" I heard an angry voice snap and I turned to Natsuhiko with a blank face. "The moon, there's a reason it's permanently like that. That reason is our old teacher, or in other words, the target. He was the first Reaper until his student had gotten him captured. He became an octopus that could move at Mach 20. The weapons I had in your house Asano, they were weapons that could kill only him. We knew him as Koro-Sensei." I said and brought out the weapons.

"And how do we know that?" "Sakakibara, I was about to speak. But I can't demonstrate it. Itona, I'll need you to remove  the bandana in a minute." He nodded and leaned back and ate a jelato. "Itona..." I said and he looked at me with his normal blank face. "Throw that away now." "Why?" "You shouldn't be eating in class. I don't care what you say about Karma, you know how he is." I said when he opened his face but he just finished it. "Anyways, I'll demonstrate the weapons on myself." I smiled sweetly while bringing the weapons to a deadly area like my throat or head. I sliced the knife and pulled the gun's trigger. Nothing happened to me and I smiled while putting down the weapons and picking up the bullet and throwing it away.

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