Valentines Day Special

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Since I know a lot of you like and read this more, I'll be posting the special here but I might post a different one at the other story. Also, timeline where the students don't know you two are in a relationship, just the other four and E-class know. Also I wasn't connected to WiFi so I couldn't post this yesterday, sorry.

I was hired a bodyguard for Gakushuu but he and I started dating about five months ago. He confessed first and I agreed. His family is fine with it. The four boys know I'm his bodyguard and I sometimes act as theirs in a way since they're his friends and they thank me while I refuse to tell them my past.

I watched as Gakushuu couldn't even sit at his desk. Me and the other four weren't much different and he grumbled. I could tell he wanted to toss these all out as he looked and remembered each tag. I just put mine in the backpack meant to held his chocolates. The students viewed me as his personal assistant, or slave as I've sometimes heard but when we're in private, he kisses me and assures me that they're all lies. He tells me how much he loves me and I'd give him the chocolate I made for him in private. He seemed to like my cooking at times but I made sure with Karma, who we all know has the pickiest sweet tooth around, that they were good. I refused to let him help and he soon realized why.

"Damn, That bag is full." "Can the Main Six please come to the office." Mr Asano said despite it sounding like a question. He knows of our relationship too because Gakushuu forgot cameras exist and kissed me in front of one as he also comforted me.

Gakushuu didn't bother knocking as he just opened the door. Just then, bags were flung at each of us. "For your chocolates. I can tell you six need these the worst." I nodded and saw the other four on the floor because the force in the bag managed to push them down. They were confused and got up while I picked up mine from behind me. I avoided mine and it hit the ground wall me before sliding down as Gakushuu just caught his. "Thank you sir." I said and he nodded. "You can go back. Your teacher already knows that you can drop your chocolates off then get caught up." I nodded and we left as I saw that the bags matched with our hair color while the straps matched with our eye color. "Was that on purpose..?" I muttered and they were confused. "Look at your bags dumbasses. They match our eye and hair color." "Huh, guess so. Most likely." Gakushuu said and I looked at the four. "You look like you just hit in the face with a soccer ball." "That's specific." "My beauty." Ren cried and we rolled our eyes.

"You shouldn't have pointed that out." Natsuhiko said and I shrugged. "Who said I didn't want that reaction?" "Why am I even surprised that you're a sadist?" "Don't know. I live with Karma need I remind you." "And its fucking stupid." "Exactly why I always go to your house." He nodded and we got to the class. I saw students staring at us while we stuffed the chocolates in the bags. I finished first since most of mine was in the backpack. I realized the others had two and barely held back a smirk. He knew... I thought but had an innocent smile. "Alright, hurry up please Asano." I said. He nearly growled to use his first name before remembering the classroom. "There. Let's go." He said and I nodded as I carried our bags. When we were out of seeing range, he took the bags from me and gently kissed me. "I didn't-" "I know you didn't mean it babe." "You aren't calling me an orange for once?" "Would you like me to?" "Don't." He growled and I nodded. The others caught up. "How can you keep up with his pace while holding four full bags of candy?" Seo asked and I shrugged.

"Not sure. Anyways, where are we dropping these off?" "I was suggesting my house since the driver is out there." Gakushuu said and his butler stepped out. We walked and he took the bags. "These will go in Mr Asano's room if you all don't mind." "Nope." I said and the others agreed. "They'll be separated and checked for any dangers." Gakushuu nodded and the Butler put all the stuff in the back and assured us that our stuff would be fine. We went back after seeing him drive away.

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