30- Food Festival- Finals

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Time skip after the festival, sorry, I'm lazy

It was the day after the three-day festival had ended. Girls have tried to hit on the boys but I was always somehow there. Anyways, we were outside the school and saw that E-class was walking up so the A-class bit- I mean, A-class kids blocked the sign. Of course, they brought the Main Six forward to see the sign and we nodded and left.

"I expect you all to be in the classroom before class." Gakushuu said and they nodded as we were going to silently walk before hearing Karma yell. We stopped and every A-class kid turned around in confusion. Great... can't even fight back... it's bad enough that I can't snap back... I thought and Karma tackled me to the ground which surprised me. Luckily, the skirt didn't move at all and stayed down covering my panties but Karma stayed on me. "Okay, this is weird, get off me." I said and he refused. "Karma, I don't want to hit you so would you please get off me?" I asked and he shook his head while the other kids were confused and felt a bit awkward. Soon, we heard Kurasuma.

"Akabane, get off your sister. She needs to get to class soon." He said and the girls seemed to fangirls over him as Karma reluctantly got off me but kept hugging me from behind. Kurasuma sighed and beckoned me over and Karma had to walk too. "Karma, off your sister now. She needs to get to class. We came up here to see the results, not so you can tackle her." He said and Karma got off me, pouting. "Thank you Mr Kurasuma." I said and glared at Karma before walking back.

"What teacher is that?" A girl asked but I just continued walking. "So who's that?" Teppei asked and I sighed. "He is Mr Kurasuma... he is the PE teacher for E-class." I said to the boys and they nodded as we walked by.

Reaper's POV

"These stupid kids forgot my birthday!" Irina yelled and I appeared at the open window near the door. "Well then, why don't you come with me? I can make sure that you aren't forgotten, besides, we both had the same past. A bloodthirsty mob came and killed our parents, so, why don't people alike stick together?" I asked and she turned to me, surprised and I had a rose in my hand. "Who are you?" "My name? Oh right, my apologies, my name is Akio Kizota." (Made up obviously). I said and she nodded. "Irina Yellavic." She said and I handed her the rose, smiling.

"I'm an assassin just like you. I've been told of a mutated life-form here, correct?" "Yes..." She said and took the rose, smiling. "Why don't you tell me everything you know about him? It'd be useful." I said and she nodded while telling me everything my student told me plus a little more. "I see, I should get going. For now, goodbye." I said and headed away as she nodded. "Goodbye Mr Kizota." "Akio is just fine." I said before leaping away.

Reader POV, after school

"I'll be out in a minute, calm your ass." I called to Gakushuu as he sighed as my phone buzzed.

Reaper: I got Irina.
(Y/n): That was quick sir.
Reaper: Yep, and she told me a little more information than you did. He seems to shed once everything month, and already used it.
(Y/n): Of course he did... alright, I'm sorry sir but I need to go. He's waiting for me.
Reaper: Understandable. But first, I want you to promise me two things.
(Y/n): Can you tell me some other time? I understand it might be important but he's getting impatient.
Reaper: Of course, I'll do it before you fall asleep or after you shower since I know you lock your door.

Reaper left the chat

I put away my phone and walked out for Gakushuu to grab my arm and pin me to the wall. "You took too long. What were you doing?" "Sorry... I forgot the order I put in my stuff and my backpack became over filled, so I had to redo it..." I said. It wasn't completely a lie, but I realized I was filling my bag different about half way though. He sighed and got off me. "What did I say in my sleep?" He asked as we got out. Due to his father working late again, he had the limo not pick us up again and we were walking to school.

"Something about me killing an octopus and how your father wasn't dead because of me but instead because of the octopus-thing." I said and he nodded. "That sounds like my nightmare alright... I seriously can't wait for you to be able to tell me the E-class secret." He said and looked at me and I nodded. He intertwined his hand with mine and we walked to their house. By the time we made it, Gakushuu headed to his room immediately and I went to 'my' room. I locked the door and saw the Reaper there.

"Hello my student." He said and I smiled while walking to him. "You okay sir?" "Just fine. Don't forget, I've trained you the same and some more than this 'Koro-Sensei' has trained me." He said and I nodded. "So what did you want to tell me?" I asked and he sighed. "I need you to swear this." He said and I nodded as he closed his eyes and seemed to be in thought. "Swear to me that if I become like my teacher, you'll kill me." He said and I was shocked. "W-Why?" I asked and he looked at me, "I don't need to have a possibility to kill you or anyone you care about. Now, you swear it, right?" He asked and I swallowed down my fear but nodded. "W-Whats next..?" I asked and he spoke again. "If you do need to kill me in that scenario. Don't follow in my path. It seems that the assassin chain for it would turn out to be what humanity would call, 'cursed.'" He said and I nodded.

"Be ready to assassinate Friday." He said, changing the mood completely and I nodded while smiling. "Don't leave those stuck on your mind. Just remember, Friday, go to the training area." He said and I nodded.

Time skip to Friday *gets slapped for being lazy*

I was the end of school on Friday. I headed out before the boys saying I wanted to visit Karma. They refused at first because of what happened earlier that week when he tackled me but I said that I didn't fight back because of the other kids and my harmless reputation. They nodded and let me leave as I headed out. Coincidentally, the location I need to go to is near E-class's building so I don't need to take forever.

I arrived and went down the elevator.

"There you are my student."

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