19- How Long?

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"These wounds hurt..." I said and I felt the stretcher lifted.

"You're very lucky the assailant didn't hurt any vital parts of your body." They said and I nodded as they did a check up on me. (I never really had to go to the hospital much but I don't know what's serious to where you need to stay in the hospital but I'm saying this is). Everyone in the room left for a minute and I'm assuming it's for the doctor to tell them news. The doctor walked in soon, "I'm sorry. But you'll need to be here for four days." I stared for a minute but then nodded. "So Wednesday I can be let go?" I asked and they shook their head, "No, Tuesday you can be. By four days I'm including today. Now please, get some rest. We're going to apply some medicine to you to dull the pain and wrap some bandages." They said and I nodded.

Gakushuu POV, time skip to Monday

Alisa continued to come into my room during the day and our parents room during the night. When she came into my room after we returned to the hospital, Alisa was napping but then came into my room in tears. I hugged her and asked her what's wrong. "I-I dreamt (Y/n) was in the hospital. Sh-she isn't, right?" I remembered as she cried into my chest after I told her the truth. As I let her continue to cry, my door opened and I saw my mom as she smiled sadly, "Does Alisa know?" I nodded and pet her hair to calm her down like I knew always worked. Her tears slowed down as I continued to pet her hair and spoke, "Alisa... don't tell anyone about this, okay? (Y/n) wouldn't want you sad, so be happy for her." I said and she nodded while gripping my shirt.

As I remembered that, I walked to the school and didn't acknowledge the girls who tried to talk to me. "Hey, that girl wasn't with Senpai today, was she?" "I don't think so." "Do you think they broke up?" "Possibly. I mean, we are better than her so it's no surprise he isn't with her anymore." I heard the gossip through the halls and spoke very quietly, "I've told you all this but I suppose it didn't get through your skulls. I am with Akabane and will always be. None of you even try to hit on me or the other four because we aren't interested. And, I have no intention to cheat on her either so stop even trying with me." I said and continued walking. Everyone in the halls was surprised and I entered the class. As I approached my seat, I was called to the office and went after putting my stuff down.

When I made it to his office, I knocked on the door and my father said to come in. "Yes?" "Come take a seat Gakushuu." He said and I went up. "Nikita has been released from jail by her parents bailing her out. I had told you to come here as it will be your choice what happens to her. She is back in school but you will choose her punishment against violating Akabane and announce it. But please be subtle and do not say why. Just say for violating a student." He said and I nodded. "She's being expelled." I said and my father nodded. "Shall the announcement happen now?" I nodded and he called E-class first. "There will be an assembly, please get to the main campus as soon as possible." I heard a man on the other side yell and then say that the kids will. "Gakushuu, I'm guessing your curious of the E-class secret?" "I know the punishment if I know. I am curious but I'd rather not be brainwashed." My father seemed surprised but nodded. "Give the students this new schedule as well. Of course, not E-class though." I nodded and took the stack of papers and examined the new schedule. "Remember, Akabane will be back to us tomorrow. It will most likely be in the afternoon but remember that." My father said and I nodded. He called Ren, Seo and Natsuhiko up to the office and they arrived soon. "You three, take a class pile and bring it to a class. Asano will take his pile to A-class. These are new schedules so when you are done. Please inform the teacher what they are." They each nodded and picked up a pile then we headed out.

As I went from class to class, I told the teachers what these piles were and handed them out to every student. I passed by the student who brought (Y/n) to us and thanked her for it. "Your welcome. I'm sorry for fighting her." She said and I nodded and I continued.

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