21- Hickey

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Reader POV

I woke up in my bed and rubbed my head. "You're awake!" I looked to the side and saw Alisa. "Hi Alisa. How are you?" I asked and sat up but got pushed back down. "No, rest. You're weak enough, sleep." I looked and saw Gakushuu. "G-Gaku..? Why can't she sit up? Oh, is it because you want her to stand?" Alisa asked and I shook my head. "Alisa, it will take me a while to stand. My legs are very weak from not being able to move." She became sad and I pat her head. "When I can walk again, I'll play with you, okay?" I said and she nodded. "Okay, I'm tired." She said before walking out and to her own room. "I'm sorry." Gakushuu said and I looked at him confused. "For what? You couldn't come into the girls bathroom and I'm sure you noticed I was being attacked a little too late." I smiled and he lightly grabbed one of my hands.

"You wouldn't have gone to the bathroom if I didn't tease you. It's my fault I listened to Ren." He said and I shrugged. "No, I would've needed to use the bathroom sooner or later." I said and he stared sadly. "Now, I hope none of you were being perverts or going through my stuff over the time I was gone." I teased and Gakushuu flushed but looked away. "You're dead when I can move!" I said and he shook his head, "I was mentally hitting myself for even thinking about coming into your room while you were gone!" He said and I sat up. "Lay down." I said and he stared confused, "What..?" "Lay down, I can't move much because of how weak I am right now but I'm getting revenge on you for even possibly thinking about looking through my stuff!" I said as he sat down next to me, "You're taller than me, that's why I said lay down." I said and he hesitantly followed through.

"Don't knock most of the brain cells out." He said and I hit him on the head. "Hopefully just the perverted thoughts." I said and continued hitting him. After a while, he asked me to stop and needed to cover his head before I noticed what he said. Sorrowful, I managed to bring my hand from under his body and connect it with the hand over him and hugged him close by. "I'm sorry Shuu..." I said and he squirmed. "What is your death grip?" He asked but got no response.

No ones POV

Gakushuu was laying helpless in your arms as you held him but soon fell asleep. He got this hint by your steady breathing but was still unable to escape your grip. What the hell, in sleep your muscles are supposed to loosen but hers are still time same, maybe tighter. He thought to himself but the door soon opened to reveal his parents. "It's not what it looks like!" He said while his mother giggled and his father hugged her from behind. "Now Shuuie, don't go too far with Miss Akabane." "Or at least use protection and birth control." His father added and his face flushed as they closed the door. God dammit. With my luck right now, those four are going to walk in soon.

As if the strawberry blond boy predicted it, the door opened and the four came in with Ren in front. Ren pulled out his phone and clicked record. "Um... why don't you get out of her grip. Sleep makes a person's grip loose." Natsuhiko pointed out and Gakushuu just kept glaring at Ren but spoke, "I tried. I feel like it did the opposite for her." Teppei walked up to her and tried to loosen her hands but failed too. "Okay then... you're on your own here. Ren, stop recording!" He said but the flirty male just shook his head, "Not until Akabane wakes up."

A quiet hum was heard and the boys turned to (Y/n) while Gakushuu had to keep looking forward, unable to move. "No... stay here Strawberry..." You said and the four boys laughed and Ren struggled to keep the camera up. Gakushuu struggled again but you just held him closer and snuggled him. "Don't leave me Strawberry..." "Get this girl off me now." Gakushuu demanded but the four boys were laughing so much. Gakushuu got an idea, "Hey, (Y/n), what's the E-class secret?" He asked you and the four stared at him. "So long as we hide the fact that we know it, it won't be a problem." Gakushuu said to the males and you spoke. "I love you, Strawberry." She said and Gakushuu face palmed. Well... I'm going to regret this... "Sweetheart, it's Strawberry, what's the E-class secret?" "Calamari spies on us..." She said and he stared forward. "What the hell? Calamari? That's food." Gakushuu said and the others nodded.

"Do you think she's saying that E-class just eats a lot of octopus? Or talks about it all the time?" Natsuhiko asked and Gakushuu sighed, "Possibly. Thats weird as hell. Should've known that I wouldn't have gotten anything important from a sleeping person." "You tried it." Ren pointed out, still recording this entire thing. "Stop recording, now Ren." Gakushuu said but Ren shook his head. You spoke now, "Silence Strawberry... Just let this happen..." You said and Gakushuu glared forward. The boys just stared at Gakushuu as he squirmed again but you held him tighter and pressed his back against your boobs. His face became red and Ren quickly stopped recording and took a hundred photos then recorded again. "Bad Strawberry... No moving..." You said and Gakushuu stared forward. "Ren, you like to see me tease her, right?" He asked the flirty male and he nodded.

"She's going to die from it when she wakes up." As if on cue again, your grip on him loosened and he got out of it. Ren stopped recording and got ready to record whatever Gakushuu was going to do. He was sitting on the side of the bed and you sat up. "Hello you four... How are y-" Gakushuu grabbed your wrists and nibbles on your ear, aggressively.

"U-Umm... G-Gakushuu... stop please..." You said and Gakushuu simply continued. Ren was recording this and the three other boys would just lean against the wall. "He-Help..." You said to the boys and they shook their heads as Gakushuu went to nibble on your neck. "G-Gakushuu... why are you doing this..?" You ask him and he stops to look at Ren. "Play the video." He says and continues to tease you.

"No... stay here Strawberry..." "Don't leave me Strawberry..." "I love you, Strawberry." "Silence Strawberry... Just let this happen..." "Bad Strawberry... No moving..."

The clips said and you became red. "I-I said such things while sleeping?" You ask and the boys nod. "Hey, you said something about calamari spying on us, is that something about the E-class secret?" Gakushuu asks and you shook your head. "No... Karma just talks about wanting to try calamari one day all the time in class... I was dreaming about being in class and some octopus was watching us through the window." You said and the boys nodded, unable to see through the lie.

Gakushuu went back to biting your neck and you flinched. "Ga-Gakushuu... Stop... Please... I didn't mean to say that..." I said and he sucked on my neck, leaving a hickey. When he stopped, he seemed to feel satisfied of his work and got off my bed. "Too late. Anyways, have fun with that on your neck." He said and smirked as I hid under my covers. "Get out please..." I said and I heard the door close as well as footsteps fade into the distance. I got out from under my covers after hearing my phone sing about a hundred times. I pick it up and saw that all the texts were from Ren. I opened my phone and saw videos and pictures and looked at them all.

"That's so embarrassing... why..?" I ask myself and felt the hickey. It hurt a little when I pushed on it and I took a photo of it. When I looked at it, I blushed more, knowing Gakushuu caused it and I threw one of my pillows at the window when I saw Koro-Sensei there.

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