Chapter I

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When we returned from the mall, I immediately dashed to the comfort room and puked.

He was riding that motorcycle super fast!

After those episodes of puking, I went outside the boarding house's common comfort room, and I saw Taehyung beside the door.

I rolled my eyes at him, and walked angrily towards my room.

That boy, Kim Taehyung! Aish!

I still feel dizzy, even though I puked my sickness out.

I suddenly heard a knock from my door. My eyes widened. Oh shoot I forgot to lock it!

"You can't en-" and Taehyung entered my room without my permission. I mean he always does that, but when I'm mad I don't like him doing that.

I ignored him, and sat on my bed. Scrolled through my Instagram.

"Jen, I'm sorry—"

"For what? For not telling me that you have a girlfriend? For dragging me to the parking lot? Or for giving me motion sickness? Which one Kim Taehyung? Which one?" I am really pissed right now, and the fact that I have my period right now doubles my anger.

"All of those Jen, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Mianhe." He held my hand, and I pulled it away.

I looked at him, his eyes, then his hair... Black. I always told him that I always imagine him as the lead man in the book I read. Unfortunately his hair is black, and the lead man's hair was blue.

"I'll forgive you in one condition." He gave me a confused look.

"What?" he asked, and I just smiled.


"Please dye his hair blue." I told the hair stylist.

Taehyung is giving me his please don't do this look. He agreed to our condition. He never wanted to dye his hair again like before. It was red.

The hair stylist nods, and she walked away to get the things.

"I don't like this Jenniya." He pouts at me.

"I don't buy that look Tae. You'll get your hair dyed." I told him, and he looks surreal nervous.

"I'll dye my hair reddish black, and don't worry, and it's on me" I told him


After the make over, Taehyung looked so pissed. He looks good in his blue hair! I dyed my hair reddish black. I just wanted to be with Taehyung on this. He looked really nervous awhileago, and now I'm ready to face my seniors. I'm a med-tech student. I'm not allowed to dye my hair.

"You're dead meat later." He told me.

I hissed. I'm also worried about my mom's reaction with my hair.

When we got home, all of the girls were looking at Taehyung.

Every girl in our house admires Taehyung, including me, I admire him for his talent. He's a great singer.

I saw Taehyung in my peripheral vision, and he was feeling awkward, so we went upstairs. 4th floor. It's where our rooms are located. 

I changed my clothes, and wore my white sweater since it's cold outside, and my pink skirt. I put on my eyebrow makeup, mascara, a little bit of blush, translucent powder then lip tint, and I'm all done! I took my bag, and went outside my room. I made sure I brushed my teeth before leaving though.

I went downstairs, and saw Taehyung leaning on his motorcycle. Wearing his white shirt tucked in front of his ripped knee pants.

"Why are you wearing a white shirt Taehyung?" I asked him.

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