Chapter IV

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"Okay! Great! Just like that!" The photographer's nonstop compliments to Jisoo made me nervous than ever!

She's a great model! Her visual made me starstrucked. I've seen a lot of models on posters, and billboards, but I've never seen such beautiful visual like hers!

"Hey Jen." I glanced at my right where Taehyung was, and I felt my heartbeat beating faster than usual.

I felt my cheeks burning up when I saw Taehyung. His hair was temporarily dyed in black, and he's wearing an orange trench coat on top of his white long sleeved knitted shirt, tucked inside his black pants. For his foot wear he's wearing a white slip-on.

"Jen?" I went back to my senses when Taehyung called me.

I raised both of my eyebrows, giving him a 'what' look.

"They said, it's your turn." Suddenly my heart was beating fast. I'm super nervous! Seeing Jisoo work there on that spot makes me nervous! How can I be that good?

Suddenly my heartbeat became calm when I saw Taehyung's hand held mine. Everything became calm for me. His eyes were planted on mine, and he said.

"Don't be nervous, be yourself, and I'll cheer you on." He said, and smiled. I smiled back.

Aish! That rectangle like smile of his works everytime.

"Go Jennie! You can do this!" Jisoo cheered for me with a smile on her face.

"Fighting Jennie!" I heard Yoongi shouted.

I went to the shooting spot, and I breathed deeply. Then I heard the photographer said.

"Don't smile a lot in this photos, okay? Okay. 3,2..."

I stroke a pose when the photographer said 'one', and I hear everyone cheering for me. Well it was still nerve-wracking. The fact that this is my first time, but hearing the staffers. Jisoo, Yoongi, and Taehyung cheer for me, made me confident in doing this.

After 30 shots, I was done shooting on that spot, and Jisoo congratulated me. She said that I was good, and Yoongi agreed to what Jisoo said. I looked at Taehyung, and he didn't speak nor hug me. All he did was smile. It was a very genuine smile, and I can see in his eyes that he's very proud of me.

"Taehyung, your turn." The photographer said.

Taehyung stood up from the chair he was sitting on, and he went on the shooting spot.

I was shocked that he was actually good in doing those kinds of stuff. I saw Jisoo in peripheral vision, sitting beside me while I'm watching Taehyung.

"You're lucky." I heard Jisoo said which made me look at her direction.

"Huh?" I said. What am I so lucky about?

"You have a boyfriend like him, who supports you, and love you very much." I chuckled awkwardly.

"Haha uhm... He's not my boyfriend he's just—" "Well then he likes you, and I bet you like him too." She cuts me off.

"It's not like that..." I said in a low voice.
"We're just friends Jisoo-ssi." I said.

"Okay just friends then" She giggled, and we continued to watch Taehyung doing the photo shoot.


After the photoshoot and all, Yoongi invited us to celebrate, for our successful work. We went to a barbeque restaurant, and that's where we celebrated.

I'm currently with Taehyung of course, Yoongi, Jisoo, and Jin.

By the way I smell something fishy going on with Jisoo and Jin. They're like a real couple, but they're not.

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