Chapter VIII

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After what happened yesterday, Sunday, I started to stay away again from Taehyung because he hugged me! And I kept over thinking about it!

We've hugged a lot of times but this hug? I felt my heart beats so effin' fast! I was also kind of shy because Yoongi was there, but my heart beat! Dang! I wish he didn't felt that.

I went downstairs, and to eat breakfast when I saw Taehyung there, aish! Should I skip breakfast? No, no, no...

"Annyeonghaseyeo!" I greeted everyone.

Mom walked to me, hugged me, and kissed my cheek.

"Annyeong eomma" I greeted her.

"Annyeong aunt!" I greeted Taehyung's mom. Aish! I hesitated if I'll greet Taehyung or not, but I decided to greet him.

"Annyeong Taehyung" I said in a low voice, and I didn't looked at him.

"Annyeonghaseyeo Jennie!" He greeted back, I faked my smile and ate my breakfast.

Why is my heart beating so damn fast?

I immediately finished my breakfast, I brushed my teeth, and bid goodbye to eomma.

"Hey, Jenniya! In a hurry?" Mom asked, I shaked my head and said no.

"Yah, Jenniya let Taehyung drive you to school, it's safer-" "Nope, that won't happen today" I told my mom, and ran towards the front door.

I heard Taehyung called my name, but I didn't dare to look back, I don't want to have an awkward situation with him.

I went to the bus stop, and waited for the bus to arrive.

I took my phone, when I felt it vibrated.

Taehyung-ah♡: Jenniya, sure you don't want to come with me?

I sent him a like. Yes, I never send a like to people who are really really close to me, but I don't know what to say and I just tapped that like.

A notification appears from my phone, and it was a friend request from Rosé Park, Chaeyoung, so I immediately tapped accept.

Suddenly I felt a person's presence beside me, so I looked at the person beside me, and I looked away.

Shoot! Why is Taehyung here?

"If you don't want to come with me, then I'll come with you" He said, then the bus arrived.

I let the elders to hop on the bus, and when it was my turn to enter. To my misfortune I tripped on the stairs. Thankfully Taehyung catched me.

"Are you alright?" He asked, and I just nod.

I tapped my card on the censor, and sat on the vacant seat, from the back, and Taehyung sat beside me.

This is effin' awkward.

"Are you... Perhaps..." I looked at the view of the street because I can see him in my peripheral vision looking at me, and it felt awkward, at the same time it makes my heart beat faster than normal.

"Avoiding me?" Taehyung asked.

My eyes widen. Well...

"Haha" I faked my laugh.

"Haha me? Avoiding you? Haha psh, no haha" I tried to look at his eyes, but I end up looking behind him.

"You are avoiding me" he said.

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