Chapter V

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I woke up feeling dizzy and nauseous. I was getting up from my bed when I felt someone hugging me.

It's a girl, and this girl looks familiar...Jennie?! I look at her, then I look at myself. Topless?! What did I do just now. Aish.

I made myself remember what happened last night. Aish! I CAN'T FREAKING REMEMBER!

Well, it's the first time that I got drunk. People say when it's your first time getting drunk, you tend to forget what happens to you.

Jennie looks like a peaceful angel when she sleeps. She looks really beautiful and innocent.

While looking at her face, she suddenly opens her eyes, and it met mine. I felt my cheeks burning.

I've been feeling a lot of burning in my cheeks these past few days, and it's wierd because I only feel it when Jennie's around.

Her expression looked shocked, and she pushed me away from her. I sat on my bed, and as I was about to stood up, I slipped on my blanket. Thankfully, I landed with the support of my hands.

I looked below, and I realized that I'm on top of Jennie. I saw her... Blushing? S-She's B-Blushing?

"Oh, Mianhe Jennie." I said. I went out of my bed, and took my shirt.

"I-it's okay." She stuttered.

I took my phone, and I saw a notification when I opened it.

Jungkook: Hey Tae, how's life?

Jungkook? Jeon Jungkook? He's one of my bestest friends when I was in high school. It was me Jimin, and Jungkook. Jungkook is younger than us, but he went to school early, and advanced a grade level because he's the smartest kid in their class.

Jennie knows Jungkook too.

I replied to his message, and texted back:

Me: Doing great in my medical course.

I kept my phone on my pocket. Oh I'm still in my yesterday's pants.

Suddenly I felt my stomach grumbled. Aish! I'm hungry.

I looked at Jennie, and I saw her sitting on my bed. Staring blankly at me.

"Jennie?" I called her once. "Jen?" Twice. "Kim Jennie?" The third time. "Jenduekie, Jenniya!" I yelled as I called her the fourth time, and at last she's back to her senses.

"Oh, Waeyo?" She asked.

"Sorry if I gave you a burden last night, mianhe." I said.

"You should be sorry, you shouldn't have drank a lot of Soju you know?" She rolled her eyes, and stood up from my bed.

"When me, and Yoongi were...."

That Yoongi. Tsk. He looks like he's hitting on Jennie. I don't like him. I don't like him around. To be specific? I don't like him around Jennie.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!" Jennie shouted which made me look at her.

Oh shoot she's mad as hell.

"W-What?" I asked nervously.

"Aish! NOTHING!" She went out of my room, and slam the door shut.

Oh goodness. She's mad. AGAIN.


It's Sunday, and it's family day. Me, my mom, my cousin, Jennie, and Jennie's mom usually go to the mall, or have a picnic during the Sunday, but today, mom said that she and Jennie's mom have to go to the groceries, and I have to baby sit my little cousin Taemin once again.

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