Chapter XXIV

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"so we're at the mall because we're going to watch Avengers: End Game!"

Jisoo said, and the three girls clapped.

"yes we do watch superhero movies because our friends recommend us to watch those kinds of movies" Chaeyoung said while holding her underwater camera Go Pro.

We were just walking with the staffs behind the camera, disguised. Everyone was suspecting us, the fans watching Blackpink vlogging in person saw us, and they whisper to each other.

"is that Jungkook?" and they pointed at me. AT ME.

I'm not Jungkook people! That Kookie aish. I just couldn't accept the fact that they thought I was Jungkook, when I'm not.

When we entered the cinema, FINALLY they stopped filming, and we finally get close to them.

I walked towards Jennie, and gave her three pink Tulips that I bought earlier in the flower shop.

"Oh? Tulips?" She smiled.

I nod, and she accepted the flowers. "Thank you" she said.

We went inside the cinema, and sat on the best spot to watch the movie. We're in the V.I.P area, and the management rented the whole cinema just for Blackpink.

"You're going to enjoy this I swear" I told Jennie, and she smirked.

"Yah I know that" She said, and smiled.


"WAHHHHH" Jennie and Chaeyoung were sobbing while walking towards the bathroom to retouch their makeup.

They both cried because of Iron Man's death, so as Jungkook and Jin hyung, I didn't cry, You know why? Because a tweet showed up, and it gave me bunch of freaking spoilers. Great.

After waiting for ten minutes, the girls went out from the bathroom, ready to present themselves to the people.

"What's next?" I asked.

"Amusement park!" Lisa said, and Jungkook agreed to that, so as Jin, and Jisoo, and Jirose.

"Guys, Jennie has motion sickness have you all forgot?" I told them, and they were all sad to hear that.

"Anniyo, don't worry about me! Gwenchanha, let's go to that amusement park" Jennie said, and smiled.

The six were cheering, and hopping towards the van, while I was looking at Jennie who has a half worried and half happy face.

"You sure you're going to be okay?" I asked.

"Of course! I'm strong have you forgotten!" Jennie said.

She went inside the van, and I sighed. Anniyo, you're not strong Jennie... You just pretend you're strong, just like before.

We're at the Ever Land, thankfully! It's a work day today, and we don't have to stress out thinking about what to ride because of the long lane.

The six immediately went to the extreme roller coaster ride, and stand in the lane.

I looked at Jennie who looked like she doesn't really want to ride that.

"You okay?" I asked her. She looked at me, and she smiled, and nod.

"Guys I can't get on that" Jennie pointed the ride, and the girls pouted.

"awww it's okay we understand" Jisoo said, and bid goodbye to Jennie.

She walked away the lane, and I walked with her. She looked at me, confused.

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