Author's Note

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huwaaa seriously, I'm not expecting a lot of people will read my story. I never expected this story will have 800+ reads!

I'm just an ordinary teen, who has a big imagination, who tried to write a story to test how far can my imagination go.

That's why I'm very happy because I never expected a lot of people would appreciate my story!

Now that T2UA&F has officially ended, I just wanted to thank every single one of you who reads my story! Thank you thank you so much!

Thank you! Gamsahamnida! Arigato! Salamat!

Thank you thank you so much!

To Jimine_Pabo14 You're also very sweet! I could tell! Thank you to you!

To emmayiesha_ thank you so much for telling me that you love my story! Keeps me super motivated.

To MissJK394 thank you for voting and reading my story since day 1!

To Calliera I'll write this in tagalog because you're also Filipina. SALAMAT BABAITA! Salamat kasi sinusupportahan mo ako lagi, kahit na di mo binabasa story ko hahaha pero minomotivate mo pa rin ako! Thank you! Saranghae!

To Minnie1330 thank you so much for commenting your reactions in my story, and for reading my story! I really appreciate it!

To TAEndHONEY unnie! Thank youuu so much! Ever since the day you followed me back, I became super motivated and super inspired in writing this story, so thank you, thank you so much! Thank you also for being a great unnie/friend! Wishing that we could see each other soon in person! Thank you also for motivating me in doing my studies well huehue you don't just motivate me in writing, you also motivate me to study well!

To teaa_mi I'm really really really thankful that you followed me back, and you even read my story, and thank you for giving me your honest reactions about it, and thank you for inspiring me also! For telling me to be more confident in posting my stories! And also for being such a great friend! Even though we've never seen each other in person, and I'm wishing we can soon! I'm also very happy that you liked my story!Thank you thank you so much for everything!

And to every single reader of this story! Thank you thank you so much! You all motivated me in doing this story *sends heart emojis*

Huwaaa this is my very first completed story! And I can't do this without you all! Love youuu! Saranghae! Mahal ko kayo!

I will also post some special chapters in this story. That's all! Thank you once again!

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