Chapter II

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I forgot to tell Jennie that we should go to Grill & Chill restaurant because today is Yeonjun's birthday. My aunt's son, so I went to her locker, and I saw her talking to a guy shorter than me. He has white skin. His eyes are slender, and he's smiling at Jennie while holding her books.

Who's this guy? I thought. I wanted to get closer to hear their conversation, but I thought that will be a bit rude.

I can see Jennie smiling at him too. What the heck?

Wait... Why am I feeling this? I'm feeling mixed emotions. Anger, Annoyance, unhappiness? What is this? I've never felt like this towards Jennie.

I hissed, and went to my classroom. I'm pissed. Who was that guy he's talking to?


I went home, and went straight to my room. I took a bath and went straight to studying.

I stood up from my chair when someone knocked on my door.

I opened it, and it was Jennie. I sighed, and didn't bother to look at her eyes. When I see her I feel that undefined feeling I was talking about.

"You did not talk to me after school Tae." She pushes me inside my room, and sits on of the side of my bed.

"What do you want?" I asked her. I took of my glasses, and massaged my forehead.

"What do I want? Wow Tae, wow. Have you forgotten about Yeonjun's birthday? He's waiting for us!"

I hissed, and looked at her eyes deep with anger. I don't know why I'm angry, because she's with another guy awhile ago at school?

"I know. I was about to tell you that we should go to our favorite restaurant, but..." I stopped. I shouldn't tell her I shouldn't. She'll tease me. She'll tease me and tell me that I'm such a stalker.

"But what Kim Taehyung?" Shit. She said my full name. I hate it when she say my full name because it always means that she's angry.

"But... But-Aish! Never-" "You'll tell me or I'll never talk to you again?!" aish! Screw it!

"But I saw you with a guy talking to you! And I didn't want to be rude, so I let you talk to him! And it made me mad, angry, unhappy, and envious!"

Then she bursted out laughing. What's so funny about what I said?

"Are you telling me your jealous Tae? Oh my gosh! HAHAHAHAH."

Jealous? That made sense, I was really jealous. I suddenly felt my cheeks burning up.

Aish this is embarrassing.

"You don't have to be jealous Tae you're still my best BEST friend."

Yeah... Best friend...

"Get out of my room. I'm going to change my clothes." She rolled her eyes at me.

"I can just close my eyes Tae-" "When I tell you that you push me out of your room, you want me to do that to you too." "Okay! Okay! I'll get out"

The moment she got out of my room, I sighed. Jealous? I'm really jealous? I've never been jealous in my whole life even when Tzuyu and I were together. I never felt jealousy.


Jennie and I went to Grill & Chill restaurant.

It's Yeonjun's 19th birthday.

I saw Yeonjun with his four friends. Soobin, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Kai. Eating and cooking barbeque.

"Taehyung hyung! Jennie noona! You both came!" Yeonjun greeted us.

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