Chapter XIV

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<fast forward>
December 30, 20**

It's Taehyung's birthday! I planned on surprising him.

And the plan goes like this.

Since I get to go home earlier than Taehyung today because he's schedule for today is different from mine.

I'm going to buy helium balloons, and make a banner where 'Happy Birthday MY Taehyung!' will be written, and I'm planning on buying us both a costumized couple hoodie.


*dismissal time*

Finally it's dismissal time! I went to my locker, and took my bag, I closed my locker, and saw Taehyung already in front of me.

He hugged me, and dove his face on my neck. I got goosebumps, and removed his face on my neck.

I don't really want to be that public specially in front of our school mates.

"Aish this is annoying I'm not going to go home with you today aish" He ruffled his hair, and I chuckled.

I squished his face using my palms. "You're going to see me later Taehyung-ah" I said and let go of his face, and he rolled his eyes.

"Aish, okay okay, just be safe okay? Don't talk to strangers!" He said while looking into my eyes.

We bid our goodbyes, and we he walked away because he's going to be late for his class.

Such a protective boyfriend aigoo.


I went to the mall, and bought helium balloons, then I printed out our pictures from before to now.

I went inside his room, and I made a banner with a 'Happy Birthday MY Taehyung-ah! ♥♥♥' written on it which I'm going to be holding later.

I spread out red paper hearts on Taehyung's floor and I'm all done!

Just in time! It's his dismissal time!
I wore our couple hoodie, printed on the left chest part of the hoodie is 'K. Taehyung's'


After thirty minutes still no sine of Taehyung. I waited and waited and he's still not home.

♡♥♡Taehyung♡♥♡: Jeeeenbnnioiee

What the heck? I can clearly read that he typed my name but why is it misspelled.

♡♥♡Taehyung♡♥♡: sarrrrasaanggh\ae3 J3nniee

Wait what the fck is he drunk? Aish.

Me: are you drunk?

I was about to call him when my phone rang, and it was Taehyung. I immediately answered the phone call, and I heard Jungkook's voice.

"Jennie unnie!" Jungkook said on the phone.

"Is Taehyung drunk?!" I asked immediately.

"Ne, he thought you forgot about his birthday, and he drank with Jimin hyung and they're both drunk, this is so frustrating unn-"

"Is that My Jennie?" "Ye-" "My Jennie how could you forget about my birthday"

"Where the fck are you Jungkook?" I asked.


I ended the call, and wore my thermal coat, and went outside to fetch those two drunk guys.

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