Chapter XII

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Oh gosh, they said I passed the audition! This shit is flattering! I'll be attending my very first training next week!

But what about me being a doctor? I shaked my head, and looked up to this near future I can see, me as a k-pop idol.

Taehyung 업바: Yoongi told me we'll be having another photoshoot later, 3 p.m. sharp, at *insert photoshoot adress*

➡ Sure. Thanks.

I replied, and yes if you're asking I'm still ignoring him because Yoongi said make him jealous for one month, and make him tell me that he likes me, so...


I just went with a comfy hoodie, and tights, and I went downstairs.

We went to the photo shoot place. I greeted Yoongi with a hug, that made Taehyung pull me away from Yoongi.

After 3 weeks of this Operation: Make Taehyung Jealous, I've foud out that it's easy to make Taehyung jealous.

"Yoongi, you told us that this is a photo shoot not, you having a date with Jennie, and I'm going to be your third wheel" Taehyung said while holding my left arm.

"Don't be so Jealous Tae" Yoongi said.

"Are we close, for you to call me Tae?" Taehyung asked.

"Are we?" Yoongi said and smiled.

"Anyway this is Jin's dad..."

After a not so long conversation with the President, Jin's dad and Yoongi, the photo shoot started, and I was the first one to do the shoot.

After ten minutes of me posing, and the photographer taking pictures of me, it's finally Taehyung's turn.

I sat on the vanity chair, and looked at my reflection, then to Taehyung's reflection who's now ready for the photo shoot.

I sighed, and looked down. I really miss talking to that guy.

I sighed, and I got startled when Yoongi was already beside me.

"Omo! Yoongi!"

"Haha mianhe... Missing him?" He asked, and I nod and smiled.

He sighed.

Yoongi, and I talked to each other about life, and stuff while Taehyung's there doing his thing.

"You both done talking?" I almost jumped from my chair when Taehyung talked behind me.

I felt goosebumps gosh.

"What if I said no?" Yoongi said.

Taehyung glared at him, and Yoongi smirked.

"Why? You jealous Taehyung?" Yoongi asked.

"What if I said yes?" Taehyung
"Do you like Jennie?" Jennie
"What if I said yes?" Taehyung
"What if I said I like her too? And she like me back? " Yoongi said, and I saw Taehyung stilled.

I knew Yoongi was joking, I like him as a friend, not as a person or a guy, and Yoongi knew that well.

Taehyung walked away from us, and went near the chiller to get water, and I heard Yoongi burst out laughing.

"He's hella jealous" Yoongi said while laughing.



I'm currently in my room talking to Jungkook and Jimin about Jennie, and how jealous I am.

Jimin and Jungkook laughed.

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