Chapter XXII

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Finally I'm all healed up, I'm sick of being sick, actually after Jennie visited me, I mean visited Lisa, and took care for me, I was all healed.

I went outside to eat something, so I wore a disguise, and went to the mall to look for restaurants.

I went inside my favorite restaurant, Lee Joon's restaurant, I went inside the V.I.P room, and I saw Joon taking the beer from a girl.

The girl's familiar.

"Oh by f**king gosh Taehyung thank you, she's been drinking beer ever since she came here!" Joon shouted in whisper, I looked at the girl, and it was Jennie?

Jennie never drank. I always knew that.

"I'll take care of this Joon thank you" I smiled at Joon, and he left the V.I.P section.

I put the bottles away from Jennie, and I looked at her. Her hair's a mess, but she's still beautiful ghaddamn.

"Jennie...stop" I took the beer bottle from her hands, and she looked at me, and showed her gummy smile.

Her drunk eyes, this is the first time I'm seeing her drunk af.

"Hi" She said, her drunk voice is so cute.

"Hi?" I said.

"You look familiar" she said, and she made her eyes even more narrow.

"You look like my ex, *hik* or are we really exes?" She said, and giggled.

Is she talking about me?

"Taehyung-ah, that guy *hik* do you know *hik* him?" She said with a drunk voice, and it just made me smile.

"Yeah I know him very well" I answered, and chuckled.

I can't believe I'm to a drunk girl.

"Really? *hik* Taehyung... That guy? *hik* that's my ex. He's *hik* cute, smart, talented"

I chuckled, and then I stopped when a question for her popped in my mind, but I disregarded it because it just means that I'm going to take advantage of this situation.

I just kept on listening to her, and I just kept on smiling.

But my smile disappears when she called herself stupid.

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm so stupid, I left him" A tear suddenly escaped her eyes.

"I didn't believe him, I'm so stupid" She said, and tears started rolling down to her cheeks.

"But at least we both became more mature, and successful *hik* right?"

"But what if, I believed him? What if we're still dating? Would we break up like other couples?..." she started stating her what ifs, and seeing her cry while saying those makes my heart hurt.

"Stop crying" I went near her, and cupped her cheeks to my hands, and I rubbed her tears off using my hands.

"Taehyung-ah *sob* mianheyeo *sob* I'm really really sorry *sob*" She said while looking to my eyes.

"It's okay..." I whispered, and looked at her eyes then to her lips, I badly want to kiss her, but I'm not going to take advantage of her, it's disrespectful of me as a friend and as an ex of hers.

I took her black sunglasses, white mask, and cap, and put it on her, we have to leave this place. She's drunk af, she has to get back to her dorm.

I called my trusted manager, to pick us up here, and he immediately came.

We went inside the car, and my manager was looking at me, with a confused look.

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