Chapter XXV

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"we're home!" Jin hyung said when we're finally inside our dorm house.

I'm exhausted! Af! But it's all worth it. Finally got my Jennie's yes once again.

"Yah Taehyung-ah" I heard Namjoon's voice called me, and I looked at him.

"what?" I asked him.

I immediately heard Jimin's laughter after asking Namjoon why the heck he called me.

"Yahh seriously, you look like a kid right now" Jimin told me.

And that made me f**king confused.

"What?" I asked him why.

"Why are you smiling like that-HAHAHAHA" Jimin asked me, while holding his tummy because he's laughing too hard.

"Yah Jimin-ah don't even laugh, you also looked like that, when the CEO allowed you and Chaeyoung to date"
Yoongi said, and rolled his eyes.

"Mianheyeo" Sorry. Jimin said, and bowed.

"Am I smiling to wide?" I asked them.

And they all nod for countless times.

I smiled again, and looked down. Aish why am I like this. My heart's flattering too much!

"Let me guess, Jennie said yes?" Yoongi said, and when he said 'Jennie' I smiled even more.

Aish! I'm too flattered!

"Yep I'm right" Yoongi said, and continued reading his manga.

I looked at the boys, and I smiled.

"Aigoo look at this Taehyung" Hoseok patted my head, and I gave him my box-like smile.

I went upstairs where my room is, and took my phone, and planned on texting Jennie.

What should I text?

You okay? Anniyo. Nope.

You home? Anniyo. Too chill

Hey love did you get home safely? Too much for the word 'love'. We just started dating.

I was about to press backspace when I accidentally hit send.

Oh F my life.

Jennie: Love? That's nice haha

Yes! she liked it.

Me: haha anyway did you get home safe?

Jennie: Yes, I did. You?

Me: Of course


"my my my, what's this beaming smile all about?" I almost jumped from my bed when Jisoo unnie came in to the room.

"nothing" I said, and continued typing my reply to Taehyung.

Well if you're wondering why I didn't even hesitate to date Taehyung, it's because I was very sure that he will never hurt me again, and I'm very sure at that moment, that I can trust him more, than before, and I saw it, in his eyes, that he really does love me.

"Nothing? Really?" She asked me, and I nodded and continued typing.

And in one swift motion, my cellphone was took by my unnie, Jisoo.

"Yah!" I shouted.

"Yah! You're shouting at your unnie now?" She said.

"Mianheyeo" sorry. I said, and bowed to her.

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