
7K 117 39

You have been living with bts for about a month now, working on your debut. You and Jungkook were in the car which is being driven by Jin. 

Whilst Jin and Jungkook were talking about a dance rehearsal after school you zoned out and stared out of the window dreading school. You see, for the past few months, you had been bullied by a group of people who thought that you shouldn't be a trainee and that you had taken their spot etc. Within this group were 5 people as a total, and you didn't have any friends as you were too busy working and trying to keep up your grades. As you were defenceless, you were an easy target. Which often lead to you being thrown into lockers (leaving multiple bruises on your back) and getting repeatedly beaten up behind walls outside. Jungkook had seen you get shoved into some lockers and asked you about it after school, and you just told him that it was a misunderstanding and that they had tripped.

The car had pulled up outside the school doors and you exited the car and waved Jin goodbye. Now it was just you and jungkook walking into school. "Hey Y/N, everything okay?" Jungkook asks you. "Erm, yeah.. why wouldn't it?" You reply slightly on edge "I don't know, you just seem quieter than usual" he replies, placing his hand on your back. You wince in pain, as his hand was on a bruise from yesterday. "No I'm fine, I really need to go now" jungkook nods as you two split to different corridors. A group of girls glare at you for being so close with him, you just avert eye contact, staring at the floor wishing for the day to end already.

"Hey loser! What are you doing?" A male voice shouts at you behind you. You turn to you locker and open it. Tears in your eyes form, you don't have to even look at him to know that him and his gang are nearing towards you. "I asked you a question, are you not gonna even answer it?" You keep your mouth shut in fear of stuttering and getting embarrassed. "I think she needs to be punished" another voice calls out. You close the locker door having got all of your books for the day in your bag. You try to walk away when a pair of hands shove you into your locker pushing on your already broken rib from two days ago. "You're not getting away that easily bitch." You swallow knowing what was about to come as you receive a hard blow to the stomach, you drop to your knees gasping for air. Multiple kicks and punch were being thrown at you, most of them hitting your back. You weep on the floor waiting for it all to end wishing for the wave of unconsciousness to sweep over you and to take the pain away, but they were smarter than that. They wouldn't let you be in bliss but at the unbearable stage before that and then leave you their a crying mess. Students averted their eyes, not wanting to get involved.

After 10 minutes of beating you up they left you on the dirty floor. You try to get up only to fall back down. You look down at your bear legs to see multiple bruises that will be a pain itself to cover up before rehearsal.

You stagger on your sprained ankle and many other injuries and turn up half way through the lesson only to get a scolding form your history teacher. Oblivious to the blood, and pain presentable every inch of my body. You go to the back left corner and sit down open your note book and start writing down notes.


After history, you had maths. Which only gave you a headache. You were on your way to lunch searching your pockets for the lunch money you had forgotten at home. As you had also skipped breakfast you knew dance rehearsal wasn't going to be fun...

You decide to go to the bathroom and to try and cover up the bruises and scratches you received a couple of hours ago.

After doing so, you went to the roof not wanting to talk to Jungkook and get shouted at and glared by every female in the school. You sit there for 20 minutes staring out to the sky wondering what life has install for you next.


After school Jin picks up you and jungkook and takes you to dance rehearsal slightly early so you can change beforehand.

Once arriving Bang PD wants a meeting with everyone to discuss the debut. Everyone turns up as you sit between tae and jungkook. You space out for the next 10 minutes until you realise that everyone is staring at you. "Sorry, could you repeat that?" You ask, your face burning up. "We want to now if anyone had sustained any injuries, as it would affect you overall performance for the debut" Bang PD answers softly. Your eyes widen in surprise as you stutter slightly "n-no I haven't" you finish with a small smile. "Okay then" he replies as you space our again until the end of the meeting. Everyone was getting up and leaving when you feel a hand on your shoulder, you yell in pain and turn around quickly to see Bang PD behind you. Taehyung exited the boardroom leaving Bang PD  and you alone. "You know Y/N, I may be your manager but I care about you deeply. If anything is going on you can tell me or any of the members, as I'm sure they will listen. Jungkook told me about the incident yesterday with your being pushed into lockers, are you sure you are okay?"
"I'm fine, sir" you reply before briskly walking away towards to bathroom to change before practise.

You redo some of the make up covering the bruises. And feel slightly lightheaded as you hadn't eaten anything the whole day. You shrug off the feeling and get to work, practising  No More Dream.


After about three hours,  you feel much worse and keep on messing up earning dirty looks from all of the members. "Come on Y/N we want to go home!" Jimin says, making you blush. "I'm sorry" is all you can manage to say feeling really sick and having a really bad headache.

After two more turns J-hope, Namjoon, Jimin and Jin all start to get angry, telling and muttering rude thing to you. You start to feel really weak now, you vision going dark, your head throbbing. "Hey guys back off can't you see something wrong?!" Taehyung shouts back at them. He grips onto your  shoulders making you yell out in pain. "What's -?" He gets cut off as you push his hand away pulling on your T-shirt slightly revealing a large bruise on your collar bone. His eyes widen as yours get teary. "Hey Y/N deep breaths" jungkook tells you as all the members go quite after seeing you like this, and seeing your injury. This only makes you more nervous as your knees give way and you fall to the group and you vision goes black.    "Y/N!!" Is the last thing you hear.

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