Music video

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You guys were all preparing for the release of your new album 'Skool Luv Affair'. Today you were excited because you were shooting a music video for 'Boy in Luv'. But to do the music video, you were all summoned at an unearthly hour no person should be awake at.


"YAH WAKE UP" Jungkook yells directly into your ear making you shoot up and knock foreheads.
You dropped back into your pillows and complained, "Gahhhh pabo that hurts like a motherf—"
"LANGUAGE" you hear Jin yell from outside.
So instead of finishing your sentence you simply narrow your eyes in a threatening manner at the fool in front of you.
"Hey I didn't know you were gonna do that I was just hoping you'd fall of the bed" Jungkook tried to reason with his hand on his forehead trying to help the pain. You keep you mouth shut and continue to glare at him.

————mini time skip of them getting ready

"Why did I hear shouting this morning" Taehyung asks you with an eyebrow raised.
"Junglebook oppa scared me to wake me up and so I sat up and we bumped each other's foreheads and it hurtsssss." You pout looking up at the elder. He gives in to your cuteness and wraps his arms around you glaring at Jungkook who is standing behind you.

Eventually you all get fed and watered, you all climb into the mini van and get taken to the music video shoot.


Once you all got your makeup and hair done, you all sat in a class room getting told what is going to happen. Apparently, you're going to pretend to be some new girl that all the guys have a crush on. You laughed at the idea but then realised they were serious. "Oh.." you say and look at the others awkwardly.

You wore a black blazer, grey converse shoes, a red patterned skirt and tie and a white shirt for the first scene.

They had you simply walk past a window, however it took about 4 attempts because for some reason you couldn't walk 'right'. It was either too slow or too fast or looked like a chicken. But you managed it in the end.

You guys then did the dance routine which went surprisingly well.  You wore a white shirt and a black mini skirt.

You then wore your first outfit again and shot a scene where Jungkook sang and gave you a rose. Sounds simple right? Oh my Lord. You both kept on laughing in the way he was supposed to be flirtatious. It took about 20 minutes in total but the final take was a good one.

You would then sing back to him about how you aren't to be messed with because 'female empowerment' and you did this with the rest of them.

One by one the other members went to you and sang, some held your hand and others just sang all in all it was rather awkward. You'd then sing back to them and they'd feel awkward. It was some sort of uncomfortable seesaw.

You then shot a scene with Namjoon where there were sparklers going off either side of you. You just kind of stood there and smiled at the flames whilst trying not to catch fire. You had no idea why the producers were praising you.

There were only two scenes left to do which as a group one and one with Jin. You had to do the one with Jin first. The one you were looking forward to the least.

Nonetheless, here you were standing with him less than a foot away lip syncing to music acting all flirty. You just stood there wide-eyed with a smile on you lips not knowing what else to do. He then took another step and pushed you towards the lockers putting his forearm above your head. You instantly shut your eyes and slid down the lockers to you knees waiting for the moment to be over. It was wayyy to awkward.

"Reset, we need to take that again." You hear a muffled loud voice say. You wrap your arms around your knees and look up at the towering boy looking down at you with a slight blush on his cheeks. "You okay Y/N?" He asks. You pout but nod your head. You can't wait for this era to be over it's so awkward.

FINALLY you guys did it on the 14th take and you had a throbbing headache. Only one more scene to go! You then went to change into your leather jacket, white t-short and black ripped skirt. You wore black converse and a choker as well. You honestly quite liked this outfit, it was a lot nicer than the restricting ones you've worn before.

All of BTS we stood in some sort of basketball court. With you backs to the camera laughing and playing with each other. The ones with all of them are honestly a lot more fun.

You guys then did the dance routine a final time and then you were finally done!! You guys all went out with all the staff that helped and had dinner.

You all now look back on that as a fond, funny memory.

Hi guys!! I know I know I know, this was a really bad chapter! I honestly have writers block right now so I'll try to upload twice asap to make up for this! I might decide to delete this because I'm not proud of it, please let me know what you think I should do.

Thank you to everyone who read this it means the world to me!

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