Bullied part 2

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You wake up with a pillow under your head, you legs on someone's lap and someone holding your hand.

You groan us you lift up your head, only to receive a wave of nausea wash over you. You let your head flop back onto the pillow in defeat.

"Your awake!" You hear Jungkook say, whilst on his phone, you realise it's him who you have your legs on top of. Taehyung gasps as you see it's him holding your hand. You hum in response. Realising that you are on a sofa in your office. It just being you three. Jungkook hands you his bottle of water which you take smiling at him in gratitude. You take a few gulps of water and hand it back to him.

You hear Taehyung's voice beside you say "Why didn't you tell us, Y/N?" Your smile drops knowing what he is talking about. "About what?" You try to act innocent. "The bruise on your shoulder," jungkook answers for him.
"I just tripped going up some s-stairs. Must've hit my shoulder" You stutter, knowing that the messed up. "We all know that you stutter when you lie Y/N" Jungkook replies, you blush in response. "I'm f-fine, I don't need anyone's concern" you say trying to gather as much strength into your words "you know that we don't really believe that" Taehyung says. You stand up not wanting to have an argument, ignoring the nausea and the headache which made you want to scream. You storm out of the room and begin the two hour trek in the dark, back to your house. Leaving your belongings with Jungkook and Taehyung.

After about an hour you hear people calling your name. You climb up a tree and wait for then to fade. It starts to get dark, and you know you still have an hour to go. Being afraid of the dark you start to jog home. After about another half an hour, it starts to rain.  You slip on a rock and you cry out in pain as you fall and slid across the floor making you bloody, cold and wet with still 30 minutes to go. You now limp home crying. After hearing a few catcalls from a nearby pub you quicken your pace.
You stagger through the door, hearing several sighs of relief. You feel a load of people rush towards you hugging you. You only whimper softly yet mentally scream, not wanting to ruin the moment. You look down at your blood stained white T-shirt and muddy leggings, ripped in places and soggy from the rain. You h/l  h/c drenched. Everyone breaks away from the group hug. 4 particular people looking guilty. "We are sorry" Namjoon says. As a response you simply walk to you room, leaving the door half open as you change out of your clothes. "Hey Y/N.." you hear suga say as he opens your door wider. Revealing you in just your bra and underwear, you viciously blush where as suga looks at your body seeing all of the bleeding, bruises and scars all over you body. He gasps as he closes your door and runs to the members to tell them what he saw. You cry to yourself softly as you get changed into an oversized top and baggy bottoms. You open up your laptop and continue your song you were writing during lunch.

You hear another knock at your door and turn to see jungkook there, his head peering out of the side of the door awaiting entry. You wave him in as he sits down next to you and back hugs you as you work. You sit like this until you hear his quiet voice ask "why didn't you tell me?" You turn around and look at him, guiltily. "I didn't want to burden you" is all you managed to say. Tears fill your eyes as he pulls you onto his lap. "I would've listened to you, we could've stopped them. It didn't have to go this far" he says as you bury you head in the crook of his neck, closing your eyes he continues "We all love you Y/N. I don't know a single member that wouldn't have helped you. If you don't want to talk to me -"
"It's not that I didn't want to talk to anyone Kookie-hyung," you cut him off  "I just didn't feel the need to go to you guys. Besides you would've been the first one I would've gone to for help" he smiles in reply as you two just sit there for a while. "I love you Y/N"
"I love you Kook-hyung".

You two fall asleep in each other's arms.

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