Yoongi and Y/N moments

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Sorry for the late update, but better late than ever xx
Finally, you all get a day off. A day to relax and to do whatever you pleased. It was currently 10am on a Saturday and you still hadn't moved from your bed. You were planning on doing you homework tomorrow, so you had the whole day free today.

Finally, you got dressed into a shirt-sleeved, thin.white tee with some black leggings. You brushed your hair quickly and didn't bother to do any makeup or anything. Slipping on some fluffy socks, you made your way to the kitchen where the others were.

"Ah, Y/N. Just in time, do you want to go to the mall in about half an hour or so?" Taehyung asks you, all the members looking at you. "Yeah sure, how are we going to get there, the van is still at bighit.." you reply
"We'll get the train in, it'll be fine." Namjoon says "okay hyungs" you answer, making some matcha tea for everyone.

——time skip brought to you by Jin's laugh——

"Ready to go?" Jin asks you, as you tie the laces on your canvas shoes. "Yup" You reply, standing up straight again. You all make your way to the station and get into the train. It was quite empty so you all managed to get a seat. You sit next to Jimin, opposite the rest of the maknae line as the hyung line are in a similar position across the isle.

Along the way, the four of you make jokes and have quiet conversations between yourself before all standing up. Holding hands with Jungkook and J-hope, you all exit the train as a group. "Yah, wear your mask Y/N" Yoongi points out, pointing to your chin wear you mask was currently placed. "Oh, sorry hyung" you say, letting go of Hoseok's hand to put the mask over your face. Holding hands with the two again, the 8 of you walk to the mall.

"Do you need anything Y/N?" Yoongi asks you, "I would like to get a pillow and some new earphones as someone~" you say glaring as Jimin "lost my old pair." Jimin clothes his heart playfully, gasping dramatically "I'll go round with Y/N then, I think we all know that I get the best pillows." The rest of the members sort themselves out into small groups before you all split off.

"Do you want to get a drink first?" Yoongi asks you "yeah sure.. can we get some boba hyung?"
"Of course Y/N" Yoongi replies, holding your hand and guiding you to a cafe.

——another time skip brought to you by Jimins non-existent jams——

You pull down your mask to sip your boba, you and Yoongi were looking at small pillows for you, you had already bought your earphones and Yoongi had bought a new speaker and neck pillow for travelling.

You suddenly hear a gasp and turn to the wide-eyed young girl standing before you. "Omg are you Y/N? As in BTS's Y/N?!" Confused as to how she knew who you were as you were quite unknown still, you slowly nodded your head. The young girl quickly took photos of you and Yoongi, as he grabbed a pillow you both liked and payed hastily before exiting the store. You texted the members telling them that you and Yoongi were heading back tot the dorm after fans had figured out that you were there. You bother walked back to the station and got on the next train back to the dorm.

The train back was very busy, and there were quite a few stops before your house. You were standing up, facing a window with Yoongi to the left of you. There were only about 5 others standing but the next stop was a busy one and you were all moved around.

Yoongi remained to the left of you, however an older man was behind you, his body pressed against yours despite there being a space behind him. Being uncomfortable, you reached out for Yoongis hand and squeezed it to let him know that you weren't happy. Yoongi quickly looked you way and seeing the older man stand behind you, staring down at your hair with a creepy grin and drooling slightly. Winding in disgust Yoongi gently tugged you to stand in front of him, as he cold glares at the elder, wrapping his arm around your middle. You both got off at the next strop and walked back to the dorm.

Unsurprisingly, you two were the first ones back. The other members hadn't said anything apart from a few "see you at the dorm"'s. You dropped your bag on your bed and sighed, putting your phone on your bedside table.

You heard a soft knock followed by an even softer "Y/N" Come from behind you door. "Yeah?" You ask the voice, recognising that it was Yoongi, partly as you two were alone. Yoongi enters, and sits next to you, side-hugging your shoulders, you rest your head on his chest, smiling to yourself at the contact. " I love you" He says to you
"I love you too Yoongs" you reply, as you two sit there in a comfortable silence.

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