Manager pt. 5

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The car continuing to speed up, along the road. You and Jungkook instantly burst into action, only a few seconds away from a hairpin-bend, and at this rate, the two of you will be lead to the same fate as Donghae.



"W-What do we do?!" Your voice shakes and adrenaline pulses through your body. Jungkook scrambles through the small space in between the two front seats and sits behind the wheel wide-eyed as you do the same, now sitting in the passenger seat. You see that the pedals are locked down with ties and seemingly unmovable. The car was constantly gaining speed and there was nothing you could do about it. 

"Jungkook the corner!" You yell at him nervously. Hastily, he grabs the wheel and pulls it as hard as he can. His white knuckles gripping the cheap leather with all of his might. You feel your body get pulled by the gravity as you swing round the corner at a great speed. You hold onto the handle just above your window to try and stop yourself from getting thrown around too much. 

"We made it!" Jungkook says as he turns around to face you, "We actually did it!" His face scrunched up into his signature bunny smile whilst yours melted in desperation looking past his head and out of the window. Everything seemed like it went into slow motion, you saw lines form onto his forehead as he looked at your expression. Your eyes widen, mouth drops open and you feel yourself become 3 shades paler. "THE WALL!" you shout with so much distress your voice sounded raw.

Jungkook didn't have enough time to direct the car completely away from the wall; he just caught the front right corner of the vehicle,  directly in front of him. However, due to the rapid speed of the car you were felt like a rag-doll, as you were thrown forward and through the front windshield. 

Pain explodes as you feel shards of glass break as you are thrown through it, other pieces digging into your skin, separating it like velcro being torn apart. You let out an agonising scream as you feel your body crash into to wall itself. Pain then erupts in your right side as the stone wall scraps away at your skin, white-hot pain searing your ribcage as it hits an uneven rock.

Your body finally lands, almost humming with pain. As dark fog starts to cloud your vision, and you quickly succumb to the peace and fall unconscious.

----- Jungkook's POV

"THE WALL!" Y/N shouts, I turn and grab the wheel pulling it as far as it can trying to steer away from the wall, but I wasn't fast enough. My body lurches forward and my head meets the steering wheel, allowing a bloodied gash to form on my forehead. I hear glass shatter but the scene around me starts spinning. "y-y/n?" my voice is quiet and distant. I tilt my head up and see a hole in the windshield, the shards remaining; stained with crimson blood. "y/n?" I ask again, my eyes struggling to focus on any one thing. "y/...." And just like that, I'm out cold.

----- Jin's POV

"Hyung?" I see Jimin calling me from across the lunch room in the company building. 

"Hm?" I reply, still staring at my phone. 

"Shouldn't Y/N and Jungkook be back by now? It's been about 3 hours and it only takes like 30 minutes to get there..." I stop staring at my phone as a soft frown falls onto my face. 

"Well, I let one of Ara's friends give them a lift in as he was going in the same direction, maybe he dropped them home?" I know that I was mildly trying to convince myself that more than Jimin, but it's still highly likely. "Have you tried calling them?" I ask the younger,

"Yeah, neither of them picked up their phones, it just kept ringing..." Jimin says, concern flooding his tone. When they both wouldn't talk to us, they'd still pick up the phone, just maybe not say much or they'd decline, but they at least did something...

"Let's go find the others and see if any of them can contact them." I tell Jimin, we both exit and then split up to get us all together.

-- (mini time skip)

"What the hell did you gather us for Chim?"

"Ugh, what's going on now?"

"Is everything okay?"

"What's this about?" (guess who said what hehe)

I decide to speak up first, "Have any of you been able to contact either Jungkook or Y/N in the past 3 hours or so?" All of them shake their heads, confused as to what I was getting at. "Well can you try?" They all get their phones out and text them or call them, trying to see if there's any activity on their devices at all. After about 45 minutes or waiting for a reply we all are rather concerned. 

"What's going on in here?" Ara walks into the room, a sweet but confused expression lying delicately on her perfect face. 

"We're just a bit concerned about Jungkook and Y/N... they aren't picking up their phones..." Hobi explains to her, but she pulls a strange expression in response.

"Oh, no need to bother, she messaged me saying that she needed to go home for a bit with Jungkook about an hour ago." Ara replied, her voice as smooth as silk and a light chuckle at the end.

"That's weird.." Yoongi's voice is heard for the first time in a while from the corner of the room. 

"What's weird?" I ask, walking towards the paler male with his hood up. 

"Well.... as Y/N is our youngest and yet gets into the most trouble, I thought that I should be able to track her phone and it says that they're by some sort of cliff edge..." Yoongi explains to us. We all turn to look at each other, confused faces staring back at each other. 

"I'm sure she's fine. Come on, let's go to dance practise!" Ara says, grabbing Taehyung's and Hobi's wrists, pulling them out of the room. Once they left we spoke up again:

"Are we going to find them then?"

"I was thinking the exact same thing."


Sorry that this chapter wasn't the entire ending yet, but this series will be complete next weekend, I promise.

Please let me know if there are any themes or genres or au's.... anything at all that you guys want me to write about, and I'll try my best!

Please please please like, vote comment and follow so that way I know what you guys dislike and enjoy the most!

Stay safe everyone! x💜

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