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So, this is really short but i need more Y/N and Hobi moments and this was really cute so yeah... enjoy! x💜

Its late afternoon, you're dressed into an oversized jumper and comfy shorts, your hair is up in a messy bun, glasses on with a pumpkin-spiced-latte bubble tea on the bed-side table next to you. You sat cross-legged on your ruffled lilac bedsheets with your laptop in your lap, typing up your RS essay.

"Ughhhhhhh!" you exclaim letting your back flop back onto the cushions. You squeezed your eyes shut tightly and blew the stray hairs out of your face.

"You good?" Hoseok asks, sitting at the end of your bed on his phone.

"No." You keep your eyes shut,

"Well then." He replies simply, you thought he was going to leave you alone but oh lord you were wrong. You allowed one eye to open ever-so-slightly when you heard him move. He grabbed his bottle of water next to him and unscrewed the lid. He walked over to you so he was towering over your feeble form and grinned.

"You wouldn't dare-" He began to tip the bottle directly over your face hysterically laughing as you were trying to smack the trickling water out of your face. You could feel your mascara trickling down your face and onto your pillow.

Once the bottle was completely empty (he shook it to ensure that he didn't forget one drop), you sat up and saw that your pillows were wet, luckily none had gone onto your laptop. "I'm going to MURDER YOU JUNG HOSEOK!" You scream and get up off of your bed and began to chase him around the house. The others weren't at the dorm yet, so no one was questioning your drenched form speeding round the kitchen table trying to tackle Hobi.

After a solid 20 minutes of chasing him around the house you finally had him cornered. "Ha. Ha. Ha. I finally caught YOU-" you leapt into the air towards Hobi. Surprisingly he ducked and stuck out his arm, catching you mid air so you'd land over his shoulder. You weakly tried to hit his back in retaliation as he carried you over to the sofa and dropped you. "Movie time!" He said, showing off his dimples, you scowled and narrowed your eyes but didn't refuse. "Ill grab you a new t-shirt and make some popcorn you can stay there and try not to get the blankets wet." You very quietly growled at the last comment and folded your arms with a hmph sound, waiting for his return.

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