Hoseok and Y/N

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You guys were rehearsing No More Dream for the last time (after 4 other times beforehand) on stage for one of the first times. You were on the edge of the stage on the runway part dancing the routine as usual. You don't have enough space to walk along it, let alone to dance in the position you were in so you nudged yourself out of position slightly, gently touching Hoseok's arm by doing so. You continue the dance and everything was fine.

"What the hell was that about Y/N?" You hear from behind you. Your eyes widen at the sudden attitude you had just received. You spin yourself around, staring at Hoseok's glare with a confused look. "You pushed yourself into me in the middle of that which knocked my focus and I messed up the bit after that. You do understand that if you do that again during the concert that I'll look bad in front of Army, right?"
"I'm sorry Hoseok hyung I was just-"
"Save your breath Y/N, I just don't want that happening again" he turns around and stomps away, leaving you glassy eyed.

You guys rehearsed once again and the same thing happened. You were about to fall off of stage when you saved yourself and took half a step back into Hoseok. After the rehearsal you knew he'd shout at you for it, so you got yourself a glass of water and attempted to mentally prepare yourself for the scolding. "Y/N what that actual HELL was that about. Did I not tell you not to go back into me? One time can be a mistake but doing it twice makes it seem like you want me to look bad. Do you really want that Y/N?"
"No Hoseok hyung I just... I thought that if I had just-"
"Shut up Y/N and don't let it happen again. That was our last rehearsal and if it happens durning the concert you are going to regret it." He says, glaring at you a final time before walking away. You felt arms wrap around you as you hear Tae's voice from directly behind your head. "What was all that about?" He asks you, resting his head in the crook of your neck. His arms still tight around your waist. "Nothing important, just made a little mistake is all" you reply, trying to make sure your voice didn't crack. "If you say so.." he says, squeezing you tight then letting go and walking away.

— time skip

You just finished getting your makeup done and your hair styled. "5 MINUTES TILL SHOWTIME" someone shouts. One by one, the eight members are ready to go on stage, standing backstage by the curtains. The music starts as the fans scream. You guys all run on stage and get into position and begin to sing, dance and rap.

Your voices cracked slightly during one of the notes, so you received a few supportive smiles and a glare (from guess who). You guys spread out and walked forward onto the catwalk as the fans screamed and chanted along the words with you. You wave and smile, sending finger hearts to them all. You guys continue to dance when you were in front of Hoseok and at the edge of the stage.

You continued to dance at the very edge of the stage. Almost losing your balance a few times. Almost done you tell yourself, proud that you had made it this far without jumping back. You all jump at the same time but you land awkwardly at the edge of the stage. Your inside foot only half on the floor making you fall off stage an onto the floor. You try to get up, to make it known that you were okay. The members all rush over to you, tears were in J-Hope's eyes as he knew it was because of him that you fell off stage.

You try to stand up with the help of Namjoon and you walk forward. Falling into Jimin when you put pressure on your ankle. Jin comes up behind you and scoops you into his arms, carrying you bridal style to back stage where medics can treat your ankle. Your eyes glazed with tears as you whimper slightly when they placed you onto the couch backstage. You hear Namjoon announce to the fans that we were taking a "5 minute break" J-Hope held you hand as you squeeze it, trying to let him know that you weren't upset with him. He kisses the back of you hand as you whimper again, you leg being lifted and propped up. "Is she going to be alright?" Jin asks the medic who is examining your ankle. "It looks like it's a nasty sprain, she can't dance for the rest of the show-"
"What?" You gasp. "What about army?"
"I'm sure they'll understand Y/N" Taehyung says, giving you a warming smile. Your head on top of Jungkook's lap as he plays with your hair. "Does she need to go to hospital?" He asks "No, I'll bandage it up for her, and if it doesn't get any better then she'll need to get it check out in about 2 weeks." The medic bows to everyone as they bow back and thank her for doing her job. A stool is brought out on stage for you to sit in, as the boys do the dances as they would with just a Y/N sized gap.

— another time skip

It was after the concert, and Jin had carried you backstage again. You were chugging down a bottle of water, sitting down with you ankle raised (as suggested by the medic earlier) on top of a pillow. "Y-Y/N? You hear a quiet voice from next to you. You look up at a sad looking J-Hope. Seeing him this way makes you pout as you open your arms wide, gesturing him to give you a hug. He does so and you two stay like that for about 10 seconds before breaking apart and looking at each other. "Y/N I am so so sorry, I didn't realise that the reason why you moved was because it was the edge, I'm sorry I didn't list you explain yourself and I'm so so so so soooo sorry for saying all of those horrible things to you. I really hope you forgive me. I love you, please don't hate me. This is all my fault" he says in a pout. He looks down at you on the couch as the other members leave, letting you two sort this out together. "I'm not mad Hobi-hyung, don't worry. It's not your fault anyway, I should've said something to a director or Namjoon-hyung so something could've been done. I'm sorry I backed into you at rehearsal." You say with a warm smile, he smiles back like the sunshine he is.

Later on, you guys get home and decide to have a 'spa' evening together and finish with a movie. You let them draw on the bandage on your ankle whilst your foot rested on J-Hope's lap during the movie, you two sharing popcorn and holding hands the entire night.

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