Running away pt. 2

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Hi guys, sorry it took my so long to upload this chapter.. a lot has been going on in my life so I haven't really felt motivated to do this or anything for that matter. I am really sorry. and I can't promise that I'll update next week and the week after but I can promise that I'll try my best. I really hope you guys understand, I am sorry. I love you 💜


Get away from there.

That was the only thought running through your head as you walked away from the house. You were barely conscious that you were walking, unaware of what was happening around you. Your sense of time warped. You legs just carried you to lord knows where and you didn't want to stop. You couldn't stop. You just had to leave.

You were walking for at least 2 hours but to you it was like 2 minutes. You were in some sort of street at midnight. You couldn't hear the people either side of you, the drunken men cat calling you. You just stared straight ahead and kept walking. Everything but the voices in your head were blurred. Anything else didn't matter. Nothing mattered. You just had to leave.

They're better off without you.
They don't care about you.
They'd be glad to know that you're leaving them.
They're just like your family. They don't care.
Get away from the people you love, you'll only cause them pain.
They all know that they'll be better off without you. Deep down you know that too.

All of these thoughts running through your head at the same time. Deafening. Nothing would make them shut up. You start to jog completely unaware of your surroundings. You break into a run, looking down at the ground, tears blurring your vision. One foot in front of the other. There's nothing else to do, nothing worth doing.

Two hands grab your wrist and your waist. Your face in someone's chest. "Now that wasn't very nice sweetie." The husky drunken voice of a male, whispers into your ear. You can smell the beer and cigarettes on his breath. You realise that you nearly bumped into him. "S-sorry" you mutter trying to move away, but his firm grip on your waist wouldn't allow that. "No no no darling... you aren't going anywhere. You nearly bumped into me, surely I should get a little something back?" He ends his sentence by running the tip of his nose from your breastbone up your neck to right behind your ear, where he inhales your scent. "I need to be somewhere... I'm sorry sir" you mutter and then gasp in pain as he digs his dirty nails into your pale skin on your wrist. "Now now now... where could a pretty little girl like you, be going in the middle of the night with tears rolling down her face huh?" He licks your ear slightly, you try to turn away but the hand that was on your wrist grabs something out of his pocket. "Looks to me like you were trying to run away... Well... Let's have some fun, shall we?" You feel a short prick in the side of your neck and suddenly everything goes blurry and distorted. Sounds feel like they're being stretched and you feel lightheaded. You fall over but something or someone catches you. You feel yourself get dragged somewhere but you're too tired to look up, you can barely open your eyes. You feel yourself get propped up on the cold damp floor against a wall. Hands slide underneath your clothes over your waist and chest. "S-stop" you say breathily. The hands move down to your hips and touch your skin "n-no" you try to say "I love it when you talk... but I wanna hear you scream" a low voice growls. A hand moves some strands of hair from your face as you get lifted up and placed back down, flat on the floor almost completely naked. You feel a man crawl on top of you and kiss your lips. You don't respond, but you don't push him off, you don't have the energy. You feel something hard push against your lower half and that's when your hear it. "HEY WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?"

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