Coping method pt. 2

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So i know its been sooo long and I'm really sorry, I'm going on holiday soon so I'll probably do my next update asap, thanks for still reading, I'll try to do my best in the future :) xx purple you guys 💜

Authors POV

Soon after, Y/N fell asleep in Taehyung's arms, the rest of the group still slightly shocked at what happened. "How did you know how to do that?" Jimin asked tae,
"My sister used to have panic attacks when she was younger so I used to help her, plus this isn't Y/N's first time so I've helped her before" he replied, the rest of the members look at him in shock "What?" Jin asks him, his eyes widening. "You guys know right? She has nightmares, she sometimes texts me to cuddle her and stuff, plus I sometimes check on her and see her panicking and try to help.." Taehyung says to the other members. "I didn't know... did anyone else?" Namjoon asks, everyone else shakes their heads. "Why didn't you tell us?" Yoongi asks,
"Well I thought you already knew, I would've told you if I thought different." You stir slightly in your sleep causing the other members to quieten down.

"What do we do now?" Jimin asks, looking at Y/N with concern. "We wait for her to calm down and wake up. Then we should try to talk to her." Namjoon says, the others agree.
"I'll talk to her alone first" Yoongi says, everyone looks at him with slight surprise but doesn't disagree.

Eventually, the members start to leave until Yoongi, Taehyung and you were left alone. "I had no idea she was struggling like this" Yoongi says, not taking his eyes off of you. "I don't think anyone knew it was this bad, no one can blame themselves? The important thing is that we know now and can help her get through it." Taehyung says, proud with how mature that sounded. "You can go finish your meal, I'll look after Y/N." Yoongi tells Taehyung. "Okay hyung." He replies with a slight smile. Between the two of them, they manage to lift your feeble body out of Taehyung's lap and into Yoongi's.

Yoongi's POV

I look at her pale, thin structure. How could she be going through all of this and I was oblivious the entire time. I look down in shame.

We lay there for about 30 minutes before I feel her stir. "Y-Yoongi?" I hear a weak, croaky voice whisper. "I'm here bub" I reply, gently rubbing her arm smiling down at her cuteness.


You slowly open your eyes and see Yoongi looking at you with a sad expression. "Y-Yoongi?" You say in a quiet voice.
"I'm here bub" he replies rubbing my arm and smiling at me. " I in trouble?" You ask, you voice catches at the last word, "What? No! Not at all!" He says softly, I smile slightly into him. "Are the others annoyed at me?" You ask "No, Y/N, trust me, nothing bad is going to happen, no one is annoyed nor angry at you. Okay?" He says
"Okay..." you reply, lifting your self up so your head is on his chest, arms wrapped around his chest, his arms around your waist. You're lying half on him half on the bed just hugging each other.

"Bub?" Yoongi asks, with a slight sigh.
"Yeah?" You ask, lifting yourself up slightly so you can look at him in the face. "You know you can talk to me right? I don't really know what you went through, but I'm here for you. I too went through a sad time in my life, and it felt like I'd never get out. Heck, sometimes I still feel like that, but it hurts a lot more when I see people I care about in that kind of pain, especially you bub... I care about you. I'm here for you, always here for you no matter what." Yoongi says, looking at you with an expression of sympathy and sincerity. You sigh, looking down "I'll tell you, eventually. I appreciate you telling my that hyung, I really do. I...I just feel like I can't hurt anyone when I keep myself to myself. That sounds stupid I know, I just feel lost...  and to control the feelings I experience I write them down... when I freaked it over the book it was because I didn't want to worry you guys or hurt you. I just feel like I let you down. I'm sorry hyung." You say, letting a few tears escape. Yoongi wraps his arms around you tighter, pulling your body against his. You let out weak sobs into his t-shirt. "You shouldn't apologise, there's nothing for you to apologise for, if anything we need to apologise to you for not saying or doing anything to help sooner. Talking to us, to anyone, will make you feel better." You pull away and look into his face with a slight smile. "Thank you hyung, I liked talking to you... you can talk to me as well, about anything... I love you hyung." You say hugging him again. "I love you too bub."

Afterward, you show Yoongi some of the lyrics you've written and you two start writing raps, verses, and the odd whole song together. You two became closer and you felt you could start to tell him about your past, and he felt he could open up to you too. Because of your bond suddenly intensifying, army's even thought you two were dating you were spending that much time together. You two just thought it was funny though. The members were happy you and Yoongi were opening up to each other and kept their eye more open for little signs of concern just in case. Overall, everyone was more relaxed and happier as a whole. You finally felt like you had a family and you might be ready to open up to them... maybe.

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