First period

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It's almost winter now, and you have to leave in 40 minutes in order to get to yet another concert. It's a 3 hour drive to get there and you're not really looking forward to it, but you'll go through it for army. The only thing was though.... you haven't been feeling well lately. Plus, you've been snapping at Jungkook when he takes too long in the bathroom lately. The guys think it's because you're a teenager now which only angers you further.

You groan in pain and slowly roll over to the other side if your bed. "Y/N?" Jungkook asks softly from the other side of the room. "Hmm?" You reply sleepily. "You okay? You sounded hurt.." he asks.
"My tummy hurts" you answer pouting at him. You are both facing each other in your own beds, he frowns and climbs out of his bed and into yours cuddling you. "Do you feel better?" He asks, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and pulling you closer to him. "Slightly" you say before cuddling into him and closing your eyes again...

"YYY/NNN!!!! JUNGKOOK!!!!!" You hear someone scream from outside the door. You hear Jungkook groan behind you. We must've fallen asleep cuddling you think. You look at the time "OH SHIIIIIIItake mushrooms" you say and jump out of bed. You turn around and look at a sleepy Jungkook still in your bed, he cocks his head to the side slightly as if to say 'what?' So you say "we gotta leave in 5 minutes... so we gotta get UP UP UP UP" you repeat loudly punching Jungkook lightly but hard enough to make him irritated after a while to get him up. As soon as he's standing, you push him into the bathroom and you strip off your pjs and put on some white jean shorts with small red hearts on and a long black crop-top (it's a crop-top which only shows your middle when you lift your arms so... (picture above))  you quickly brush your H/C hair and tie it into a messy bun and knock on the bathroom door to tell Jungkook you're done changing. He then rushes out of the bathroom and you go in and brush your teeth. You then wash your face, apply moisturiser (you don't have time for a shower) and put on a bit of foundation to cover some unusual acne and a lip tint on, with just enough time to curl your eyelashes before Jungkook knocks on the door and you rush out. You slip on a pair of mid-leg black socks and race down the stairs. "We're here hyungs!" You say with a sigh, entering the kitchen. "You're lucky you're only two minutes late." Jin says with a stern look. You grab your phone, a jacket, put on your white trainers and get into the van outside the dorm waiting.

"Aww..." you say,
"What?" Jimin says, who is next to you in the van, "I forgot my earphones" you say with a pout. "Oh... you can share mine" he says with an eye-smile. "Thank you Jiminie hyung!!" You say, returning the smile. You put his earbud in your ear and enjoy the music he was listening to for the 3 hour journey.

2 and a half hours later you receive a nudge from Namjoon. You lift your head from his shoulder, unaware it was there in the first place, and look up at his smiling face. "We're here bub" he says. I must've fallen asleep again you think to yourself. "Yeah... half and hour early no thanks to this pabo" jiminie says with a cheeky grin, you just playfully punch his arms and scrunch your nose in reply. You slowly get out of the car, giving Jimin back his earbud and put your phone back in your pocket. You walk in, you arm looped around Namjoons so that you can close your eyes and he can guide you inside. "Gahhh" you exclaim and hunch over holding your abdomen in pain.
"Y/N?" You hear namjoon and jimins's voice above you. "I'm fine hyungs..." you say slowly as the pain goes away slowly. You continue walking inside and get directed into a room just for you guys. The staff take you over to one side of the room they must've arrived earlier you realise as the makeup and cons times are already set out and hung up ready for the members. A pair of hands lightly rest on your shoulders as you allow yourself to be guided to a chair and separated from Namjoon.

"Y/N-ssi? I need you to try on this." You get told after an hour of just sitting in the chair getting your makeup done. As you get directed to a small cubicle made out of pale-blue curtains, you wriggle out of your shorts and gasp. "Y/N-ah everything okay?" You can hear Taehyung's voice from the other side of the curtain, you look down at the large crimson stain on your white shorts. "Uhhh... yeah.. can you go get noona please hyung?" You reply quickly. "Sure!" He says you hear footsteps running away then coming back in the space of a few seconds. "Y/N-ssi?" You hear your noonas voice from the other side of the curtain "everything okay?" She asks.
"Erm can you come here for a sec noona?" You reply hastily. She slips herself inside the small space and sees what's concerned you. "A-ah.." she says "it's fine though!! Don't worry all natural... you just need to be careful from now on, that's all. You've started your period." You kind of gathered that you weren't dying from that statement. You have a general gist of what that meant but that didn't solve the problem. "I'll go get you something, give me a second." She leaves you again. "Right, the boys are in another room so it's just us and your hairstylist noona so we can talk normally now." You nod your head in understanding. "Here take this" she passes you a small, purple square that seems to be wrapped up in itself a few times and tells you what it is and what to do with it. Lucky for you though, the noonas found you some new panties and a black mini-skirt you can wear on your way home. But for now, you must perform. "20 minutes people!" You hear from outside the curtain. Noona leaves you to get sorted and to get dressed into your costume.

After the concert you, and the rest of BTS hugged and told each other how well you did. You quickly rushed to noona to ask her if you leaked (which you hadn't) and you get changed into the black miniskirt, with your black crop-top and went back into the van. You were pleased until you heard a question you'd been dreading "why you wearing a skirt? I thought you were wearing white shorts?" Jimin asked you. "U-uhhh" you stumble with your words
"It doesn't matter" you hear Namjoon say from the front, he turns round at you and winks. You sink in your chair shyly and close your eyes. Today was an eventful day to say the least.

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