
5K 109 8

You and jungkook were very young and innocent. Being too young for alcohol, your hyungs thought they'd be smart and hide the alcohol in a different container so you wouldn't think to drink it.
You and jungkook were playing overwatch in the afternoon whilst the other members were out doing god-knows what. Once you finished a round of the game you decided to have some lunch. You and Kookie walked to the kitchen and started to cook. As you made the rice Kookie was cutting the vegetables.

You looked in the fridge to look for your banana milk but a bottle on top of the fridge caught your eye. It was metallic and a shiny purple. 'What's that?' You ask Kookie drawing his attention from the veg. 'I don't know, I'll lift you up if you get it down.' You agreed with him as he held you by your waist and lifted you above his shoulders. You grab the cold bottle and bring it down with you. You show Kookie the bottle, and you get the cork out (it wasn't properly in anyway) with Kookie's help. You both since at the small but tip the weird liquid into your glasses and put them on the table. Not long after, you had prepared your lunch.

You both sit down and had your lunch, slowly drinking more and more of the unknown liquid.

By the time you had finished the bottle you were feeling slightly sick, tired but finding everything funny. Jungkook has barely finished his first glass as he was playing his game, meaning that you had had almost a whole bottle. Jungkook thought you were acting funny and laughed with you not knowing what was actually happening. 10 minutes later you were feeling very sick and threw up on the floor. Kookie pauses the film and picked you up and took you to your bed. You were laughing at him the whole time, kookie being very concerned now.


Hyungs... Y/N acting weird and threw up.
What?!! What did you do to my baby?!
Nothing, I swear she was acting weird after she had lunch, giggling and stuff then threw up.
What did you have for lunch?
Rice and vegetables, and this weird drink.
Did they find it?
Find what?
Where did you find this 'weird' drink
On top of the fridge in a fancy bottle
How much of this bottle did she have?
I had half a glass and she finished the bottle...
Okay keep an eye on her we're on the way
I'm confused hyung
This is going to be interesting
Jungkook cleans up the mess on the floor and goes to your room. You're lying spread out in your bed looking at the ceiling giggling. 'What's so funny?' Kookie asks you, 'You' you reply giggling even more as he lies down next to you. You cuddle him for 5 minutes until you start giggling again. He watched you as you get up and go to the couch where you sit and get your phone and message Namjoon

We are almost home now, how about you lie down Y/N
I have been but I'm bored now
You turn off your phone and stumble over to the table and finish off Jungkook's drink for him. Jungkook runs to you trying to stop you but you down it before he manages to stop you. "Hahahahahahahahahahahahah" you laugh like crazy in a slurred voice as you walk over to the kitchen falling into Kookie 4 times on the way. You get yourself some banana milk but spill it down yourself in the process. Jungkook sighs and hugs you so tight you can't move. He picks you up this way and walks you over to the sofa where he sits you on his lap and hugs you so you can't move. "Hahahahahahahahahaha" you laugh some more. "You know," you slur "I always get sad because you never cuddle me. I always lie in my bed and want you to cuddle me but you don't." You pout at the end twisting your neck so jungkook can see you. "I'll cuddle you for the rest of the week if you're a good girl and stop wriggling about" he replies smiling to himself "but today is Sunday" you say
"Today and the whole of next week" he promises. "Deal." You reply stiffening up so you don't move. You give up within the next 30 seconds.
"Y/N! JUNGKOOK! WE'RE HERE!!" You hear a shout and the front door close as jungkook releases his tight grip on you. You run to the 6 other boys tripping over on the process but still gunning when you see them and pull them into a group hug, despite Yoongi's protests. Jungkook watches the 7 of you smiling making hand gestures to everyone else to get you in your room.
You all pull apart and they see the mess on your shirt. " Y/N sweetie, what's that?" Jin asks gently "Banananananananana milk" you reply slurring your words and laughing at yourself. "Okay, let's get you cleaned up" Hoseok says and the maknae line (minus you) go off leaving the hyung line to look after you. "I'm going to bed, have fun" yoongi says walking away.
"Who's gonna bath her?" Hoseok asks.
"I can" Namjoon says. You spacing out, looking into the distance. "Not with your perverted mind you're not" Jin says "I'm the mother of the group I'll do it" the other two nod their heads and walked off to their rooms. Jin picks you up bridal style and you boop his nose as he walks with you over to your room. "You're wearing a bra and underwear underneath right?" Jin asks you, as he twists the taps, starting the bath for you. "Yeah..." you reply lying back on you bed and log rolling till you fall off of it. Jin laughs at your actions and he picks you up and sits you in the end of your bed. He helps you take off your T-shirt and leggings and get into the bath. After about 10 minutes he's done washing you and helps you into bed. "Today was fun!" You say to him
"Oh yeah?" He replies "what did you do?"
"I drank this magical potion and felt all warm and bubbly inside" you say, Jin just laughs as he tucks you in. Jungkook walks into his/your room as he charges his phone and lies down next to you, his arm over you stomach and behind his head. Jin tucks him in too and leaves you both to sleep. Dreading the conversation and mood you'll be in he next day.

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