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I know the date is wrong and that the Mv doesn't come out on the 6th of December but please imagine, love you guys 💜
It was your birthday today and you were so excited. You woke up at 4 am (over an hour  before you actually needed to get up) and got showered and ready for the day. You and Jungkook both got the day off as you were shooting a music video for no more dream. You were so excited, you got to wear really cool clothes and there was fire and busses and wow. It's going to be soooo fun.

You barely apply any makeup, you put a bit of foundation on and some lip balm and start to make breakfast for you and the boys. As you just turned 16 (aaaaaa) you weren't good at cooking, like.. worse than Namjoon. But you tried your best. You managed to make 15 pieces of toast (you only had one) and you buttered them (poorly) and put lumps of different types of jam, marmalade etc onto a plate. You placed two bits of toast on a plate for each member, and gave them a knife to do as they wished with the (slightly burnt) bread.

One by one the members came out to the kitchen were they found the table laid and you sitting down, munching on a piece of toast whilst reading a manga book. They all said good morning to you and ate their (now cold) toast. "I didn't know you could cook!" Jimin says "I can't, and it isn't exactly cooking, I just pushed down the lever thing and waiting for the ting." You reply, he just smiles.

"Let's go!!" Namjoon shouts as you all get your shoes on and pile into the two vans. Jimin, Hoseok, Jin and Taehyung in one, leaving you, Yoongi and Jungkook in the other. It was a very long drive, you were told it would take 4 hours to get to the set. You and jungkook both make a playlist together, using your earphone splitter and portable charger and his phone. Yoongi fell asleep on your shoulder as soon as the engine started. It was a long drive but you all made it.

The eight of you gather outside and was told to make your way to the tent where you would get your makeup done and get into the costumes. You did so, you felt like a total rebel. With your eyeliner, bandana and leather jacket, you started to film your first music video.

Slightly upset that no one had said happy birthday to you, and it was now getting late, you entered the dorm and dropped your bag into your room. "Y/nnnnnnnnn" you hear a quiet voice call you from outside the door. "Yesssssssssss" You reply smirking
"Can we go to the shops together?... I'll buy you some boba teaaaaaa" Taehyung asks you, slowly entering your room. "Sure thing, as long as you keep your word." You say, getting up and following him outside your room. "I always do!" He says
"Sure" You reply
"I do!"
"Whatever you say!" You both smile at each other. You both exit the dorm and start walking to the shop. It was only a 20 minute walk but it was dark and cold which made it seem longer than usual. You finally made it, got the snacks that Tae said he wanted and he bought you your boba. You were about to open the door when you realise that Tae was texting someone and was still the other end of the shop.

Y/N's Birthday mission

Can we go back to the dorm now?
What no! Keep her stalled, she can't know about this remember!
Idk how long we can stay outside, it looks like it's gonna rain soon...
Take her to that park close by, she likes it there
Will do... how long will you be?
There's 30 minutes left on the cake, and Hoseok is fixing the bunting that Namjoon broke so at least 45 minutes I'd say...
I think she thinks that we didn't remember her birthday, she seems a little upset but wouldn't tell me when I asked her what was wrong.
Oh the emotional brain of a 13 year old
*14 now
My child is growing up so fast
Ew... anyways I'll take her to the park now, see ya in 45 minutes hyung!
Be safe!

You pulls Tae's jumper trying to get him to hurry up. "Sorry..." He says, putting his phone away. You laugh as you both exit the shop. "Do you know what day it is?" You ask, trying to sound innocent. Tae's eyes widen at the question, not knowing how to answer. "December 6th, I'm pretty sure" he replies, not trying to cause any suspicion. "Hey Y/N let's go to the park for a bit"
"But it's freezing!" You say, hugging yourself to show how cold you are. "Here," He says, hugging you as you both take a left and go down the path towards the park. "It's really pretty at night." You say, looking up at the stars. "Yeah.. it is" Taehyung whispers, hugging you closer than before. You both lie down on a bench together, his chest facing the sky, his arm around you neck, and his other propping his head up, as you lie with you chest against his side, leg up across his torso, hugging his middle with both arms. You both lie there staring at the stars in a comfortable silence for over an hour before you let out a yawn. Looking down at you, he softly kisses the top of your head and reaches for his phone to take a picture. He does so, and smiles at it, before recovering the thousands of messages from his hyungs and Jungkook wondering where they were. You look at the time and realise it was almost 10 pm. He quickly replies, telling them that you two were on your way home. He slowly and carefully sits you up, and tells you that it was getting late and that you two should get back before your hyungs get nervous. So, his arm wrapped around you shoulders, you slowly walk home in his arms.

Taehyung knocks at the door, realising that you both forgot your keys. Suddenly the door opens to the other 6 members as the all shout "SURPRISE!!!" And all hug you. You smile the biggest smile you have ever smiled (I'm confused too) and look around the dorm in awe. There were purple lights and banners and balloons everywhere, you gasp and hug every member individually thanking them for the effort they must have put into this "don't thank Namjoon-hyung too much.. he only made the process slower" Jungkook says with a smirk, earning several playful slaps from Namjoon. "You didn't think we actually forgot about your birthday did you?" Hoseok asks you, raising an eyebrow. You open you mouth but no sound comes out, you feel guilty as tears form in your eyes. How could I ever think badly of them? You ask yourself, "we care too much about you to forget this extremely important day!" Taehyung says hugging you. "I'm sorry" you say as the members all group hug you. "There's nothing to be sorry about! It's your special day!" Hoseok says. You sit down on the couch, watching the members argue about who is sitting next to you. "I can move around you know... just sit down!" You whine pulling the sleeves of Jimin and Jungkook down to make them sit next to you. Once sorted, you all sat down and snuggled against each other, you being next to Hoseok and Jimin.

After some conversation, Jin says he needs the toilet and walks off, you think nothing of it and talk to Yoongi and Tae, who are currently next to you. Abruptly, the purple lighting dims as you see a Worldwide Handsome man make his way back into the living room holding a cake with candles on top. You blush furiously as the members all sing (very beautifully may I add) happy birthday to you. You smile with a few tears in your eyes, as you hide you face in Yoongi a shoulder, trying to hide your embarrassment from the others. They finish the song with several of them going 4 octaves higher then they probably should all of them basically screaming. You blow out the candles and make a wish. The lights go back on as you cut the cake for everyone.

That night was really special, you all had an amazing night, as everyone slept in your and Jungkook's room, the maknae line in your bed with you, the hyung line in Jungkook's bed. Everyone snuggled tight together. "Goodnight hyungs" You say "Goodnight my 14 year old" they all reply back. You smile to yourself. This truly is the best family anyone could ever ask for. You think to yourself as you fall asleep, in the 3 other pairs of arms.

A/N: do you guys prefer chapters like this with everyone in BTS, or chapters with you and one specific member?
Purple you! 💜

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