Taehyung and Y/N moments

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It's 3:30 am and you still can't get to sleep. You're laying in your bed staring at the ceiling. You aren't tired on the slightest but you have to wake up and 1 and a half hours. You have to go to dance rehearsal, then to school to do three exams, then go to voice lessons, do the music for Jimin for him to practise the dance, then have a group rehearsal, then go to several meetings and you have to write a song by the end of the week. You'd think that by just thinking about what you had to do made you the slightest bit tired but nope... apparently not.

You shuffle about, turning from one side to another, lying on your front then on your back. You reach for your phone, wanting to read a webtoon or something. You read for about 5 minutes before you get a text.

I can't sleep and I saw that you are online so I texted you..
I can't sleep either... do you want to come to my room for a bit?
yeah :)

You hear footsteps outside your door, you don't have to check to see who it is. "Come in hyung" You whisper loudly, trying not to wake the sleeping Jungkook lying a few feet away. The door slowly opens, revealing a messy-haired dishevelled Taehyung. You smile warmly at him as he carefully tip-toes his way to you bed trying to make as little noise as possible. "You prepared for your tests tomorrow?" He whispers to you "I barely got any time to study, and I'm almost as bad as Jungkook for English, so I don't have high hopes for my scores.." you tell him, giving him a pained smile "you should always have high hopes Y/n, that way you will try even harder than I know you will"
"I'll compromise... high hopes and low expectations" Tae chuckles softly
"What on earth am I going to do with you"

You two snuggle together in your bed, his arms wrapped around your middle, you head on his chest as you two finally fall asleep together.


You were at school still. Despite the fact that dance rehearsal had started about an hour ago and you had missed your voice lesson as well as a meeting, you were still at school. Or well, to be more specific you were locked in a cupboard.

You went about you day as normal, did pe, chemistry, almost fell asleep in English class but kept yourself to yourself. It was a Tuesday and usually, on Tuesdays you get to leave school early. However, it was currently 5pm an school for everyone else would've finished 2 hours ago, furthermore, you should've been at the studio 4 hours ago.

Someone locked you in the closet, but I don't think that they knew that you had claustrophobia. Hence, being stuck in an extremely narrow cupboard for 4 hours was not there best position for you to be in.

You had been able to calm yourself down after starting to have a panic attack due to your phone being in your locker, but now after 4 whole hours you were getting nauseated and dizzy. "help..." came your weak voice for the umpteenth time your now bruised wrist softly thumping on the locked door.

The members were looking for you everywhere, the dorm, library, park, ice cream shop, bubble tea cafe. Everywhere they could imagine, with them under the impression that the school was now shut (which it was) after checking every room (which isn't true, otherwise you wouldn't be in this situation). Jungkook, having a voice lesson now, couldn't help look for you, but all the other members were frantic, shouting your name, their throats raw.

Your legs getting weaker your body slipped down the door as it was getting harder and harder to breathe. You run your shaking, sweaty hands through your hair tilting your head back trying to get more oxygen into your body. Clam down Y/N you're okay, the members will be here soon. But you've been telling yourself that for four hours now. Your breathing getting heavy, head getting fizzier you feel really sick. Throwing your head forward you retch, you bring your knees up to your chest and hug them tight wanting this to all be over. You hear footsteps as you try to scream a sound barely comes out. You stand up in attempt to show the door handle but a whole new wave a nausea washes over you making you collapse in the cupboard unconscious.

"Hyung, are we positive Y/N ever left the school?" Taehyung asked Namjoon, his voice wavering with concern. "Not exactly, but they said that they check every classroom before they shut the school so it's highly unlikely that she would be in there" Joon replies, before shouting your name for the hundredth time. "What if she isn't in a classroom but like a cupboard or something? She might've got pushed, we know she can get bullied there..." Tae says, tears filling his eyes when he remembered what you went through everyday. "Okay... we can go there, I'll tell the others."
"Okay hyung," Tae replied getting into the car whilst Joon does the same in the opposite side.

They pull up outside your school and enter it walking down the corridors checking in all of the classrooms to make sure the teachers didn't miss anything. After about 15 minutes they reach the end of the corridor. "She's not here Tae" Namjoon says, his voice scratchy from the yelling earlier. Suddenly, they heard a crash from inside a cupboard.

Tae rushes to the door Namjoon by his side as they try to open it before realising it was locked. "She's claustrophobic!!" Tae says tears of both concern and anger now fill his eyes yanking on the door handle to get it open. "Maybe the caretaker is still here?" Namjoon says "I'll go find him." He leaves, leaving Tae attempting to open that damn door on his own. "Y/N it's gonna be okay, just hang in there for me" no response..
"I found him!" Namjoon's husky voice is heard from down the other end of the corridor. "Here sir." Namjoon gestured to the door before the Caretaker gets out his keys and unlocks the door, you limp form falling instantly out of the cupboard and at the feet of the three men. Tae rushes down to you holding your top half hugging you. The caretaker calls for an ambulance as Joon informs the other member where you ware and what happened.

The ambulance arrived in about 10 minutes, the paramedics lifting your unconscious body onto the stretcher. Tae at your side the whole time. Namjoon goes back into the car to meet the other members at the dorm before they all rush to the hospital together.

Once you and Tae arrive at the hospital, the doctors insert an IV line into you, giving you the fluids you need. You wake up to Tae holding you hand staring at you, you smile at him, and hug him as he gives his signature box smile and hugs you back. "Glad you're okay Y/N, you had ya all very worried.."
"Sorry, I didn't want to worry any of you" you replied looking down at the hospital gown you were currently in."Its nothing to apologise for silly" you chuckle slightly, "...what happened?" Tae asks "I was pushed in there and locked there... I'd rather tell you all at the same time really,"
"Okay" you give each other a warm smile and hold each other's hands awaiting for the arrival of the other members.

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