Jungkook and Y/N moments

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As you were the two maknaes of the group, you two spent a lot of time together. As you are 14 and jungkook is 17, you both go to school together. This is both a good thing and a bad thing.

The bell rings for lunch, and you pack your things up and get to the cafeteria. You buy some rice cakes and some kimchi and sit over at the corner table waiting for Jungkook to arrive. You two usually eat lunch together on your table, he's usually late though, he gets held up by his fans.

You've been waiting for 5 minutes now and begin to eat your lunch. Suddenly some girls join you, one sit to your right, another to your left and another in front of you, where jungkook usually sits. All scowling at you, you slowly chew and swallow them turn to look at them all. "Y-yes?" You ask trying to stay strong. "Stay away from our Jungkook, he shouldn't be held back by someone like you" the girl in front of you says. She seems to be their leader of some kind. "We all usually help each other out, and we all like each other a lot and we use those bonds to be better, without one of us we would all break" you say, quoting Namjoon from the other night when you were having these kind of thoughts. "Oh trust me, it wouldn't take them seconds to live on and forget about you if you left." You blush and look down at your food.

At this moment, Jungkook turns up and sees the three other girls hunched over towards you and you looking down. "Everything okay Y/N?" Jungkook asks, putting down his tray on the table and putting his hand on your shoulder. "Y-Yeah... we were just erm... talking" you say, mentally kicking yourself for stuttering. "We were just leaving," the leader says, standing up and leading the other two away from your table. "You sure?" Jungkook asks warmly, back hugging you. "P-positive." He then sat down I front of you and the two of you ate your lunch with little conversation.

After lunch, you were walking to you next lesson when-
"I thought I told you to stay away from him you bitch" its the girl from before, and her two little minions grab your arms and shove you into the wall. You open your mouth to speak but you get a blow to your cheekbone instead. Your vision goes blurry as you spit blood onto the floor. You look up at her and smile. "You're gonna have to do a lot more than that to make me even consider leaving the group." You say, "challenge accepted".

She kicks you square in the stomach as you gasp, your knees suddenly getting weak, as the only thing stopping you from falling to the floor are the two other girls gripping your arm. They both drop you. On your knees, you look up at the three of them. They all look down at you, as one of them locks their hands together, wrap them behind your head and smash your face into their knee. "GAHH!" You shout, you nose now broken, blood dripping down your face. "All of this just for a guy way out of your league huh? It's not like you'll get a chance with him after this anyway." This made the fire in their eyes burn brighter, as the kick you in the temple. Another girl grabs your hair and slams you back into the wall, hard, causing you to see white dots, the rest of your vision going dark. You blink a few times trying to make out their faces, only to receive another blow to the stomach. You clutch your middle and grunt in pain. Another kick to the right side of your ribs causes you to let out another sound of pain.

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!" You hear a voice call out, you think it's a teacher. You feel your collar get grabbed as you get lifted up, choking slightly, you feel a hot voice on your left ear "back off bitch, this isn't over." And like that, she drops you, by the sound of footsteps running away, you can tell they all ran away from the scene, leaving you and the teacher. You hear doors open up, after hearing the commotion. It was now half way though the lesson so you know Jungkook would be outside seeing you helpless on the floor. "Y/N?!" You hear a voice say, followed by a rush of footsteps. "Hey, hey, are you okay? What happened? Who did this?" You open your eyes and see jungkook looking down at you with worried eyes. You don't blame him as you can feel your face and hair coated with blood. "I-I'm fine jungkook.." you sit up, using the all to stand up, only to get a wave of nausea so big and strong that you collapse in his arms.


You wake up to the feeling of a soft pillow behind your head, a blanket draped over you, and a harm hand holding your cold one. You slowly open your eyes, realising you were in your room, and try to sit up. "Nope, no, nada!" You hear the voice next to you, as a hand is placed on your chest, gently pushing you down.

You look at Tae next to you, raising your eyebrow, he just sighs. "Again Y/N? You know you can talk to me, to us.." you look down at your now cleaned hands, "it was different from last time, it was bullying it was out of nowhere." You explained to him what had happened at lunch.

"They're just a bunch of jealous bitc-"
"Y/N!!" A soft voice calls from your door, followed by Tae receiving a glare. "You're awake, I bought you some boba" Jin says, placing the plastic cup by your bed. You sit up again, with the help of tae. "Thank you eomma Jin" you say, Jin simply winks at you, you're the only one who can call him that. You blink away the nauseous feeling and hold the drink, taking a long sip. "Where's jungkook?" You ask them "oh erm, he went to the shop with the other five because they, he especially, felt bad about what happened and wanted to buy you things" Jin answers, and by the way he nervously glances at Tae, you can tell they were planning something. You smiled to yourself and put the drink back to the side. The three of you sat on your bed, you back resting on Tae's chest, leaning on him, you slowly drift to sleep.

You stir at the sound of your door opening, and a loud "Y/N!!!" Courtesy of Hobi, before he got silenced by Jin and Tae. "She's awake now anyway," the voice of Yoongi is heard before all of the members all enter your room and sit around your room. You get lifted up and placed down on Jungkook's lap, as you snuggle your head into his arm, all the members chuckle at your cute movement.

You look at the members with a tired smile before Jimin announces that they had all bought you a little something to make you feel better. "You didn't have to you know-" you tell them, as they all shake their heads and smile at you. "You're worth it" Namjoon says, you blush and dig your head deeper into Jungkook.

"Open mine first!" Jimin says, walking to you and handing you a small paper bag, you open it and see a tiny golden bear, decorated with little red jewels, "I love it Jiminie hyung, thank you!" You hug Jimin before another bag gets pushed into you arms, you look up to be greeted by Hobi's dimples smiling down at you.

You smile back and place the little bear on your bedside table and open the bag. At the bottom of the bag you see a little white bear plushie, you pull it out and hug it tightly, "thank you Hobi hyung!" You say giving Hobi a hug too.

Namjoon is up next, giving you a bag. You open it and see a pair of rose gold earphones "as i broke your last pair, i thought it'd be a good time to replace them.." he says sheepishly, "thank you very much hyung" you two hug.

Yoongi stands up and waits for you to notice him. He gives you his bag and you open it to see a box of chocolates and a thin gold chain bracelet. "Thank you very much Yoongi hyung, I love them!" You hug Yoongi tightly as he does the same.

You two break apart and feel a pair of hands snake around your waist, as they sneak back, you see a small brown bag in your lap. You tilt you head back, and see a grinning Jungkook looking down at you, his fringe tickling your nose. You blow at his hair as you giggle "our maknaes are so cute" Jin says, this makes you giggle more. You open the bag and gasp. It was a golden necklace with a little jigsaw puzzle piece attached to the end, saying '-nd ever' you look at Jungkook as he extends his wrist, showing you the same necklace but as a bracelet, with his jigsaw pice saying 'Forever a-' you two would often say the phrase 'forever and ever' when you talk about the bond you have for each other, so it became your little phrase. You smile up at him and turn around and hug him, really tight. He hugs you back. "Is Jungkook really blushing that hard?" Tae asks, you look up at Jungkook and see that he is as red as a tomato "no... just... can't... brea-the" he says , "Oh!" You release him, his usual colour flowing back to his face. You all chuckle softly and stay there for a while in yours and Jungkook's room, conversing together as a group.

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