Manager pt.3

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Jungkook's POV

My eyes filling with tears and a searing pain sitting on my throat, I can hardly breathe whilst seeing Y/N like this. Her chest dramatically rising and falling off of the floor, as if someone was tugging at a string wrapped around her waist. Her neck stretched and her head bent backwards, violently hitting the pillow Hoseok holds. My hand over my mouth as warm salty tears fall down my cheeks. I can't tear my eyes off of her.  Blood staining the inside of her lips, only the whites of her eyes showing, her skin unhealthily pale with a shade of green. I can only stand there, feeling helpless, simply watching the painful event slowly unfold in front of me.

The only sounds was the faded sound of Jin talking to the 999 (or 911) operator, Y/N's body hitting the ground and the sobs of the members around her. 

After what felt like hours, but wasn't longer than 3 minutes, her body stopped moving. Still unconscious, crimson blood trickled down the corner of her lips. Jin then came back into the room, tears coating his eyes yet refusing to fall as he instructs Namjoon and Yoongi to put her in the recovery position. His voice, like a blurred siren in the distance, as if I was underwater. The only thing that was clear was the sight of Y/N's still body. The only sign of her even being alive was her chest slowly rising and falling. 

A knock on the door told us that the paramedics were here to take her.  I couldn't move whilst I watched them take her pulse and to fill out their form. I couldn't even speak whilst I watched one of them leave to get the stretcher and placed her gently on it. I only snapped back into the real world when a hand landed on my shoulder and I saw Jimin's tear-stained face in front of me.

I barely comprehended my actions when I suddenly announced that I would be the one to travel with her in the ambulance. 

"Listen, I should probably travel with her, I'm more responsible for her since I'm the oldest." Jin says watching the paramedics take her out of her room. 

"I am the leader though, I think that-" Namjoon starts but I cut him off.


"I'm sorry?" Namjoon says with an eyebrow raised at me being disrespectful.

"No. I'm not letting any of you travelling with her!"

"And why would that be Jeon Jungkook?" Yoongi says in a daring tone.

"Because hyungs! You have all be treating her terribly since Ara arrived! Y/N was so miserable recently because of all of her insults. The main reason why she was so sad was because none of you, none of you would even look at her this past month, it's ridiculous! Ara literally sat in Y/N's seat at the table and replaced her and you guys couldn't even see that! Now you finally see evidence and you suddenly feel like her older brothers again?" 

"Evidence? Ara couldn't have done anything like this! She always makes an effort with Y/N, this probably happened because Y/N was stressed over homework or something." Hoseok says.

"Seriously hyung? Y/N can help me with my homework because she's so smart. I bet none of you even noticed that she fainted the other day in the practise room whilst Ara was taking selfies with you, without Y/N." I pause to take a look at them, their faces empty and sad from the realisation. "To be perfectly honest hyungs, it doesn't matter what you say because there's no way in hell that I won't be sitting on the chair next to her, holding her hand in mine and riding with her in the ambulance." I finish and walk out of the room and out of the building towards the ambulance and do exactly what I said.


Narrator's POV

The other six members finally find the hospital room and see that their two youngest are holding hands talking to each other. Squished next to each other on the bed, Y/N's head resting on the elder's shoulder. All conversation abruptly dies at the expected arrival, their heads turn towards the door and they both let out a sigh. 


The six members enter the room with their heads low and find various places to sit. "I'm surprised you guys decided to show up." Jungkook says and you elbowed him the in side and you received a pout.

"It's fine Y/N we deserved that," Jin begins, "After Jungkook left with you, we got into the car and talked about everything. We see now that we've been unbelievably unfair towards you, and we'll do anything to make it up to you."

Jungkook speaks up, "So do you finally believe us about how Ara-"

"That is the only thing we disagree with." Jin continues. You feel your jaw drop and your eyes widen at the oldest.

"What is the to disagree with, that weird drink she gave Y/N obviously poisoned her and made her have that horrible seizure. Surely you guys see that." Jungkook retaliates.

This time Hoseok retorts "There's no proof that Ara had anything to do with the seizure, lots of things can cause them. Ara has always said how she's always tried to be nice," your jaw drops further "and kind," your eyebrow rises "and understanding." then the other one does.

"You are joking right?" Jungkook asks, only to be met with six serious faces with disappointed frowns on them. Defeated, you let out a sigh and let your head fall back onto his shoulder.

"How are you feeling anyways?" Jimin asks you, his small hand gently wrapping around your ankle and rubbing small circles in comfort. "Better than before, they gave me some stuff for the pain, the only thing now is the way my body feels like an elephant is sitting on it." You reply with a tight-lipped smile, looking down into your lap feeling awkward.  This was about the longest conversation you had with any of them for about 3 weeks.


After about 20 minutes of staccato conversation, your doctor enters the room holding a clipboard. "Miss Y/N, yes?" you nod your head. "We've run some tests and found that the reason behind your seizure was the presence of amphetamines in your system, any ideas as to how they got there? You look at Jungkook who was about to speak up on your behalf about Ara and every terrible thing she's ever done, but was met with six glares. You open your mouth to speak but close it again, shaking your head whilst looking down, twiddling your thumbs. The doctor suspiciously looks at you and jots something down on the paper before continuing to ask you questions and take general notes and your physical stability.


"How can you guys seriously not believe us?" Jungkook asks as soon as the doctor leave the room. 

"How could you possibly think that Ara-noona could be capable of such things?" Taehyung strikes back.

"Because the only thing Ara has been allowing Y/N to eat is one piece of fruit a day and the only medication Y/N takes and would ever take is to get to sleep well, given to her by her GP." Jungkook hisses. You just close your eyes, feeling a headache forming from all of this arguing. 

"What are you even on about Ara would never-" Yoongi begins but gets cut off.

"Oops, sorry, am I interrupting?" An intruder's sickeningly sweet voice is heard from the door. That sentence alone makes you want to rip the stickers and needles from your body and jump out the window.

"I heard my name, I hope everything is okay." There satan's child stands in the doorway; Ara herself.

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